Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts



I used to know a young man that could identify almost any automobile just by looking at its headlight. I wonder what star mechanic can identify an aircraft by its gasket.

There is a plane that seems to have repeatedly missed its scheduled maintenance and it would appear there is a failure connected to its o-ring; which seems to be more of an oblong shape rather than an O.

Something like this: (may not be to scale or color accurate; not rigid).


How It Was, What It Is

He finally catches up with her just as she goes for a GPS constellation, and needless to say, she has been on a Time Out ever since. What conventional vehicle could she possibly find acceptable after the one He jacked?

--and that's why He owes her a Godzillion-bizjillion (that's a number bigger than a google) bunch of money to get over it!
Somewhere in my spotty memory I remember making a minor contribution to the development of sensors for the AEGIS program, but then I might be dreaming or it's NURD GURU for me again.


The Thief In The Night

Last night at about 11:45 pm someone sauntered up to my husband's car that was parked in our driveway, blithely opened the door without checking if any other neighborhood car doors were unlocked, searched every compartment and made off with his cell phone.

This someone made sure to slam the car door very loudly so as to attract as much attention as possible and then made off very fast; so fast that a nearby patrol car chased them down and appeared to pull them over since the sirens only went on for a short burst.

I called the police department today to see whether the culprit was indeed aprehended and the cell phone turned in as evidence, only to have the officer inform me that no cell phones were confiscated from the night before and that he was sorry this happened to us and to come down to the station and file a report.

The cell phone was over three years old; a model that none of the kids thought was cool enough to use and was a hand-me-down to my husband when one of them got a better one for a birthday present. So, neither my husband nor myself felt it was worth the effort to file a report; especially since the thief didn't take anything else from the vehicle.

Value of cell phone = $0 'taken'

Value of Italian sunglasses = $475 not taken

Value of Leather driving gloves = $ 250 not taken

Value of Quarters for parking meters = $10 not taken

Value of 2 Packs Chewing Gum = $ 5 not taken

There has been something on my mind since oh about 1997 and that is an item that had also been 'borrowed' from me at the time. While over the years the contents within it have been returned and I was able to find an exact copy to replace the item that went 'missing' I couldn't dismiss not wanting it back. But, now that I know who my 'friends' are I find that I must request that it be returned to me since it had sentimental value and I hope these 'charmers' have not mangled it too badly---feel free to keep the cell phone, but it would only be considerate to return the SIM card too.


Coma Therapy

Sleep that knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care...
William Shakespeare

Has anyone tried Coma therapy for Jani?--a 6 year old schizophrenic with psychosis so severe that massive doses of '(antipsychotic) medications seem to skip over her'.
If you can't part with her for a while try it in three-day increments.

Her Cats and Rats are probably how this 6 year old is communicating that she is having difficulty reconciling her high intelligence with her sensual (sense-u-all) side. It would be unkind to continue with adult medications that are probably doing more harm than good and certainly stay away from stuff like electro-shock therapy, that would be just plain cruel and stupid.

And we all know that you can't fix stupid.

If her psychosis is as severe as described in the Los Angeles Times article Jani's At The Mercy Of Her Mind, her 'brain' is probably racing along faster than the speed of light and can only stand to benefit from a restful induced sleep and welcome holiday from the drug interactions that are probably ravaging her developing mind.
PS Suggested reading for Jani when she 'wakes up,' Keneth Grahame's The Wind in the Willows.


Forms, Shapes, Depictions, And Rides

There are compelling reasons not to be misled into thinking anything or anyone can actually ever usurp any kind of power from God; and why it is imperitive not to have any preconceived images of what God is.

Al-A'la (The Maximal (Uppermost))

(87:1) سَبِّحِ اسْمَ رَبِّكَ الْأَعْلَى
(87:2) الَّذِي خَلَقَ فَسَوَّى

(87:1) Glorify the name of your Lord, the Supreme (Maximal; Uppermost)
(87:2) who creates, and ‘sawa’ (delineates, makes, forms, describes, shapes, levels, squares, planes out, organizes, categorizes, arranges, ranks…)

Al 'Imran (Jesus' Family--The House of 'Imran)
(3:6) هُوَ الَّذِي يُصَوِّرُكُمْ فِي الأَرْحَامِ كَيْفَ يَشَاء لاَ إِلَـهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ

(3:6) He depicts you in the wombs (places of Mercy/Matrices) as He wills. There is no deity but Him, the Almighty, the Truly Wise.

( يُصَوِّرُكُمْ means to picture or imagine; no doubt where the phrase 'in his own image' comes from misdirecting us into thinking somehow God looks like a person and acts like one, but the true value of this phrase is that we are what God imagines us to 'Be'--if there is a 'person' out there that can do that-- create something from nothing but their imagination--I would most certaintly love to meet them--otherwise, let's come to terms with our own humanity and be grateful we think we are here).

As-Sajdah (The Prostration)

(32:9) ثُمَّ سَوَّاهُ وَنَفَخَ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِهِ وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْأَبْصَارَ وَالْأَفْئِدَةَ قَلِيلًا مَّا تَشْكُرُونَ

(32:9) and then He delineates (‘sawa = lit. levels; makes, forms, describes, shapes, squares, planes out, organizes, categorizes, arranges, ranks…) him, and breathes into him of His spirit: and He endows you with hearing, and sight, and hearts (sensitivity; feelings; minds); seldom are you grateful.

(Parenthetically, if the abortion issue means anything to you, you may want to study the above passage to try and settle when a zygote is just a clump of cells and when does it become a living viable human fetus)

Al-Hashr (The Gathering)

(59:24) هُوَ اللَّهُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِئُ الْمُصَوِّرُ لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ

(59:24) He is God, the Creator, the Maker, the Depicter! His are the attributes (names) of perfection. All that is in the Heavens and Earth worship Him: for He is the Almighty, the Truly Wise!

Nahl (Bees)

(16:8) وَالْخَيْلَ وَالْبِغَالَ وَالْحَمِيرَ لِتَرْكَبُوهَا وَزِينَةً وَيَخْلُقُ مَا لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ

(16:8) And (He creates) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and for their beauty; and He creates things that as yet you have no knowledge. (Some of which you now call UFOs—any guesses as to who the riders are?)
Now to proffer a few words of comfort to those among us who have actually been instructed to shoot them down and are now having an ‘aha! moment’; no worries really, among the riders could be your mothers and by far they make for safe targets because they don’t generally shoot back and what child doesn’t secretly harbor the fantasy of shooting their mom? In fact, the need to shoot one’s Mom must be quite pervasive as it provides comic fodder for prime time TV; Family Guy chronicles baby Stewie’s fantasy to do in his mom Lois at least every other episode.

While someOne goes to great lengths to ensure you have mothers, we all know they are the last people their children ever listen to; and that's why I questioned why I should bother at all (Michael) because a couple of years of diaper duty would have been absolution enough for me.

Al A'raf (The Heights)

(7:198) وَإِن تَدْعُوهُمْ إِلَى الْهُدَى لاَ يَسْمَعُواْ وَتَرَاهُمْ يَنظُرُونَ إِلَيْكَ وَهُمْ لاَ يُبْصِرُونَ

(7:198) and if you call them to guidance, they do not hear; and you may think they see you (pay attention to you) but they do not."

This last Sign is a tad troublesome since this particular convergence has been a difficult one. Understanding that the Ayat (Signs) can be understood on a multitude of levels, I think a practical explanation is called for at this time. First, like the others, Ayah (7:198) can be taken at face value and it might even seem a bit mundane; but please be cautioned that there is a deeper meaning.
The other day I was standing at the market service counter when a young couple came up to place their order. The young man stood close to the case so he could place his order and his companion took a couple of steps back in order to have a more panoramic view of what was on display in the deli case. A server called the next number and a patron whose number was called came over to the very spot that was right in front of the young man's companion; not only blocking her view and inserting herself between the couple, but seemed completely oblivious to the young woman now only about an inch behind her.

The young woman was so incensed at this patron's rudeness that she blurted out her frustration at being so completely insulted by what appeared to be such a total disregard for her 'space' and took a few steps away from the offender and around to my side; still muttering to herself how she can't understand how anyone can be so rude! The patron was in a state of absolute shock that this young lady was carrying on like that and the confusion registered in her eyes and the questioning look she shot at me, who happened to be observing this scene unfold.

I could tell it was not in the offended party's character that she was given to such a tirade, and it was painfully obvious to me that the patron clearly did not even see this young lady (tall as she was with very long, thick black hair--you would think no one could miss her) simply standing there when she cut in front of her. Despite my strong predilection to keep to myself I had to say something to explain to both of them what had just happened and I kept it in simple terms.

Patron: "What just happened?"
Me (as gently as possible): "She is upset that you just cut in front of her. She was standing right there."
Young Woman (still in a huff, embarrassed this is out of character for her): "How can anyone be so rude!"
Patron (still stunned, because she absolutely did not see her, but sincere): "I am sorry, I didn't see you standing there. I didn't mean to be rude."

The young lady collected herself and went back to the other side where her mate was standing, and the thoroughly bewildered patron moved away from them, having woken up to the fact that just moments before she was completely oblivious to someone whose physical stature actually dwarfed everyone else's in the vicinity.



In the New Guinea highlands each number is associated with a body part, so that the word for "three" might be the same word used to denote the middle finger.

A c.1996 short film by Tao Ruspoli was a synchronous experience for me but the link has since moved. While the short was loading you could read some interesting facts about pi, but you can find more pi facts at the Joy of Pi website.

Tao Ruspoli's short 'moving pictures' is just like a dream I had circa 1996 and he ties it all in with π and the middle finger! Can't find the link (once at but see his photography at