
I Write This As I'm Dreaming

Hear Now, The News

In Re:http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/11/06/afghanistan.missing/index.html; which one of them is the Cellist and how long does it take to cross the River to Hamara Pakistan? With all the program cuts in public school education have You any idea how hard it is to generate 1 Cellist?

In RE:http://www.cnn.com/2009/US/11/05/fort.hood.suspect/index.html;the Men say they are Ok and to call Hasan or Hasan's home. Sgt Molano appears to have had some association with the Connaughts and/or he is 'for real.'

In Re:http://scitech.blogs.cnn.com/2009/11/06/baguette-toting-bird-stalls-atom-smasher/; baguett, pas un croissant? Dites-moi, il est tombé sur un secteur 9 pour que je puisse être dans la plaisanterie.

So I post this then a helicopter flies over my house then my internet connection goes down with no way to revive it the rest of the night.

Command Language
Attention GiGi
Print {Loci} &Count=10-&Power_Down

Note: I'm not lying and not mistaken, you're just not paying attention.

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