
Morning, Noon, and Night

Dare I Say ...Tafseer;

89 The Dawn
89:1 There are several ideas expressed in the first few Signs of The Dawn worth noting. To say “By the Dawn’ is basically a concise way of saying ‘I Bare/Bear Witness to the Dawn;’ something that is in and of itself supposed to be quite a remarkable event, but seeing it come around every 24 hours many of us usually take it for granted.
89:2__The Ten Nights or Tenth Night coupled with the Remarkable Dawn points to the significance of early time keeping methods, notably of the Ancient Egyptians, that marked the Heliacal rising of dominant stars (such as Sirius) and important star groups just prior to the Sunrise and were prevalent for a period of 10 nights (a decan) after which time they ‘set’ for 70 days and the next important star or star systems (decan) would follow heralding the Dawn.
_____Throughout the year, the early Egyptians identified 36 decans and in this manner they marked out a 30-day month consisting of 3-10 day periods or weeks (decans) over a 12-month year that formed the basis for their calendar. The sequential rising of the decans throughout the day also marked out their 24-hour days. From their system stemmed the word ‘hours’ (from their god 'Horus' who Watched the Sky), and Horoscopes and Astrology.
89:3_ Considering Even and Odd pertains to parity, of whole numbers as well as natural cycles which tend to form sinusoidal functions; and the test for whether something is even or odd is the modulo function which is always 0 modulo 2 for evens and 1 modulo 2 for odd; it happens that all prime numbers are odd except for the number 2—since it happens to be the only number that is both even and prime. The distinctiveness of 2 being both prime and even would lead to consideration of binary systems such as— male/female, left handed/right handed, left brain/right brain, life/death, etc.
89:4__These prior considerations taken with the Mysterious Passing of the Night’s Darkness may also be an allusion to the gestation period of a fetus, which for humans is not exactly ‘nine months’ spent in darkness, but more like 28 decans (40 Julian weeks).
89:5__The Dawning (Understanding) of these interwoven relationships is mesmerizing considering how much information is stored in so few words, and even more astounding when we consider that these Star Calendars are indeed etched in stone as functional groups or sections in places such as some of the Pyramids’ burial chamber ceilings and sarcophagus lids of the Ancient Egyptians and the Star Maps of the Dagon Tribe. (And in more current events, the signifance of the Cave Paintings in Lascaux, France as prehistoric Sky Maps).

93 The Morning
93:1--that follows the Dawn we wake up realizing several things have passed by and not only the heliacal decans. We have lost or ‘sacrificed’ some down time for sleeping and after our sleep we wake up having lost or ‘forgotten’ what we dreamt about the Night before.
93:2_Interesting contemporary dream theory indicates that we dream in order to sort out, store or “record,” our experiences of the day before as both a learning and coping mechanism. We learn by the metaphors symbolized in our dreams to make sense and rapidly assimilate information not only on practical levels but emotional levels, too, which facilitate learning; and it is a coping mechanism because dreams enable us to act out expectations that may not be met in our waking hours; once expectations are met this way they can be either stored or discarded /‘enshrouded’.
__The fact that our Sustainer chooses to remind us that we are neither forsaken nor abased is re-assuring, and it too may be understood on many levels; including the understanding that our erstwhile life may just be nothing more than a dream state itself and once we wake up we can expect a better one if we managed our metaphorical life/dreamscape appropriately.

103 The Afternoon rolls around and we busy ourselves with the practical things at hand. How and why we humans get lost in the Times was the subject of an earlier post.

92 The Night
92:1 --falls after a long day of seeking goals, having gone about the Earth in pursuit of what we think we are here for and what we hope to achieve. As the day wears on we wonder if any of this activity is getting us anywhere and as we get tired—worn out—and the darkness increases we are apt to lose some clarity, or have our motivations become obscured (well, that’s one way to interpret it).
92:2___But the consequences of whatever we do is bound to become apparent the following Day (even if it’s not immediately the following day, it will eventually come to light), seeing as how everything gets recorded somewhere, be it during our dreams or, by analogy, in the Zero Point Field.
_____One interesting illustration how our actions are recorded would be to consider the story of Jonah and how he was ‘swallowed by the whale’ and consider the decan 'Fomalhout'—which roughly translates to ‘the mouth of the whale/fish’— its heliacal rising before Sunrise around February 23 (500 BC), and the information this imparts about the time in which this particular event may have taken place.
92:3___And all this activity relating to concealment and manifestation should give us all pause to consider the binary factor of the Male and the Female and their Creation. The Classical Theory of Evolution does not suffice to explain the manifestation of the 2 separate sexes. In fact, more life forms are either hermaphroditic or asexual than distinctly have one unique sexual function their entire life as we find in the higher life forms such as most birds, mammals and humans. By the same token, the Classical Theory of Evolution does not clearly explain such things as right- and left-handed orientation and right-brain/left-brain optimization.
_____According to modern thinking (within the last 40 years) there is a contemporary evolutionary theory of sex, that seems to address some of the shortcomings of the classical theory and helps answer some of the other niggling questions. A judicious attempt to understand it may lead some to come to terms with Who or What Created this distinction.

113 The Dawn/Daybreak
113:1—And as with very many natural phenomena the cycle repeats and we are back to the Dawn, a new Dawn. The same as the last Dawn in many respects but offset in Space and Time; the Clock resets but never back to 0, and the Earth having traveled in its orbit never brings us back to the same exact Place, either, so we are never back to the Origin. If, by some happenstance, we even think the Return has Happened, then it’s not for any lucky star—since the odds are Astronomical—but only due to the workings of a Celestial Clock Master—‘The Lord of The Daybreak.’
113:2-113:3_It stands to Reason, if He can Pilot back to the Origin, He is also the Go-To Source for Protection against anything evil or bad happening. Especially, the Evil inherent in Darkness of Ignorance if it’s given reign or Title—as invariably it proves to be the source of many ‘misadventures,’ ‘misfortunes,’ and ‘misgivings.’
113:4__And while 113:4 can be understood on many levels, the one most pertinent to the trip back is avoiding those jet streams!—while our ‘Ship’ transits along with the decans, the meteor streams, the asteroid belts, the hetogonic celestial body formations, galactic nebulae—all the granular accretions we are apt to find flying around out there—what have you. For those making the trip in short order it would be wise to also watch out for those jet streams expected from Betelgeuse and any holes in the contract language for flying that Ship…113:5__Finally, in relating such an adventure, no need for anyone’s Envy—since you’ll find you are short one Spaceship upon arrival.

Note: Helical risings before Sunrise to look for in November include Alpha Crucis, Beta Crucis, and Alpha Centauri.

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