Immutable And Persistent Means Perfect

..not error-prone...not Stubborn.

What is the Nature of Jesus?
(He Says It's not my story to tell...but to key YIP or is it Why i Pea?)

Surah 55 Al.Rahman (الرَّحْمَنُ)
كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍ (55:26   
وَيَبْقَى وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْإِكْرَامِ (55:27  

55:26 Everything of it (Heaven and Earth, Creation) Perishes, 

55:27 And Only Your Lord's Presence Abides, Full of Majesty and Glory.

In object-oriented or functional programming languages, an immutable object is one whose state cannot be modified after it is created. Contrast to mutable object, which can be modified after being created.

{The definition of 'immutable object' serves as an excellent simile for Jesus, His 'state' did not change once He was 'created'/born--ie, born 'alive', stayed 'alive',  a fully-realized Human Being, however, He was not The Creator.. And being fully-realized He encouraged those hearing His Message to follow His example as He's been given to say in the New Testament, "Be ye whole, as your Father in Heaven is whole." --as opposed to being all over the place and 'fragmented.'}

An object may be considered immutable even if some internally used attributes change but the object’s state appears to be unchanging from an external point of viewi.e., an object that uses memorization to cache results of ‘expensive’ computations still considered immutable.

{The fact that an immutable object  'appears to be unchanging from an external point of view' even if some internal attributes change, is a good way to think about the mystery/ambiguity surrounding some events in His Life, including the Crucifixion.

In this context, Jesus 'internalized' all that pain and suffering and 'appeared' to those around Him as though He were indeed Crucified---they saw exactly what they wanted to see and in all likelihood their world and those wishing to see Him come to such a terrible end fell away as soon as they felt they realized as much, one sure way to rid Him of them:

Surah 3 Al.3'mran (The Family of Jesus)
(3:55) God said: “Jesus, I shall cause you to die and raise (entrust) you to Me, and rid you of those bent on denying the truth: and I shall place those who follow you above those who are bent on denying the truth, until the Day of Resurrection. In the end, you must all return to Me, and I shall judge between you on that which you differed

...but Jesus, on the whole, was seen wandering around town some time soon after. And that, more than anything, lends credibility to the multi-universe, many earth, view and is why the Quran is Fixed
(It is actually Adamant, Most Certain) in stating:

Surah 4 Nisa (Women)وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا الْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ اللّهِ
 وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ
 وَلَـكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ
 الَّذِينَ اخْتَلَفُواْ فِيهِ لَفِي شَكٍّ مِّنْهُ
 مَا لَهُم بِهِ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلاَّ اتِّبَاعَ الظَّنِّ
 وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِينًا   4:157

4:157) And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah Jesus son of Mary, God's messenger. They slew him not nor did they crucify Him, but it appeared so to them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture ; they slew him not for certain..

Those who thought Him crucified probably could not come to terms that it was their world that ended and Not His, they had become ephemeral...}

Immutable objects are useful in that they are inherently thread-safe, simpler to understand and figure out and offer higher security than mutable objects.

{In the context of Jesus, this means that He Served as a Good Example of what exactly is expected of us as Human Beings...a living example, that should be a 'safe' , high-security 'sure' bet to make it to 'Heaven' without leaving a 'body'; so, anybody who aspires to emulate Him can also be a 'Jesus' (but forego the immaculate conception at Inception).}

While small immutable objects can easily be copied efficiently since typically only the pointer is copied instead of the entire object (i.e., interning), which is usually smaller than the object itself resulting in memory savings and a boost in execution speed; larger ones (like elephant size ones) require ‘complicated, persistent data structure algorithms’ to be efficiently copied.

{The analogy to 'interning' Jesus is that He Was The Message Itself, whereas for some of us, Yes, the Elephant in The Room, have to transcribe with detailed expiation the Mother of All Scripture (Quran) to get comparable, if not exact outcomes...}

When mentioning fields as they refer to immutable objects, there is no way to change those parts of the object state, even if other parts of the object may be changeable (weakly immutable)—if all fields are immutable then the object is immutable.

Lio August 24, 2012
Gives Girl Without A Face The Flag
{This means we have the capacity to change (we start out weakly immutable) and changing some of our behavior and thought patterns (for which 'fields' are a metaphor here) to be like Jesus by emulating Him would make us immutable in the way He Is; and if Muslims, any and all of the Prophets serve as role models since we make no distinction between them--flag me when I'm through with the Job routine)...

If the whole object cannot be extended by another class, the object is ‘strongly immutable.’

{This asserts that since there was Only One Mother Maryamthe rest of us can not be immaculately conceived or have that particular 'class extension', Jesus is 'Strongly Immutable', and in that respect Unique... The elephant in the room gets to be her own kind of strongly immutable object since she pursued the 'expensive' copy method, because now the 'voices' she hears are not confined to her home or office, but track along the freeway, the beach, the park, any coffee shop or retailer she ducks into--even the restroom no longer offers a safe haven.

This helps explicitly enforce certain invariants about certain data in the object staying the same through the lifetime of the object.
{Meaning: That Jesus Is what He Is, what He meant when He Said 'I Am').

This does not imply that the immutable object stored in memory is unwriteable—only that on compilation what the programmer can do through the normal interface of the object, not necessarily what can absolutely be done.

{This means that basically Jesus was Son of Mary one time around and the next time around He probably Got To Write His Own Story.}

Sometimes this is accomplished by using keywords in naming, or declaring an object immutable, sometimes they are built-in , i.e. in Python tuples are immutable, but custom classes are not.

{I think this has everything to do with what we are brought up to believe (a combination of our parents, our environment, our individual 'moxie'), how each of us as individuals get to that immutable object status.} 

One technique that blends advantages of mutable and immutable object is COW (Copy On Write), supported by most modern hardware—when a user asks the system to copy an object, it instead creates a new reference that still points to the same object, but once the user modifies the object, a real copy is made and the reference is set to the new copy—other users remain unaffected by this, since they still refer to the original object. So under C.O.W. each user seems to have a mutable version of their object; for those users who do not modify their objects, the space-saving and speed advantages of immutable objects are preserved.

{This Copy on Write re-inforces that we do in fact develop (evolve) according to what we 'believe', ie. how each of us as 'users' (living) modify the object (our lives)-- and we each get to see what our new copies look like (our choices, outside influences (like viruses), while in fact the original object never changes, the Original Field (i.e, Zero Point Field) We All Apparently Come From remains unaffected.--so, I take it we are all just playing the co-domain field?}

Pure functional programming languages, like Perl (which Simon is still reading a 2009 version of the Perl Design Pattern Book, since not much has changed since then) have only Immutable Objects

{That means if you want to play it safe, because out on the field players are liable to get hurt, you can make a personal choice to just align with the (Original Domain==Zero Point Field) field in the first place--be Muslim?--Look, I tried, I surrendered to the field over and over and I still couldn't get it right---but all that means is now You all have the Exception that proves the rule.}

Reading & Gap & Space & Shadows
Reading Between the Lines, And Not Getting Hung Up On What Is (=Mass) Or Is Not (=Ma')

Of the Zero Point Field, The Void, Space as a Non-Object (Ma') 
"There is something within you that has an affinity with space; that is why you are aware of can you be aware of space if there is nothing there to be aware of
The answer is both simple and profound...when you are aware of are aware of nothing...except awareness itself--the inner space of consciousness."--A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life's Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle 
Essentially, everything people here adore is 'form' and what where when God Is 'Formless Consciousness'--the dual of what we experience as creatures, is the very thing that God Is 'Not'.   
In Sign 112:4 the Quran puts it simply as 'there is not anything (substantive or precept) to which to compare God' owing to the uniqueness of the Creator and It not having being Created in the first place.   
Sign 112:1 speaks of the unique nature of Allah as a Singular(ity), saying 'God Is One (The Definitive Singular).' 
To say that Allah (the true conceptualization of God) is the uncaused cause of all that is and is not manifest gives us nothing to compare it to/with. 
Sign 112:2 crystallized the notion as 'God The Summad (Abiding, Enduring),' having no parity (inexplicable) in that God is formless and formative and yet does not change (in state, ie., age, wear out;  or, in manner, ie., way, guidance, approach; ie., God Is). 
سُنَّةَ اللَّهِ الَّتِي قَدْ خَلَتْ مِن قَبْلُ وَلَن تَجِدَ لِسُنَّةِ اللَّهِ تَبْدِيلًا    48:23  
48:23 Sunnat Allah (God's Ways and Means) is just as before (you) and you will find no change/alteration in Sunnat Allah (God's Ways and Means). 
It is a difficult premise to wrap one's head around without it sounding like double-speak, that God Almighty is 'greater' than the synergistic whole of all of creation (tacit in this understanding that 'greater' means also the 'least' so that it is even the greater of the ultimate reductionism we can surmise, the ideation of a tthara (smallest particle, subatomic or otherwise)) and yet, God is not diminished by this since It can still cause the ultimate effect even from a non-starter 'void'--inexplicable!
It would come out sounding something like this: Our Creator God, The Originator (al.Fatir) as the non-caused causative cause of all causation and without origin (per Sign112:2 الصَّمَدُ  a.Summad), and not merely that it forgot its origination or starting point (beginning). 
Sign 112:3 gives the specificity to understand a God that is 'not born and neither does God procreate (birth).'
A Muslim understands that, at some level, the very fact that all we know has an origin-- some viable 'parent'--means that God is never any one of us in terms that we can understand. 
So we are each of us 'a muslim' at the level that this conceptualization of Our Maker becomes clear to us regardless of what other paradigm we may align ourselves to as we go about our daily routine (Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Gay, Pretty, Rich, what-ever-have-you). 
A Muslim knows he/she/it did not make themselves or simply forgot about where they came from (See 96:2, below), let alone ever say, 'they did it all by themselves!' 
Thereby, the understanding that finally dawns on us that we can be Sincere (Surah 112 Ikhlas, is also known as Sincerity) in paying homage to such a God as ours--we didn't exactly set 'em up now did we? 
This may seem to be a needless elaboration about what God Is, but the motivation arises from the off-chance that to some of us passing through the realms (between life and death, barzalch) may be seamless, and to know at least this much would reinforce that we are to never lose hope, no matter how hopeless or desperate our circumstances dictate, there is comfort in knowing that there is a God no matter who we know has their actual hands on the universal remote.
Surah 112 Ikhlas (Allegiance, Purity, Completion, Surrender, Resolve, Sincerity, Trueness, Genuineness, Steadfastness)
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ (112:1
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ (112:2
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ (112:3
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ (112:4 
The closest way to understand this without becoming Buddha or a Sufi mystic, is to consider the very first Word of the very first Quranic Revelation, 'READ!' (Iqra)
Yes, it was in the imperative! 
Surah 96 Al.3'Alaq (That Which Clings) 
96:1  اقْرَأْ بِاسْمِ رَبِّكَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ 
 خَلَقَ الْإِنسَانَ مِنْ عَلَقٍ96:2 
  96:3 اقْرَأْ وَرَبُّكَ الْأَكْرَمُ   
96:4 الَّذِي عَلَّمَ بِالْقَلَمِ
 عَلَّمَ الْإِنسَانَ مَا لَمْ يَعْلَمْ 96:5   
96:1 Read! (Iqra! Recite!) In the Name of Your Lord Who Creates 
96:2 Creates The Human Being from that which Clings (3Alaq) 
96:3 Read! And Your Lord Is Munificent. 
96:4 Who Teaches With The Pen (Writing Implement) 
96:5 Teaches the Human Being what he does not yet know...(all that he comes to know)..

Because our first introduction to that dimensionless Space is what we encounter 
when we first      start    to           read.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

About that 'clinging' thing--exactly where all those 'Kling_on' jokes come from:
Blastocyte at Inception Implanting Uterine Wall
Syncytial Trophoblasts Depicted 'Clinging' to Uterus

Gray's Anatomy Rendering of Zygote Implantation
Uterine Endometrium Infiltrated by Syncytiotrophoblast
Adhesion at the interface
The Mechanism by Which 'Hangs A Tail'
That's Right for Humans It's Butt First
And the Amnionic Sac Onset Development
Suspended from Syncytiotrophoblast
And Eventually The Embryo Both Is Suspended In It and Is Hugged By It
Surah 96 is known by the occurrence of the word ' عَلَقٍ'    in Sign 96:2; the essential, rudimentary meaning of which is 'that which clings' or 'hangs', synonyms include 'adhere', 'suspend', 'fit tightly', 'hug', and 'clutch'. 
Mentioned here only to reinforce the highly discriminatory nature and the care taken in choosing the Words that comprise the Quran; that their scope is all-encompassing and not only stands the test of time but hold up under comprehensive scrutiny, even when considered from a varied stretch---ranging from the infinitesimal to the immeasurable. 
The images describing the inception and first stages of attachment of a zygote to the uterine wall is one example based on Sign 96:2 and covers from about the time the zygote is about 128 cells to the time the amniotic sac starts to form; all of which include features of the way in which the eventual fetus 'clings', and if considering the molecular scale, there are instances where certain cells which participate in adhering the fertilized egg to the uterine wall actually 'bind' on a biochemical level, yet another form of 'clinginess'.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  
Demons_Gouls_Shadow World

ALGOL, (sounds like al.ghoul in Arabic غول, since there is no hard g sound, means  Demon (evil spirit, and its dual--genius, whiz) ) an early computer programming language that was an object oriented, algorithmic language--one of the first languages to introduce variable shadowing; first to introduce blocks to establish scopes; derivative languages of which include C++ and Java;

C# breaks away from variable shadowing; allowing it between inner and outer class and between a method and its containing class, but disallowing it between if-block and its containing method, or between case statements in a switch block.
 Variable shadowing=== a variable is declared within a certain scope (decision block, method, or inner class) and has the same name as a variable declared in an outer scope, the outer variable is then said to be ‘shadowed’, subsequent use of the variable name makes it unclear which variable the name refers to which leads to confusion…
{Again, this is an analogous case to why some confuse 'Jesus' the Messiah (the 'inside guy'--used in the inner scope/class/method) with God the Creator (the One Declared as Such in the Outer Scope--beyond our comprehension), because we, not even being aware there is an 'outer scope', only see the actions of the inside guy which may seem 'epic', we misinterpret the 'shadow' (Jesus object) for the Real Thing (God Almighty)...}
 غول Arabic meaning
ogre    غول, عملاق بشع, شخص رهيب
ghoul  غول, روح شريرة, نباش القبور
alcohol           كحول, خمور, غول
goblin عفريت, جن, غول
bogey شبح, بعبع, غول
hobgoblin      غول, جنى بشع 
Demon evil spirit, fear/anxiety, expert/whiz,  الشَّيْطَانِ  Demon, ar. al.shayitan--(appears in the Quran 88 times, as does the word al.malaikah, angel. 
Parsing the word al.shai'.tan(i) intimates 'some thing'  'sounds/ring/tone~tenet/midriff~viscera/innards/soul, etc./scoots~breaks away rapidly/fleeting~whiz...' and/or al.  meaning 'scorch' + 'that'/'whine/groan/sough'. It is always the case that only Iblees is mentioned by name when referring to the Devil himself, as 'The Satan' (The Shaytan) and those who take up Satan's cause are simply referred to as members of a class of shayatin/demons (plural) for Satan's companions/forces/troops. 
Essentially the etymology for the word satan is key to understanding the very nature of demons/devil/satan (al.shaitan~sound, cacophony, ring, darting) is the very antithesis to Peace (al.islam~ quietude, stillness, calm). 
And to extend the comparison, the number of times the word human,, is mentioned in the Quran is 46 (and specifically by gender, the male, rjl, is mentioned 23 times and the female, ins, is mentioned 23 times; giving us 23 chromosome pairs and the full complement of 46 human genes from the union of man/woman (23 genes from each parent)). And parses out to  'animated/personified' 'that'/whine/groan/sough'. In a contemporary setting the satan is the emoticon (the Avatar, or virtual rendering of the intonation (sens-ualizaation of the Word) and the human is the actual action figure (the Actor, or 'Man on the Ground' in the totally immersive virtual reality enlivening the performance (act-ualization the Word). 
In this framework, this gives us a dichotomy strongly reminiscent of what Reel Life is to Real Life.
Compared to the word jinn which appears in the Quran 32 times in 31 verses (need fact check) where, jinn-jann connote 'tutelary spirit/guardian spirit/devil/madness' and-demons/reap/guilty, respectively. And the definitive forms al.jinn_al.jan give us committees/heaven/paradise/bliss _vs. demons/guilty/criminal. 
By further comparison in the pinyin (ch.) for yin-yang (feminine/masculine principles of nature ~阴阳) like the north slope/south side (of a mountain)~occult/apparent~soft_shadow_cool_wet/hard_sunlight_hot_dry, it is not a far stretch of the imagination that these concepts are integral a sentient being's endeavor to in trying to conceptualize their very existence in order to better understand it.  

Ghoul-- ghost, phantom, specter, spirit (evil), body-snatching demon

Lunar Orbit wrt the Sun (Sign 75:9 used to calculate/gather the orbit of the Moon around the Sun, simple arithmetic treatment 75-9=66 cycles, roughly or 2/3 complete of a full circle, but as we know the actual orbit never returns to its starting point to form a closed circle (or ellipse) since it also travels helically with the Sun at it snakes its way to the Solar Apex, at which point the orbits of the bodies in the solar system (planets, asteroids, comets, Seddna, etc.) 'step up' or have a discontinuity in a simplistic 'flat-field' conceptualization of what is called the 'elliptic'.

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