Showing posts with label Area 51. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Area 51. Show all posts


Seeing Doubles

The women pictured above are not any direct relation to me, however, their uncanny resemblence to my birth Mother and my Daughter are more than just a passing interest.

I don't even know how I chanced on the image of Nevada Stoody (Duchess of Oporto), I wasn't searching for her, and I remember thinking it odd that in that particular image she looked alot like my mom, although not so much in other pictures of her.

The image of the Paris Woman, by Dennis Hopper, I had come across when looking into the retrospective of his art exhibit soon after he passed away last year, and it floored me how much His muse looks like my daughter, born 5 years prior to the 1994 date of this particular artwork.

On seeing Nevada's image and my mentioning the likeness to my daughter's grandmother, my daughter said, 'Is that why you're so pretty, Mom?'

And it being a mutual admiration society, I countered, 'That's why You're so pretty, daughter; and then look at Dennis Hopper's muse!'

Then she said, 'Yeah, that one is weird, she does look just like me.'

And then she asks how that could even be possible and answers her own question, 'Maybe it's because there is something to us all coming from just the one pair. Or maybe, it's just some kind of weird dream we are all having.'

She goes on to say, 'Whenever I say things like that to Dad, he says, 'There you go, sounding just like your mother!''

And then she says, 'You mean, I sound like a Scientist?'

And then I think-- more like, sober.

To get to the Science behind these Dopplegangers (convincing doubles, anyway), we need to take a closer look.

Duck Season_Rabbit Season
خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا
 وَأَنزَلَ لَكُم مِّنْ الْأَنْعَامِ ثَمَانِيَةَ أَزْوَاجٍ
 يَخْلُقُكُمْ فِي بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ خَلْقًا مِن بَعْدِ خَلْقٍ فِي ظُلُمَاتٍ ثَلَاثٍ
 ذَلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ لَهُ الْمُلْكُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَأَنَّى تُصْرَفُونَ (39:6

39:6 He Created you (all) from One (singular/united) Soul, then Brought forth from Her (that Soul) Her Mate/Spouse/Dual; and He Propagated/Revealed/Sent Down to you (all) of/from Blessings/Affirmations (usually al.'an3am'  الْأَنْعَام     is interpreted as 'Cattle', but does not make sense in this context, so here rendered as secondary meanings having to do with 'affirmation/yes/aye/agreement?') 8 Pairs/duals/mates; He Creates you (all) in your mothers' stomachs (wombs) (one) Creation after another Creation, in a threefold darkness/mystery; This Is Allah, Your Sustainer, To Whom Belongs The Dominion; There is No God Except for Him; How is it that you are (all) so misguided/lost/wasted?

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ
 وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاء
 وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءلُونَ بِهِ وَالأَرْحَامَ
 إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا4:1
(4:1) Harken! All You People! Pay careful attention to your Sustainer Who Created You (all) from One Soul (singular/united) and Created from Her ('soul' is feminine gender in Arabic) Her Mate/Dual/Spouse and broadcast from them Men in multitudes and Women; and heed God (by whom) you demand mutual rights (from each other) and (respect) the wombs (that bore you); indeed, God Is Ever Watchful over you. (رَقِيبًا  raqib, means Observes/Watchful but also implies a 'sergeancy' (serves a protective duty))

Sign 4:1, from Sura 4, The Women, makes mention of our common ancestry from one 'integrated' soul. The theme of having been created out of one 'living entity' is repeated in Signs 7:189 and 6:98; that the 'living entity' is a 'man+woman' is mentioned in 49:13.

And given that ancestry and heredity are closely linked to chromosomes, it would not be a great stretch to take Sign 4:1 as the Choromosome Number 4: Region 1 (either p or q arm; but since the p arm has only 1 region for the human chromosome 4, I would assume this particular sign is pointing something out in that region that has to do with "tasa' luna bihi" which breaks down to something like "T sa' loena bihi wa al.arhham' , 'T's color is worsened by (it) and the wombs/matrices', or 'its color worsens by it and the wombs/matrices' , variably 'T-C (ar. letter seen--as in cytosin) Termination color..."

A geneticist may have some insight into what the God/controller is in this particular region or chromosome 4 that behaves in such a manner, and it also functions as a protection/something that serves to protect or discharges other duties akin to those of a 'sergeant' and further that it serves as a 'marker' ('marker', 'sergeant', 'watches/observes/control/oversee/proctor//blue-pencil (edits)' all derive from رقيبا /رقيبه  raqiba, raqibah,  and the absolute form raqibat means 'stake-holder'; and, the simple root rqb رقب means 'neck').

Sign 39:6 in Chapter 39, Az_Zumar (The Groups), can be treated the same way as 4:1 paying careful attention to the word الْأَنْعَام      al.an3am, that while it does mean cattle and points to '8- couples/pairs/espoused twosome' ثَمَانِيَةَ أَزْوَاجٍ,  something these 'cattle' have in common/differ is also associated with the secondary meaning of al.an3am's of it having to do with several variants:

  • the root n3m نْعَم  v. to refine/improve/enhance/polish/upgrade/perfect/cultivate/hone
  • نعم the same word without the diacritic marks means 'yes', an affirmative/positive/absolute/agreement
  • نعام  or نْعَام  na3am means 'ostrich'; some genetically remarkable characteristics of which include: 
acute eyesite and hearing; the fastest animal on 2 legs (run over 70 kilometres per hour (43 mph) for up to 30 minutes); have just two toes on each foot ( an adaptation that seems to aid in running, most birds have four),  the nail on the larger, inner toe resembles a hoof (found in cattle/horses/ungulates) and the outer toe has no nail; the largest eyes of any land vertebrate and they are shaded from sunlight falling from above; largest egg of any living bird; female ostrich can pick out their own eggs from communal nests. The word 'ostrich' derives from the Latin word for 'camel'.

  • لْأَنْعَام la.an3am with diacritica لانعام  seems to mean 'to fully' and without the diacritic marks لأنعم ' to softer' which would indicate making something most flexible/pliable or have the most plasticity.
  • and finally, the full word الْأَنْعَامِ   al.an3am(i) primarily meaning 'cattle'
Of which  8-pairs have been proferred to Humanity. 8-pairs that are in agreement (like matching autosomes? that are somehow associated with 'cattle'). Makes one wonder what the 8 types of cattle share chromosome-ally speaking? Cattle, or hoofed animals/ungulates is an order of mammals, of which 6 to 8 survive.

Recent sequencing of bovine genome has determined that cows have 22,000 genes, and 80% of bovine genes are shared with humans--ie., that cows are much more similar to humans than rodents. (Do the 8 pairs (matching/affirmatives) mentioned here add up to that 80%?)

The Human DNA is comprised of 46 chromosomes (22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, half are contributed by the mother and the complementary half by the father).

If counted individually, and taking the maternal chromosomes first, then autosome #39 is the maternal portion of chromosome 20, which happens to be metacentric, (no luck finding a diagram of chromosome 20, so presumably there is a region 6).

The indication being that these shared 8 pairs have characteristics that enhance/refine the human; makes for plasticity/pliability when 'matrixed' or in the womb (?is it what makes infants 'softer' or more completely 'pliant' that they are able to pass through the birth canal in humans?)

But the really interesting synchronicity is the shared human/bovine DNA and that this post is about body doubles/clones and my having read the sci-fi novel The House of the Scorpion by Francis Farmer a few years ago (a great read) in which clones were propagated using cows. I wonder how much of this information was available to the author at the time of her writing the book and how much of it she had contrived only to see the related Truth of it some time later.

The Arabic word for womb and matrix is the same, and according to the online etymology dictionary the word matrix drives from the following:

late 14c., from O.Fr. matrice, from L. matrix (gen. matricis) "pregnant animal," in L.L. "womb," also "source, origin," from mater (gen. matris) "mother." Sense of "place or medium where something is developed" is first recorded 1550s; sense of "embedding or enclosing mass" first recorded 1640s. Logical sense of "array of possible combinations of truth-values" is attested from 1914.
The logical sense is the most captivating here in that the reference in Sign 39:6 to 'affirmations'/agreement' or 'yes' for the word an3am is very closely related to 'truth-values' of which there are 2; either 0=False or 1=True, and is would appear that what was selected is the 'matching' or pairs that agreed, 0 for 0, 1 for 1; and, again, of which there are 8 pairs.

Then, I write as I choke back the tears, guess who's doppleganger this is?
Complete with 3aba' عباءة
(Derives from last name having to do with Cloak)

How'd They Do That?

And here is the maternal contribution to your name:

Starting with the letter '3ayn' ع:
The letter name for which is derived from Proto-Semitic *ʿayn- "eye", and the Phoenician letter had an eye-shape, ultimately derived from the ı͗r hieroglyph.

To this day, 'ayin in Hebrew, Arabic and Maltese means "eye" (‘ayno in Assyrian).

The second syllable is taken as (ab) then it means 'water' in Persian, and it means Father in Arabic, a root that more than likely derives from the ancient word in Egyptian (nb) for Lord + Master. (In combination with the '3ayn' ع, it forms words meaning 'spring' or 'well' and 'Father's /Master's/Lord's Eye'

If the second syllable is taken to be (n.ab) then there is a root in ancient Egyptian  'nb' which means "All". Interesting in that the phoneme N in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs is the 'water ripple' and is also used as a preposition from, in, by, to...

Taken as a whole, it is what's known as Ziziphus zizyphus , a fruiting shade tree, commonly called jujube.  The Arabic name for which sidr, and sadr, appears in the Quran Surah 53 (Najm. Revelation, The Star) and Surah 56 (The Event) as one of the trees the denizens of Paradise will find themselves surrounded by:

 عِندَ سِدْرَةِ الْمُنْتَهَى  (53:14  
عِندَهَا جَنَّةُ الْمَأْوَى (53:15) 
     إِذْ يَغْشَى السِّدْرَةَ مَا يَغْشَى (53:16  

مَا زَاغَ الْبَصَرُ وَمَا طَغَى (53:17)
53:14 (He met Him) by the Lote Tree of the Farthest Limit (Sidrat al-Muntaha)
53:15 Near it is the Garden Haven (Sanctuary, Resting Place, Abode)
53:17 His (The Prophet's) Eye (vision) did not waver/evade/avoid nor dominate/control (it)
Sign 53:14 refers to one point at which The Prophet (pbuh) met Gabriel during one of His descents, at the Sidrat al-Muntahā (Arabic: سدرة المنتهى) -- a Lote tree that marks the end of the seventh heaven, the boundary where no creation can pass (and do You wanna know why no one can pass? Because if You do manage such a feat and find Yourself at God's Doorstep, God Himself acts like no One's ever died before and hijacks Your spaceship and brings You right back down to Earth where You (or at least I) keep wishing this persistent after image would all just go away!--that's why).

 فِي سِدْرٍ مَّخْضُودٍ (56:28  

56:28 fee sadrin mkhdthoudin

56:28 (They will find themselves) among fruit-laden Lote Trees  



All good dogs go to Heaven and there are No missing children there.
***A Search string leading to This Blog on July 8 2010; "Kyron's step-mother did not drop him off at school instead she drove to the island and killed him"*** from AOL, OC3 connection NY, New York...
and by some strange co-inky-dink the July 7, 2010 NY Time Crossword Puzzle answer to 61 Across HAYDN! GO SEEK [that thing that you are supposed to be seeking]! The clue was 61A Command to an Austrian composer on a scavenger hunt? ***

I suppose You think this all flew over my head, but I still want to Red Drum frequent these waters this time of year?

[posted july 9 12:18 whoever the male recovery diver was last evening passed right over it; maybe not understanding they are looking for effects at this point; murky water/standing waves.]

An alternative take on a recent article appearing on entitled, Police: No indication Oregon boy's disappearance is abduction By Gabriel Falcon, CNN June 11, 2010 5:24 p.m. EDT.
(CNN) USA - Oregon weeks after the boy disappeared from the school, proof of police of a 7 year old child, had been removed. He said: "At this stage, but we had taken away from me," Multnomah County Sheriff's sonnet to another witness told CNN.

"The property is insufficient because a child is a child." However, also warned seutaton find kyurenhomaneul run. "We are trying to keep it, that we live as our children on the edge of the threshold to find," said the sheriff. "But we have, of course, is to always be concerned for us about the importance of rapid growth, is found alive in the first seven days after entry."

Hörmann stepmother was reported missing fourth June after he was able to return home from school, said authorities. Step-mother in the empty room where she was placed in the class of elementary school to its second kyureneulbogo go according to police, he said.

"The last seutaton beyond. Kyuren use of air support units were easy to find. The star is good for swimming around the river overflow and focused on.

Are currently investigating the incident are still missing.

"We have a variety of ways, all kinds of criminal activities in the field of study and examination," said seutaton. "At this point we still see that it is a crime not reach this level." He is also co-star t kyurenhwamiriraneun praised. '

The momentum that seutaton "after," the other person. All the special way in which he had on them. " To view the statement and accused the authorities to help to see kyuren parents, my son happened. "Oh, your house your car, you find your property, shed of his family. "And you can leave your neighbor or his property may need help to find a friend, please check.

"You see a lot of resources not to stop.." Star t some point, the speaker must come from the family said. is "It was very traumatic for them," he said, "At this stage they want to maintain a close relationship," he said. Seutaton such a situation should be particularly affected.

"We are a school," he said. "This is no walk in the woods or in a business that a school is a different address than your home the safest environment." Hörmann kyuren message to someone. Multnomah County Sheriff's Office call 503-261-2847.

The little boy's message to someone, "You Hor!' (Home-of-Record? Or mayhaps just another poor speller?)
Something involving the use of Potassium (K), internal damage not easily detected. He seems to have made it home from school and/or was removed from school, whether anyone saw it or admits to it is another story.
Something keyed in on the home 'manual' online and it involves him having run online, and just how far is Stayton, OR from where this little boy 'ditched' school?
the questionable advantage of reading both ways:
seutaton find kyurenhomaneul run seutaton Kyuren t kyurenhwamiriraneun Hörmann kyuren
ner network equipment room
uyk unless you know
nn no nonsense; neural network
am associative memory; above mentioned, AM;
roh radius of hearing; receiver off hook; removal of hardware
nue non uniformly spaced equalizers; national union of educators
nar not at risk; no apparent reason;
iri interactive radio instruction; intercept related information; insulin resistance index
maw might as well; master arrest warrant; mothers are women...
hn hardware node; home networking; hell no; human nature;;;reference to 2 railroads not operating in Oregon
er effective roughness; emergency room/response; another railway reference Eastern Railway; equipment room; error;
eru equivalent residential unit; emergency recovery unit/utility..
uyk unless you know (different); underwriting year;
t n translators notes; true north; true negative; telephone number; train; town;
ner northeast region; more reference to railway; network equipment room; no education required;
not at ues; upper eastside
nu number unknown; name unknown
ur you are; uncertain reasoning; another railway mentioned; user range (GPS)
url ubiquity now, revenues later; upper range/reference limit;;;
rlu registered life underwriter; remote located/line unit; registered Linux user;
en enemy; engineer; electronic notebook;
nam primarily to do with Networks;
moh member of household; modem on hold;
uykd unless you know different
dni dialed number identification; do not implant; do not implement; digital network intelligence
nif not in file;
if in fact; input file (Linux); interrupt flag
fno from now on;; friday night off/out;

A follow-up article by the same Gabriel Falcon (CNN dated 06.15.2010) mentions that authorities are no longer simply treating the case as a missing person and have begun a criminal probe.

There is an area in Oregon closely associated with a recently endangered/extinct species of 'wire lettuce' Stephanomeria malheurensis, at one time endemic to southeastern Oregon and known for a single location in Harney County. (That's the only endangered/extinct species site I could readily come up with).

{A July 5, 2010 blurb regarding this case written by newswire staff indicates that Kyron's stepmother is "sick" and re-affirms the need to consider the "seed size" and a secondary reference to the "weight of the particles" is significant since the origin of the particles on the women of the family property near the northwest (apparently these 'particles' are not expected to be found in any amount in the Portland area/Northwest as they are limited to an area in the Southeast/opposite direction) and this means taking a second look at any seeds found in the home or someone's clothing; this supports the initial impression pertaining to the endangered species of wire lettuce with limited range in Harney County Oregon as Seeds of Stephanomeria malheurensis are about twice the size of seeds from Stephanomeria exigua ssp. coronaria (Gottlieb 1977). It may be possible that this particlular species of wire lettuce can be found at Botanical gardens as well, like the one in Portland where the seeds were first geminated when they were being re-introduced. The plant's preferred habitat:• Tops of broad hills above surrounding flats (Meinke 1982).• Soil derived from volcanic tuff layered with thin crusts of limestone (Meinke 1982).• Associated species include Artemisia tridentata var. wyomingensis, Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus, Elymus cinereus, Bromus tectorum, and Salsola kali (Meinke 1982). }

Is one of this child's grandfather's known to have a problem with drinking? Gets really mad when drunk? Has a large brood and associated with 'hollow part of human body (fr., coffre)'?
Free word association: Days Suite; View Edge of the City Skyline; Front/Facing (of) the Biggest Cotton Textile (dust) sees you/catches you;

The biggest or one of the biggest textile mills in Oregon is Pendelton Mills (there may be others); the original plants in Pendleton and Washougal (across the river from Portland) are still in operation, along with two mills in Portland and a manufacturing plant in Nebraska.

The following is a personal message; I play You; understand clear sighted apparent; most peaceful, safe, extreme; God does not return the Aces--to that end; I have lost all connectivity to my work and can't send my supervisor a note to let him know I won't be in tomorrow; I hope I am not missed, I plan to take the day as sick leave, since I can't get there from here

--Oh, & who is Mark Pollack? Mary or Martha Howard? It seems it takes 2 people to change a record...and He wants to know how can it be accounted for that anyone with authority had all gone missing? How can anyone have a 'high yield portfolio' in this market?
--at some point enter the library and draw a 'line connecting NE' 'running on the Pine' (Rte 86 or 395?) there is an airport there (Pine Airport), the cutoff is 'sawmill' road; taking an 'economy' tin (container, Sn=sin).

--what's in a name? Ky ron Hor man; Kyr on Horm an; Kyron Hormann; associated with swamp land; Tyre; keeper of the keys/straits...brave mighty soldier; in various languages associated with onus on adultery; human; ditchbank--either a towpath or mill water conduit; the color purple; at some point at an elevation/racing/running--allusion to Potassium and association with Kidneys supports having possibly drowned in was violent.

I don't know who took Kyron Horman and without any feedback if any of the other reality checks are true I am reluctant to say any more because I don't want to mislead anyone; there were 2 people in a truck...he may have known them...if this much is true then I might get sick if the rest of it is true too, and I don't have any means of support if I fling myself over that cliff.

It's often said 'to err is human...'---ahhh, what luxury to be human! I remember having erred... a long time ago while visiting the largest employer in Malibu far far away I asked, "Why install express-up windows before designing and installing sensors to trigger power-reversal in case the unthinkable happens?

And now that we thought of it, shouldn't someone disable them or stop installing them until that gets done?"

To which the fella across the table from me said, "What did she just say?"

I know I have an accent but most people in this country understand it since we all grew up watching several seasons of Welcome Back Kotter with Horschack and Vinny and Julie and all the rest.

And that faux pas cost me my last job in private industry and to this day I am not quite sure if express-up windows have this safety feature and am way too pessimistic to see for myself...ahhh ignorance and denial do lead to bliss (if you are a buxsom blonde, which I am---Not!)

Sound familiar? Anyone else see what the little tiff is about?

Why do I always gotta be the one without any power to have any say in any matter to do any good yet have all the awareness anyone can ever want to see what happens when everyone else does? (Kind o' funny like Gump, only in reverse--not so much).

And for my single devoted reader following this blog now you know why Michael came out of his way just to meet policy against my having to kill everybody since he convinced me I would have to kill them all twice while he can do it with one fell swoop---and I am all for conserving energy!

---so, anyway that's what happened the last time I thought I erred...if I were to believe then that I am seldom in err-or what brave soul wants to prove me wrong so we can all sleep better?

The Science Times article (June 29, 2010) about the Benefits of Day Dreaming mentioned allowing our minds to drift contributes to creativity and prompted 'what do eye, gown and basket have in common?' at the beginning of the article to make a point about the outcome of such brain activity by the time the reader arrived at the end of the article.

And I thought why not ask 'what do 3 Sisters, Plants (power, mill, etc.) and Drums have in common?' and get a real return on the mental excercise---why waste brain power?

But maybe there is nothing to help me sleep, any more than to get Michael to eat or, try as one can, to get Gabriel to dispense with that cigarette...

Surah 44 al-Dukhan (Smoke)
لَا يَذُوقُونَ فِيهَا الْمَوْتَ إِلَّا الْمَوْتَةَ الْأُولَى
وَوَقَاهُمْ عَذَابَ 44:56
44:56 They will not taste Death therein beyond their first death (erstwhile death); and He Preserves them from the Suffering of Hell (the Underworld, Pandemonium).

Reality Check: Is Ellen DeGeneres sui generis when it comes to her generosity toward her mother and does Fran Drescher like to play strip poker but only rarely ever loses a garment?

It is little more than passing interest that this news story by Gabriel Falcon has a reference to Potassium (K) embedded in it, considering that Chapters mentioning Smoke (41 Fussilat and 44 Smoke) each have a verse closely associated with the properties of this element (Group I Alkali Metal); and it is quite by chance that I had started a treatise on this particular topic on June 1, 2010 and had not yet got around to publishing it here. Chapter 44 Smoke was one of the Chapters not yet cited at A Page In The Life and I was just getting around to it.

Chapter 44 derives its name from the mention of 'dukhan' which means 'smoke' in Verse 44:10. While the word 'smoke' has several connotations, the basic meaning is a 'vapor' or 'mist' or more precisely 'a cloud of fine particles suspended in gas.'

In chemistry, smoke is produced when gaseous hydrocarbons, raised to a red heat or thereabouts, are mixed with an insufficient amount of air to produce complete combustion and disengage their carbon in a fine powder, forming smoke.

Surah 44 Dukhan (Smoke)
فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِي السَّمَاء بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ 44:10
44:10 Look for (watch, observe, survey, scrutinize, beware) a Day a Visible (Obvious, Apparent) Smoke Comes from the Sky.

Sign 44:10 is interesting in the use of the word تَأْتِي "ta'ti" having the root توي "tawi" which means 'comes' or 'derives' and also means 'instantaneously'; it can be understood to mean that a visible smoke comes from the sky or derives from the sky itself.

The word مُّبِينٍ 'mubeen' can mean that the smoke is visible, but also that it makes things 'apparent' or 'elucidates'. In addition, the interstitial nature of this smoke is alluded to in the root of the word 'mubeen' which is 'beyn', meaning 'between' or 'midst'.

Depending on which form of the word mubeen is intended in Sign 44:10, (whether noun, verb, adjective, adverb, or preposition), the Sign conveys various meanings, among them that the smoke is derived from the sky itself or just comes from the direction of the sky and is sandwiched between other things (between or among something) or it links something (like layers that it is between) and/or that the smoke in some way makes things clear or reveals something as well as itself being visible.

The word 'smoke' seldom occurs in the Quran, the only other passage that I could find that pertains to the Sky and Smoke is Sign 41:11 in Surah 41 Fussilat (Criterion).

Surah 41 Fussilat (Criterion)
ثُمَّ اسْتَوَى إِلَى السَّمَاء وَهِيَ دُخَانٌ
فَقَالَ لَهَا وَلِلْأَرْضِ اِئْتِيَا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا
قَالَتَا أَتَيْنَا طَائِعِينَ 41:11
41:11 Then He (Applied His Design) 'Directed His Attention to the Sky'/'Leveled with the Sky' when she was Smoke; He Said to her and to the Earth, "Come (Derive) Willingly (Voluntarily) Instantaneously or Forcibly (Unwillingly, Reluctantly, Compulsorily)!" They said, "We Come (Derive) Instantaneously Obediently (Malleably, Willingly)."

Sign 41:11 bolsters the understanding of multiple layers or levels alluded to in Sign 44:10, inferred from the use of the word اسْتَوَى "astawa", and the inter alia nature of the smoke, that it is somehow associated with linking or connecting layers it is amongst.

The essential root of the word "astawa" is ساو "sawa" which means to equal, match, or 'get on the same level with' or 'reach the same rank or status'. The word "astawa" in the vernacular means to ripen, mature, become fully developed or evolve; typically it is used to mean having reached a stage ready for harvesting as well as having cognates meaning 'equal' or 'equalize'. In Sign 41:11 contextual inference also holds where "astawa" means 'direct attention to'. Arithmetically, the word entails equivalence; in other words, 'members of a set in reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive relation to each other'; that they share the same solution, or are correspondent.

That God is said to having then 'astawa ila sama wa hiya dukhan' can be understood on all these multiple levels; He Directed His Attention to the Sky, or Reached the Same Level as the Sky when it was Smoke (and since in my understanding God is Greater than His Creation that would mean He Came Down to the Level of the Sky and not Up); and further to this that God Became Equivalent to the Sky (not necesarily the Sky itself per se, but a Correspondent Entity to the Sky...).

Sign 41:11 continues with 'and He Said (Called on) to her (the Sky) and the Earth 'atati' Willingly/Voluntarily or Unwillingly/Forcibly...'

The imperative 'atati' is given, meaning 'Come!' or 'Derive!' (ie., that the Earth and Sky Come together and/or Derive one from the other) to which the Earth and the Sky 'respond' (here understood to mean 'perform' or 'do as told') "We 'atati-na' 'ttaw'an".

The manner of formation for the Earth/Sky system is encapsulated in their 'response', also to be understood on a number of levels. Having established the various meanings of 'tati' and its associated root 'tawi', as discussed above, the implication is that the formation of the Earth/Sky system was done 'Instantaneously' .

Further to this, their formation is described by the word طَوْعًا 'ttaw'a' meaning willing/willingly, the root of which طيع "ttay'_" indicates that the Earth/Sky system formed in a 'malleable' , 'pliable', 'docile', 'biddable', 'plastic' manner and not in the alternative unwilling كَرْهًا "karhan" or 'by force' manner.

This leads to the conclusion that the formation of the Earth and Sky (and by extension, the Universe) from the primordial 'Smoke' was not a 'Big Bang' at all, but something a bit more 'Manageable'.

Malleability is a significant factor in this formation since it is generally associated with metals and and if the Chapter number 41 is taken to be the number of nucleons in an element/isotope, it points to 2 metals that are key players in this Cosmic Dance, 41Ca and 41K. [For the persnickety set, the words 'plastic' and 'pliable' may also be referring to collisions, deformation, neuroplasticity, warping/bending and phenotype changes--just how far does the rabbit hole go?--as far down as you want to follow it.]

The Calcium (Group II Alkaline Earth Metal) isotope (41Ca), atomic mass 40.962 (effectively 41), is produced by the neutron activation of (40Ca) and has received much attention in stellar studies because it decays to 41K (Potassium 41), a critical indicator of solar-system anomalies. The K line is also associated with Iron (Fe) in astro-spectroscopy.

Spectral absorption lines in the Sun and stars are identified with individual chemical elements or compounds and the strength of the spectral lines indicates both the amount of the element emitting the line as well as the efficiency of absorption.

While Hydrogen dominates the Sun, it is ionized Calcium's absorption lines that dominate the solar spectrum even though there is 440 x10^3 times as much Hydrogen as Calcium (note the number coded in Sign 44:10; 44 *10=440). This is because Hydrogen has a low efficiency of absorption while that of ionized Calcium is very high.

The abundances of the atoms can be calculated from the strengths of the absorption lines and the chemical composition of the outer part of a star can then be ascertained. (Since the Sun is a ball of gas without a well-defined surface, it is the photosphere that is commonly referred to when speaking of the Sun's outer surface). Relative absorption line strengths can also be used to find temperatures and densities.

Since the verses mentioned here, 44:10, 44:56 and 41:11, all share a common theme (smoke and the formation of Earth and Sky, ie., the Universe) it is acceptable to scrutinize all the numbers encoded by them as a set.

The subset {54, 56} included in this Chapter:Verse set of numbers pertains to the element Iron (Fe), another key player in the Cosmic Dance. The 54 is given by Sign 44:10 (44+10=54) and is associated with the number of nucleons of the second most abundant stable Iron isotope found on Earth, 54Fe, which is radioactive and has a very long half-life (on the order 10^22) and the line number given by Sign 44:56 points to the most abundant stable Iron isotope 56Fe.

The isotope 56Fe is of interest to nuclear and astro physics since it is much more easily produced from lighter nuclei in nuclear reactions and it is the endpoint of fusion chains inside extremely massive stars which makes it common in the Universe relative to other metals.
Iron's role is also mentioned in:

Surah 57 Iron:
لَقَدْ أَرْسَلْنَا رُسُلَنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ وَأَنزَلْنَا مَعَهُمُ الْكِتَابَ وَالْمِيزَانَ
لِيَقُومَ النَّاسُ بِالْقِسْطِ وَأَنزَلْنَا الْحَدِيدَ
فِيهِ بَأْسٌ شَدِيدٌ وَمَنَافِعُ لِلنَّاسِ
وَلِيَعْلَمَ اللَّهُ مَن يَنصُرُهُ وَرُسُلَهُ بِالْغَيْبِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ قَوِيٌّ عَزِيزٌ 57:25
57:25 Thereby We Sent our Messengers Bearing Illuminating Signs and Revealed with them The Book/Scripture and the Measure/Scale whereby Mankind may Gauge/Judge Correctly/Justly and We Revealed/Sent Down Iron, in it Extreme/Intense/Violent Hardiness/Strength and Benefits for Humanity; and such that God Knows who supports Him and His Messengers, Unseen (Faithfully); Truly, God is Mighty, Powerful.

The numeric relationships encoded in these Signs collectively call attention to the connection between Calcium, Potassium and Iron and their interwoven roles in the formation of the Universe. A brief rundown of the other numbers comprising the set associated with these Signs and their significance includes:
  • 10 --as in Beryillium 10, (10Be) related to cosmic ray flux and indicates that the Sun undergoes prolonged periods of anomalous behavior in addition to its regular 11-year cycle
  • 11--Boron 10 and Boron 11, the ratio (11B/10B) of which is used to determine pH in an aqueous environment
  • 100 since 44+56=100, the ratio 44/56=79% the percent of Nitrogen (N) in air and 100-79=21 which is about the percent of O2 in air
  • 41--41Ca, 41K
  • 51--41+10; Radioactive isotope 51Cr used as a tracer in medical studies of blood cells and studying blood flow into and out of a fetus.
  • 44-- Isotopes with 44 nucleons 44Cl, 44Ar, 44K, 44Ca, 44Sc, 44Ti, 44V, 44Cr
  • 52 since 41+11=52 associated with 52Ca which is a neutron-rich Calcium isotope and Chromium 52, 52Cr, the most abundant Chromium isotope that is also radioactive and has a half-life less than 24 hours.
A relatively recent paper Fe I and Ca II K Lines in Quiet and Active Regions (of the photosphere) by Kucera, Brcekova, et al., and sponsored by ESA/NASA mentions finding that fluctuations in Fe I spectral absorption lines indicate changes between quiet and flaring regions of the photosphere and the fluctuations between quiet and plageous regions are small. (A plage is a bright region in the Sun's chromosphere, and plageous regions are typically found near sunspots). 

The authors find a correlation between the Fe I line and its relationship to the Ca II K line that 'there is no coupling between photosphere and chromosphere in quiet regions as there is no reflection of Fe I spectra lines acting in the Ca II K line centers, contrary to that plageous atmosphere is characterized by reaction of Ca II K lines intersecting to changes in Fe I line center ones; the intersections are shifted to higher values'.

(The chromosphere is a thin layer of the Sun's atmosphere that lies above the photosphere, and while it is farther away from the Sun's center than the photosphere it is inexplicably much hotter than the photosphere; spicules are a feature associated with the chromosphere and the chromosphere is sandwiched between the photosphere and the corona--things to keep in mind when looking for similars).

The 3933.7Å K and H lines can be used to determine the age of the Universe or the velocity other galaxies are moving away from ours. In each galaxy they are shifted toward a longer (redder) wavelength due to the galaxy's motion away from the Milky Way.

Knowing how much the K and H lines are shifted from a standardized, stationary source can be used to find that galaxy's velocity. These Sign values taken as wavelengths are all shifted longer than the K and H lines if they are understood to be taken as 4410, 4456 and 4111 (Angstroms Å ).

A Purist would be inclined to posit that the significance among these elements and values encoded in these interralated Signs would be expected to trickle down or propagate throughout the whole of Creation or reflect something in the nature of how we understand Reality that is worthy of remembering--in other words, they would take a Top-Down approach to how the System fits or works together.

In seeing how these elements behave in building the Cosmos it would be of interest to seek correlations of how these same players figure in their role closer to Earth. And, specifically, how everything observed is ultimately for the Benefit of Humanity.

In other words, look for similars (As Above, So Below) in everything and apply it to improve Mankind's condition (and by the same token, keep in mind that Mankind's key directive is caring for the Earth).

For example, Calcium and Potassium are among the major ions in seawater, noting that Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, Sr2+, Cl-, SO42- (sulfate), HCO3- (bicarbonate), Br-, B(OH)3 (boric acid), and F- account for almost all of the salt in seawater.

Ratios of major elemental ions remain constant, despite changes in salinity (about 35 g salts/1 litre seawater) and the percent by mass of Ca 0.04% and K 0.04% yield a Ca:K ratio of 1:1 (0.0102 Ca/ 0.0103 K molal composition (mol/kg)).

While the abundance (that of 41Ca) varies with depth, and in deep Pacific seawater is 440 ppm (the product of Sign 44:10, 44 *10=440)), the abundance of Potassium in seawater, by contrast, does not vary with depth. While both Calcium and Potassium are merely trace minerals in seawater their Ca:K balance is significant to coral reef health.

Potassium levels are important to good coloration in coral, and low K levels may lead to washed out coloration/graying or lead to stopping coral growth and/or necrosis.

Calcium provides the basis for calcification required by corals, mollusks, and algae for a variety of functions, including protection and body support, and it is hypothesized that the process of calcification itself may increase photosynthetic efficiency.

And calcium and other trace metals (such as Strontium) precipitate in the same ratios in many different coral species as the relative concentrations found in bulk seawater (such that the net effect is not readily detectable).

How these metals become incorporated into aragonite skeletons is especially important as the incorporation rate varies in a known fashion with temperature.

Understanding how corals incorporate these metals is an important aspect to exploiting the use of ancient corals as paleothermometers.

Chemical and biological oceanographers frequently analyze nutrient data with respect to the Redfield Ratios to determine which nutrient is the production-limiting nutrient. While Iron (Fe) is important in some regions, particularly open ocean regions distant from land, in most productive regions the limiting nutrient is either Nitrogen (N) or Phosphorous (P).

And while Calcium, Potassium and other trace metals in seawater contribute to thriving coral reefs, it has been demonstrated that enriched phosphate levels can significantly inhibit overall coral calcification and thereby adversely affect coral reef growth.

Correspondent to how the role Ca and K balance (and other trace minerals such as P and Fe, etc) contributes to thriving coral reefs in the Sea, clearly defined levels of Calcium and Potassium are closely linked to human health.

Calcium is used for bone formation and cell signaling and disturbances in Sodium, Potassium and Calcium levels is typically more serious than for other minerals in humans.

In many ways coral reefs in the Ocean are analogous to the brain in the Central Nervous System.

And the manner in which trace metal cations such as Ca and K contribute to the health of the coral in the Ocean is analogous to the brain and its vulnerability to either a deficit or an excess of these trace metals, in effect '...So Below'. And by extension, a talented spectroscopist may be able to draw some conclusions pertaining to how these same cations Ca and K, including Fe, behave in quiet and 'flaring' areas of the human brain (perhaps the pia mater/arachnoid/dura mater) based on relationships observed in the Sun's photosphere/chromosphere/carona spectral profile for these same elements, to plumb for the 'As Above...' correlation.

In the central nervous system, metallic cations are involved in oligodendrocyte maturation (oligodendrocytes are cells that coat axons in the central nervous system with their cell membrane forming a specialized membrane differentiation called myelin, which factors in providing insulation to the axon allowing electrical signals to propagate more efficiently) and myelinogenesis (myelinogenesis is the sequential growth and maturation of myelin sheaths which enable brain signals (neural signals) to propagate faster and with less signal loss), and metallic cations have been associated with pathogenesis, particularly multiple sclerosis and malignant gliomas; severe human pathologies as yet without efficient treatments.

Sign 57:25, may apply to these pathologies in that 57Fe is a minor stable Iron isotope which is closely associated with Mössbauer spectroscopy and the Iron-dependent enzyme RNR (ribonucleotide reductase is essential for DNA synthesis; or Rest And Relaxation, essential for averting insanity); in which case the 25 may be referring to 25–amino acid hepcidin (hepcidin 25).

Myelin is considered a defining characteristic of the (gnathostome or jawed) vertebrates, and myelination a key developmental stage in the human brain ('white matter'), continuing for at least another 10 to 12 years after birth; the rate of development of these brain structures is linked to the rate of development of related brain functions. And it is this association between metal cations, myelinogenesis and brain development in vertebrates that distinguishes them from invertebrates (like insects and worms).

The utilization of these cations in vertebrates and invertebrates differs at the most rudimentary levels.
The Ca and K ions diffuse through cell membranes but Fe is relatively insoluble. Iron and Calcium are required in vast amounts for hemoglobin and bone formation in humans; this contrasts markedly with insects that require them in only trace amounts. And phytophagous insects need relatively large amounts of Potassium and only trace amounts of Sodium, whereas humans and other vertebrates need these same minerals in reverse order.

Climate changes and ocean acidification can also affect coral reef health since calcium carbonate (used in calcification) is susceptible to dissolution in acidic conditions.

Foraminifera (or simply, foram) is a type of plankton that takes up Boron by accident while building their shells or tests out of calcium carbonate. Depending on how acidic their watery environs (related to how much CO2 there is in the atmosphere), foraminifera take up different proportions of the two available isotopes 10B and 11B (Boron 10 and Boron 11).

The ratio between the two Boron isotopes (11B/10B) yields the pH of the water in which the foram live, making them convenient bioindicators in assessing coastal coral reef health.

Climate changes occur during the Earth's lifecycle, and currently it is widely accepted that such changes have been accelerated due to increased CO2 in Earth's atmosphere (greenhouse effect).

There is a less widely accepted school of thought that changes in Earth's climate are a result of the Solar activity, specifically related to Sunspots.

Cosmegenic 10Be is produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere, it has a relatively long half-life (about 1.36 million years) before decaying to 10B, and attaches readily to aerosols which then precipitate into the soil or get snowed out onto ice caps.

The production of 10Be is inversely proportional to Solar activity since the Solar wind decreases the flux of galactic cosmic rays that reach the Earth. It is assumed that more sunspots imply a more magnetically active Sun which then more effectively repels the galactic cosmic rays, in turn reducing their production of 10Be isotopes in the Earth's atmosphere.

This means that variations in the cosmic ray flux is recorded by 10Be in the ice core over time. 10Be isotopes in Greenland and Antarctic ice cores offer just such a terrestrial record of this Solar activity and the sunspot count can be deduced back to the year 850.

The decrease in Beryllium 10 since 1900 indicates a decrease in the cosmic ray flux over this period and that the solar magnetic flux has increased by almost a factor of 2 since 1900.

The reasons for this are not fully understood but supports the idea that the Sun undergoes prolonged periods of anomalous behavior in addition to its regular 11-year cycle.

***Screen resolution 1024x768 and it is assumed "the island" is Hayden Island and presumably BNSF Railway has some presence there. And it's not like anyone has to dive in, shouldn't LIDAR be of some use in these types of situtions? Here is best guess, never having been to Oregon and using a really old contoure map...

***(Added July 19, 2010; If she carries a tote similar to this one, there is a strong possibility they did stop at an arboretum or botanical garden and that the surveillance camera may have picked something/someone up


Moving Too Fast Or Too Slow Depending On Light Conditions

Just how scary is a world where everything around you moves 8% too fast in the dark, and in the light everything moves about 20% too slow, but your comprehension speed is pegged at an average 600 milliseconds?

How much more disquieting if you are just a kid?

Surah 22 Hajj (Pilgrimmage)
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ ضُرِبَ مَثَلٌ
فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ
لَن يَخْلُقُوا ذُبَابًا وَلَوِ اجْتَمَعُوا لَهُ
وَإِن يَسْلُبْهُمُ الذُّبَابُ شَيْئًا لَّا يَسْتَنقِذُوهُ مِنْهُ
ضَعُفَ الطَّالِبُ وَالْمَطْلُوبُ 22:73

22:73 O, All You People! An example is struck (An Allegory, a Simile; The Saying Goes…)-- So, Pay Attention (listen to it, harken)! Indeed, those you call upon other than God cannot create (form) a fly (flutter/flicker) (even) should they (coalesce) come together (to do so); and if the fly (flutter/flicker) rob (deprive/strip) them of anything they cannot regain(recoup/recapture) it from him; feeble are the seekers and the sought.

Quick, what's 73 less 22?

Now that we got the Area 51 matter out of the way, let's take a look at why the Fly Fable is found in the Quran.

The visual acuity of a fly is much keener than that of the average human; a necessary evolutionary bias that enables the fly to resolve visual cues when flying/manuevering at flight speed; a speed that is much faster than required for human bipedal locomotion, otherwise the poor fly would go splat.

It is reported in the literature that the fly's flicker fusion frequency is about 300 Hz vs the human's (on average 24 Hz in low-light conditions and about 60 Hz in bright fields). Higher flicker fusion frequency is always the case for birds and flying insects which enables them to see details while moving at faster speeds than demanded of us, and avoid obstacles in a fraction of the time that a human could (that's why people get into high speed car accidents, but hawks don't run into trees and shrubs when in hot pursuit of their ground prey). To a fly we appear to be moving in slow motion, at least 5 times slower and that's why we can't easily swat it.

While Sign 22:73 alludes to the fly robbing someone of something that they cannot recoup even should they combine forces to get it back, the deeper meaning is that those who suffer from the inability to coalesce or combine their efforts to create the flutter or flicker are unable to form the correct flicker (fusion frequency) even if they come together for that purpose; and that this flicker disparity is stripping them of something that cannot be readily regained (probably their comprehension or some other intangible thing that cannot actually be restored); making them feeble or debilitated.

If it is assumed that the chapter number, in this case 22, is the average low-light flicker fusion frequency for these individuals with this dysfunction. The implication is that it must be a scary, disconcerting experience to be in the dark and have things jump out and around at about 8% faster rate than expected. This group of people may be suffering some form of autism since the word 'dharb' alludes to 'various, trashing, multiple impact' which sometimes manifests as repetitive rocking back-and-forth motion or striking out. And in bright-light conditions the world must be moving about 22% too slow if the verse number 73 is assumed to be the average bright-light flicker fusion frequency for someone suffering from this condition.

It is just an assumption, but having one's perception challenged in this way would undoubtedly affect behaviour, speech, socialization--what have you.


Man And His Prime

PS ALM الم

There was a story that ran on the other day about Riemann's Hypothesis and how the Clay Mathematics Institute is offering $1 million for anyone who can prove it. A summary as to what this is about can be found at the Prime Pages by Chris K. Caldwell (University of Tennessee).

Since it's been a while since I did any Mystical Math, I thought it would be fun to add something here. Alas, and Alac, some things are just not for me to figure out. But there is a story that I believe is all about Prime Numbers disguised as Mose's (pbuh) encounter with his honey that could prove useful to someone with insight into the problem.

28 Qasas (Stories)
وَلَمَّا وَرَدَ مَاء مَدْيَنَ وَجَدَ عَلَيْهِ أُمَّةً مِّنَ النَّاسِ يَسْقُونَ وَوَجَدَ مِن دُونِهِمُ امْرَأتَيْنِ
تَذُودَانِ قَالَ مَا خَطْبُكُمَا قَالَتَا لَا نَسْقِي حَتَّى يُصْدِرَ الرِّعَاء وَأَبُونَا شَيْخٌ كَبِيرٌ 28:23

28:23 And when he (Moses) arrived at the Waters/Wells (مَاء also matter) of Madyan (مَدْيَنَ a location that happens to sound like median) he found there ( وَجَدَ there was/present) a portion ( أُمَّةً some; Nation) of the populace ( النَّاسِ people) Watering ( يَسْقُونَ ) and there was from among them ( مِن دُونِهِمُ not including them) 2 Women avoiding ( تَذُودَانِ keeping away/defending) it. He said, 'Why are you not Watering?{ مَا خَطْبُكُمَا not systemic (part of the system)/universal /complete; literally خَطْ بُكُمَا == line of you; مَا خَطْ بُكُمَا no line of yours}? She said, 'We do not water (our flock) until the herdsman ( الرِّعَاء shepherds) issue (forth) { يُصْدِرَ they leave; recede/number}, and our Father ( وَأَبُونَا our father/basis/foundation) is an Important Sheik ( شَيْخٌ كَبِيرٌ Primary Person; Big Chief/Very Old Man)."

Now, it seems that each time Moses has an encounter the characters he engages are very colorful (like his traveling companion earlier). Take this 'girl' he meets--why on earth would she mention that her Dad is like the Top Dog as an addendum to the basic question as to why she and her sister are not watering their flock (or bring up her father at all)? It doesn't follow logically in the course of a natural conversation, it reads and sounds a little forced even. Unless we take into consideration all the connotations of the word 'Prime', then it all makes sense: the watering, the chief, the number 2,... the Madyan (Median)!

Here is a brief run down of the word Prime and its meanings in Arabic: (those in red appear in some form in the story)
من الدرجة الأولى
من النوع الممتاز
عدد أولي +++prime numberفي صحة جيدة

verb:شغل مضخة +++'prime a pump'
أدار محرك مضخة +++'prime a pump/managed engine pump'
أعد للإ طلا ق+++'prepared for painting/lacquer'
أثار جدلا+++++'caused a sensation' lit. 'raised it very' the part جد appears in the word 'present'
مهد لإمر++++++means 'the cradle to the order of ' the part لإمر appears in the word '2 women'
سقى+++++'watering' this root appears in the words waters/wells/watering/ in Sign 28:23
طلع+++++meanings include: 'rise, ascend, prime, brief, go up, inform, be updated, be acquainted with...'

رئيسي ++++main, chief, prime, leading, foremost, fundamental, prefix-key; synonymous with the '2 Women's Father' in the story.

It does seem convoluted, but here is one take on it:

There is a population (set) of numbers; some are prime but 2 is not included when taking the median. The reason given is that 2 is not part of the system or in the line because it can only water (be part of the primes) when all of the other primes (the flock herds watering) have left/receded or been numbered i.e., accounted for; furthermore, it would appear that 2 has as its basis/foundation/precedent the most important prime or is in some way related to the biggest prime; or something someone who likes this sort of thing can tell me over a latte some day.
And WHAT does all this have to do with Area 51? Sign 28:23 just so happens to add up to...

The short answer is: The number 2 is in fact the greatest (largest) prime number. The number 1 is subprime and all the other prime numbers larger than 2 are post-primes (hyper-prime?) --

This can be proved from the definition basis as follows:

From the definition of prime  (wolframalpha):

A prime number (or prime integer, often simply called a "prime" for short) is a positive integer  p>1 that has no positive integer divisor other than 1 and p itself.   

Based on  this first statement that would mean the number 2.

(More concisely, a prime number p is  a positive integer having  exactly one positive divisor other than 1) --

Based on  this second statement that would mean the number 2.

For example, the only divisors of 13 are 1 and 13, making 13 a prime number, while the number 24 has divisors 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 (corresponding to the factorization 24=2^3·3), making 24 not a prime number. 

Based on  this third statement that would mean the number 2 is still the greatest prime number. 

Since, realistically,  and based on the example given, 13 does have a positive divisor other than itself and 1 and that is the number 2 (again). 

Yet, unlike composite numbers, the number 24 is given in the example, 13 divided by 2 does yield a remainder. But factorization of such a number as 13 and other so-called 'primes' is similar to factorization of composite numbers with remainders. 

In the example 24 factors to (2^3)*3 whereas numbers such as 13 factorization gives a pattern similar to (2^3) + (2^2) + 1 . (The greatest prime number 2 is the base for the factorization, bolstering its place as the greatest prime number since everything else can be expressed in terms of 2 (even 1, since 2^0=1).

The fact remains that any prime number larger than 2 is still divisible by an integer, that being 2, other than itself, but yields a remainder (akin to the Mod functions) which can be expressed in terms of 2, the greatest prime number.

The closest analogy (See The Lady of the Lake) to this thought is that should a circle become open at a point along its perimeter, the 2 end points of the perimeter can never match back up to the exact same place and point when rejoined to make the circle that it had been prior to becoming disconnected or severed--this also gives rise/credence as to why pi is such a fascinating irrational number.

It is the impetus as to why the decimal portion of  pi is unpredictable and goes on forever.


Truth And Beauty

"The chief forms of beauty are order and symmetry and precision which the mathematical sciences demonstrate in a special degree" Aristotle

"Euclid alone has looked on Beauty bare. Let all who prate of Beauty hold their peace."Edna St. Vincent Millay

"There are some who will by no means allow of this, and say that men are guided by a variety of opinions in their judgment of beauty...and not be tied to any rule of art. A common thing with the ignorant, to despise what they do not understand."
—Leon Batista Alberti

I was thinking about my friend Alan the other day; he kindo’ popped into my head while I was reading The Golden Mean, Mathematics and the Fine Arts… by Charles F. Linn (an old book I rescued from the local library’s Discard pile). It talks about things we all learn in school but time and tide soon erases (in other words, I forgot).

What we call Beauty is intricately bound to our appreciation of ‘proper proportion’. It is reflected in our art, architecture, and music; it’s what we aim for when we modify or dress ourselves and what we call beautiful when we see it in others.

Pythagoreans found that the relationship in proportion when trying to represent 3-dimensional figures in 2-dimensional space is not as aesthetically pleasing if expressed in ‘True’ proportion using only rational numbers, but that in order for the subject to look ‘Right’ one could not avoid dealing with irrational numbers. (What is the Reality; the one that is True (Construction?), or the one that is Right (Perception)?)

The irrational number that roused artists most derived from Euclid’s Elements “… to divide a line segment such that the ratio of the large part to the whole is equal to the ratio of the small part
to the large part.” This ratio works out to be to 1.

I suddenly recalled that I had seen this Beauty in the distance relationship between the Earth and the Sun relative to that of Venus presented at solargeometry.

Earth = Venus^ ¾ * = 2.583306

This is only one example, but Beauty is all around, if one is so inclined to take a gander; and as the trite saying goes, 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.' Have you considered what Physicists think is Beauty (Top) and how it is coupled to Truth (Bottom)?

Those out there interested in Area 51 might be interested to know that Signs 51:5-51:7 deal with Truth and Judgment and Reality and how the Heavens are Intertwined.

Intertwined, knitted together, or interwoven are apt terms to describe subatomic particles and their collective behaviour (as a flock, one might say); a case in point being that of Truth and Beauty. One branch of mathematics that lends itself to dealing with this sort of interlocking is braid theory (braid groups).

There is a couplet that refers succinctly to Beauty in Chapter 92 Lail (Night):

وَصَدَّقَ بِالْحُسْنَى 92:6

92:9 وَكَذَّبَ بِالْحُسْنَى

92:6 And Supports/Ratifies/Backs Up Beauty

92:9 And Belies/Negates/Falsifies or Gives a False Impression to Beauty

Braid groups can apply to 2 or more strands (strings?), but generally speaking 3 strands must be twined together in order to make a stronger 'rope' than any one strand by iteself. Searching/ searching/ searching; I came up with this in Chapter 38 Suad :

فَغَفَرْنَا لَهُ ذَلِكَ وَإِنَّ لَهُ عِندَنَا لَزُلْفَى وَحُسْنَ مَآبٍ 38:25

38:25 We foregave (David) this (lapse in Judgment) because for him with Us is 'Excessive Raising' and 'Beautiful Mab' (classical interpretation: and Beautiful return/reward/goal/journey's end/final destination; but I am thinking: 'Beauty; m, a, B'-- 'Top, mass, acceleration, Flux')

The word 'belies' or 'lies' in 92:9 might be indicating a direction, since one of the meanings of lie is to be in a particular direction, as well as falsify or negate, or give a false impression to something. This indicates whatever lies in 92:9 has this effect on Beauty as opposed to that which lies in 92:6 that seems to enhance Beauty or make it manifest.

For the 3rd strand I selected Sign 38:25 since it is the conclusion to a case that David hears wherein he comes to discern the Truth of the matter before him; and since Truth is coupled to Beauty ---well, why not?
Let's treat (92,6), (92,9) and (38:25) as Vectors for the strands (Top, Bottom, and the 3rd thing we shall call 'Judgment?'/ or, 'Justice' ) and see what happens if an astute student of topology and/or abstract algebra can solve for the kernel of the matrix, aka the null space (to A Page In The Life affecionados aka Zero Point Field).

At any rate, the story about David is referred to in its classic telling, but I wanna tell my side of the story; something to pass the Time while we're all Stranded here:

38:1 Suad ص

اصْبِرْ عَلَى مَا يَقُولُونَ وَاذْكُرْ عَبْدَنَا دَاوُودَ ذَا الْأَيْدِ إِنَّهُ أَوَّابٌ 38:17

38:17 Be patient of whatever they say and remember Our servant David (Digital Audio Visual/analyzes all these forms of data input) whom We supported (allied); he was AWAB (=area work avoidance behaviour) (=ever turning/returning to Us==surfing the Web)

إِنَّا سَخَّرْنَا الْجِبَالَ مَعَهُ يُسَبِّحْنَ بِالْعَشِيِّ وَالْإِشْرَاقِ 38:18

38:18 We caused the Mountains(=masses=elevation=puff out=inflaton) to Sing(=intone/voice/phonon) with him to Extol (=love/find irresistible/follow/gravitate to) Us by night(= dark; female force==yin) and sunlight(=shining/daylight/light==mental illumination<=insanity)

وَالطَّيْرَ مَحْشُورَةً كُلٌّ لَّهُ أَوَّابٌ 38:19

38:19 And ‘that which flies (around)’ (the airborne stuff) cornered each, to Him, AWAB (ever returning=makes more work avoidance behaviour)

38:20 وَشَدَدْنَا مُلْكَهُ
وَآتَيْنَاهُ الْحِكْمَةَ وَفَصْلَ الْخِطَاب

38:20 And We Induced (inducted/strengthened) his Dominion and gave him Wisdom (=Judgment/Rule) and Separation (partitioning) of Speech(=Parse data/Letters/words/language/communication)

وَهَلْ أَتَاكَ نَبَأُ الْخَصْمِ إِذْ تَسَوَّرُوا الْمِحْرَابَ 38:21

38:21 And did the News reach you about the dispute (discount/concession/reduction) between (pertaining to, of the) tesseral (=تَسَوَّرُوا ) niche (niche tessera; recess/bay/alcove or these subatomic mosaics energy/states/etc.)?

38:22 إِذْ دَخَلُوا عَلَى دَاوُودَ فَفَزِعَ مِنْهُمْ قَالُوا لَا تَخَفْ
خَصْمَانِ بَغَى بَعْضُنَا عَلَى بَعْضٍ فَاحْكُم بَيْنَنَا بِالْحَقِّ
وَلَا تُشْطِطْ وَاهْدِنَا إِلَى سَوَاء الصِّرَاطِ

38:22 When they entered unto David so he panicked (sounded the Alarm) from seeing them (when he detected them); so they said, 'Do not be afraid. We have a dispute (rivalry/competition) between us (about something); judge (Rule/make a determination) between us Rightly (in Truth/with Justice); and without doubt(تُشْطِطْ =plausibility) and guide us both (together) on the Path." (presumably the proper course/straight way)

38:23 إِنَّ هَذَا أَخِي لَهُ تِسْعٌ وَتِسْعُونَ نَعْجَةً
وَلِيَ نَعْجَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ
فَقَالَ أَكْفِلْنِيهَا وَعَزَّنِي فِي الْخِطَابِ

38:23 In fact (True), this my brother has 99 ewes (dark/female/yin members of a flock); and I (only) have 1 ewe( see prior); so he said, 'She is better suited to me,' and he annoyed me with a Speech!" (=irritated me with 'a constant lecture/intonation' or noisy particle, ie. phonon; or with 'Line B'; what effect does the phonon emission have on Truth?)

38:24 قَالَ لَقَدْ ظَلَمَكَ بِسُؤَالِ نَعْجَتِكَ
إِلَى نِعَاجِهِ وَإِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْ الْخُلَطَاء لَيَبْغِي بَعْضُهُمْ عَلَى بَعْضٍ
إِلَّا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ وَقَلِيلٌ مَّا هُمْ
وَظَنَّ دَاوُودُ أَنَّمَا فَتَنَّاهُ فَاسْتَغْفَرَ رَبَّهُ وَخَرَّ رَاكِعًا وَأَنَابَ

38:24 (David) Said, "He wrongs you by asking for your ewe(ibid) and mix it (add it) to his ewes (ibid); and (in Truth) many (business) partners (part owners) wrong each another, except those who believe and do righteousnous (fit/Top form/upright/good), and few are such." And David thought that "Ah, Charms (I've been tricked)!" And he sought forgiveness from his Lord (Sustainer; makes me just wanna pull the plug!) and jabbed kneeling (thrust his knees to the ground) and turns (وَأَنَابَ = noticed; if he had the same reaction I just did when I deciphered/noticed what this story was about, David probably dropped down to his knees doubled over with laughter when he got it too! )

فَغَفَرْنَا لَهُ ذَلِكَ وَإِنَّ لَهُ عِندَنَا لَزُلْفَى وَحُسْنَ مَآبٍ 38:25
يَا دَاوُودُ إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاكَ خَلِيفَةً فِي الْأَرْضِ
فَاحْكُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا تَتَّبِعِ الْهَوَى فَيُضِلَّكَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ

38:25 So we foregave him in this manner, and, truly, for him with Us is Excessive Elevation (heightend state of excitation is the effect We have on David) and a beautiful reward (Beauty m, a, B; and since Beauty is bound to Us this is the effect We (that 3rd particle, Judgment) have on it.)

38:26 يَا دَاوُودُ إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاكَ خَلِيفَةً فِي الْأَرْضِ
فَاحْكُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِالْحَقِّ وَلَا تَتَّبِعِ الْهَوَى فَيُضِلَّكَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَضِلُّونَ عَن سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ شَدِيدٌ بِمَا نَسُوا يَوْمَ الْحِسَابِ

38:26 O, David! True, We made you Judge upon the Earth; so, Rule/Judge between the People Honestly (in Truth) and do not follow fancies (Passions) that lose (mislead) you away from God. Truly, those misled (lost) from God's Path (Way), for them severe suffering/punishment for forgetting the Day of Judgment (Reckoning/Account).

Who knows we might find The God Particle?

--can you tell I stayed up past 3 am? I'll go over all this tomorrow and see just how hair brained I got...why?>because it all has to do with some kind of Generator...

Note: Well, now it's the next morning, have had my latte and all this looks a little Strange!
Note 2: Now it's later the afternoon of the next day and it still looks phunny. & no, I did not Phlunk Physics...
Note 3: Later the following morning and it still looks bad for me; it's looking like I have to rebuild that entire spaceship starting with just a single Strand...
Note 4: The Bizarro cartoon posted 10/12/2009 from that day's Los Angeles Time; an example of Synchronicity; thanks for keeping the blog's formatting in mind for the funny.