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Showing posts with label Kernel. Show all posts


A Wave Of Oblivious People

“Suddenly, madness was everywhere, and I was determined to learn about the impact it had on the way society evolves. I've always believed society to be a fundamentally rational thing, but what if it isn't? What if it is built on insanity?”
Jon Ronson, The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry

Beetles comprise the largest group of insects, with an estimated 5-8 million species, or 25% of all known life forms on Earth; yet, Humans with but one species make the bigger impact by far. It can be argued that God must really love beetles since He made so many of them, but it seems that People demand more of His attention.

Beetles and People are just 2 of the host of Communities (masses) found of Earth. The word for Community or Folk is the noun ناس ‘nass’ (v. , ‘wave’ ; adj., ‘oblivious’ or ‘forgetful’) and Surah 114 Nass, the last Chapter in the Quran, deals with all the inhabitants or Communities God created, not just people per se (i.e., Jinn, Angels, Cactus, Fish, Peonies, Orcas, etc.).

114 Surah An-Nass (Communities/Masses, Waves, Oblivious)
114:1 قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّاسِ
114:1 Say: I Seek Refuge in the Lord of the Masses
114:2 مَلِكِ النَّاسِ 114:2 King of the Masses
114:3 إِلَهِ النَّاسِ
114:3 God of the Masses
114:4 مِن شَرِّ الْوَسْوَاسِ الْخَنَّاسِ
114:4 From the Evil of the 'Weakening Whisperer' (one who causes weakening/ineffectiveness via regrets/hesitation)
114:5 الَّذِي يُوَسْوِسُ فِي صُدُورِ النَّاسِ
114:5 That 'Whispers in the Masses' Breasts' (causes unrest/unsettles by what is being released/published or emanated by or into the midst of a community)
114:6 مِنَ الْجِنَّةِ وَ النَّاسِ
114:6 From the Committees (or flora, fauna, spirits, etc. or segregated organizations such as alphabet agencies, etc.) and the Masses (People, Jinn, animals, etc.) {The Source of the unrest in 114:5 is caused by factions from the midst of the created communities.}

In terms of genetics People as a species are remarkably homogeneous. And while small variations in the human genome cause distinguishable hereditary traits, none are significant enough to form subspecies in the Human Populace.

Instead, it is more effective to group people in other terms, such as by belief (for example; Sabaen, Christian, Muslim, Jew); regional or ethnic attributes (i.e., tribe, nation, culture; like Romans or Egyptians); by occupation or affiliation (as in Prophets, Poets, Confederates); and by circumstance/condition or unifying characteristic (such as aptitude, disposition, or shared activity).

Analysts invariably translate Sign 114:6 to mean 'Of the Jinn and Mankind,' but the words expressly mentioning Jinn in the Quran are either جِنِّ 'Jinn' or جَآنَّ 'Jan,' the latter being the singular form whereas the plural or generic (like Men or Mankind) is the former rendering.

However, the word الْجِنَّةِ 'al-jinati' in Ayeh 114:6 is not a common contextual occurrence for Jinn, and it is used elsewhere in the Quran to mean either 'spirits' or 'madness/bliss' or even mistaken for the plural form of the word 'garden' or the definitive 'Paradise' due to subtle pronunciation differences between the words 'jinati' and 'janati.'

And there is a secondary meaning to the word Ljinat or jinata meaning 'committee.' So the understanding that the Source of the unrest is not from among Jinn (the Unseen) and Mankind but rather from ill-spirited (quite possibly mad) subgroups or committees (either elected or appointed) that act or function on behalf of the larger group or host community (the 'nass' in this case); and the mechanism by which they spread conflict is by controlling information.

I had a friend in college that whenever he was given any kind of information or asked to give information would qualify what he heard or what he said with, 'Yes, but consider the Source!'

Whether he may have been alluding to something out of a DC Comic or seriously vetting information one could never be sure, but in retrospect he must have held the Wisdom of the Ages to bring 'The Source' of any and all information to everyone-he-came-into-contact-with's attention.

Since, it seems much of the perceived distress and unrest prevalent within Communities is likely rooted in 'bad information' propagated by 'mad' (read: 'private agenda') subgroups or Committees (read: 'self-interest' or 'special interest', not for the 'greater good' or simply 'incompetent') founded by the very Communities they are expected to serve.

The Quran mentions several ancient communities including 'Ad, Thamud, Pharoah's community, b'Nai Israel, Gog and Magog among others; and there are some chapters titled after specific Nations including: 15 Hijjr, 27 Naml, 30 Romans, 34 Saba, 105 Fil, and 106 Quraysh.

________________________(Rock-Hewn Dwellings-- Al-Hijr)
The lesson pertaining to the demise of some of these civilizations is that no matter how highly developed and thriving they once were, they were all eventually brought down and in some cases completely annihilated due to some intolerable failing on their part. Surat Al-Hijr recaps doing away with Lot's community and that of Madayin and mentions that while Al-Hijr were technically advanced for their time and felt themselves secure, dwelling in hewn limestone mountain sides, they were not immune to God's reproach.
The Hijr had succeeded the Thamud and were at the crossroads of regional trade, yet just as the Thamud were overtaken by an earthquake, the Hijr were lost to what appears to be lightening strikes; this is probably derived from the words الصَّيْحَةُ مُصْبِحِينَ 'al-sayihatu musbihin' which translates to 'screaming flame/by the next morning'.

The latter interpretation for musbihin deriving from both the root 'sabah' for morning conjugated as 'musbihin' meaning 'by the morning' or 'waking up to' and 'm.sbah' for flame or light.

15 Surah Al-Hijr (Stone Dwellings at Madina Saleh)
وَلَقَدْ كَذَّبَ أَصْحَابُ الحِجْرِ الْمُرْسَلِينَ 15:80
15:81 We gave them our Revelation and they were Opposed/Exposed to it
 وَكَانُواْ يَنْحِتُونَ مِنَ الْجِبَالِ بُيُوتًا آمِنِين15:82 
15:82 They would sculpt secure dwellings in the Mountains
فَأَخَذَتْهُمُ الصَّيْحَةُ مُصْبِحِينَ 15:83
15:83 Yet the Sayihatu had taken them by the next morning
فَمَا أَغْنَى عَنْهُم مَّا كَانُواْ يَكْسِبُونَ 15:84
15:84 And they were none the richer for what they earned

Further supporting that the 'nass' in Surah 114 refers to all Communities and not just Humanity may be inferred from Solomon's gifts that are mentioned in Chapter 27 The Ants (Naml):

Surah 27 Naml (Ants)
27:15 And likewise we bestowed onto David and Solomon Knowledge and they said, 'Thank God who has favored us much among His Faithful Servants.'

27:16 And Solomon succeeded David, and he said, 'O, all you Communities! I have learned the language of 'all that flies' and have been given insight to everything; truly, this is an obvious favor (apparent preference).'

وَحُشِرَ لِسُلَيْمَانَ جُنُودُهُ مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ وَالطَّيْرِ فَهُمْ يُوزَعُونَ 27:17
27:17 And (there) gathered onto Solomon Forces from the Jinn and the Communities and 'That which Flies' for they were dispersed (distributed).

27:18 Until they reached the Valley of the Ants (Naml), (she) the Ant said, 'O, you Ants! Get inside your dwellings lest Solomon and his Forces trample you unintentionally!'

And I bet Solomon got a kick out of that because he went on to express his gratitude for being privy to all the dialogue going on around him; including the News one hudhud (a little bird) shared with him about the Queen of Sheba (Saba'). And while it is easy to dispute that Solomon could indeed understand the language of all Communities and had mastery over the unseen forces such as the Jinn, this disbelief is founded on lack of awareness rather than any credible evidence; and I suppose that's why the existence of UFOs ('that which flies') is a hotly debated topic, even today.
Surah 34 Saba (Sheba)

إِن نَّشَأْ نَخْسِفْ بِهِمُ الْأَرْضَ أَوْ نُسْقِطْ عَلَيْهِمْ كِسَفًا مِّنَ السَّمَاء

إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَةً لِّكُلِّ عَبْدٍ مُّنِيبٍ 34:9
34:9 Do they not see how much lies (open) between their hands and how much is (lies) hidden in the Heavens and Earth...(in other words, how little they see of what lies open and hidden in Heaven and Earth?)

And it would appear that no Community is ever brought down without it first proving itself truly ungrateful as indicated in Surah 34 Saba' (Sheba):

34 Surah Saba' (Sheba)
34:15 Likewise there was for the Sheba (Saba') dwelling among gardens to their right and their left; 'Partake of your Sustainer's Gifts and be thankful to Him'; they had a goodly existence and a Forgiving Lord.

34:16 Yet, they opposed, so We sent them the 'arim flood (broken dam) and We exchanged their gardens for two gardens that yielded bitter fruit, the tamarisk and a few lote trees. ذَلِكَ جَزَيْنَاهُم بِمَا كَفَرُوا وَهَلْ نُجَازِي إِلَّا الْكَفُورَ 34:17
34:17 So We Recompensed them for their ingratitude and thus do We Reward the Ungrateful.
وَجَعَلْنَا بَيْنَهُمْ وَبَيْنَ الْقُرَى الَّتِي بَارَكْنَا فِيهَا قُرًى ظَاهِرَةً وَقَدَّرْنَا فِيهَا السَّيْرَ سِيرُوا فِيهَا لَيَالِيَ وَأَيَّامًا آمِنِينَ 34:18
34:18 And there was between them villages blessed by their visible proximity; and We enabled easy travel between them during the day and security by night

فَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا بَاعِدْ بَيْنَ أَسْفَارِنَا وَظَلَمُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ فَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ أَحَادِيثَ 
وَمَزَّقْنَاهُمْ كُلَّ مُمَزَّقٍ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لَآيَاتٍ لِّكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ شَكُورٍ34:19
34:19But they said, 'Our Lord, this is a far distance to travel,' and wronged themselves, so We made them into fables and scattered them; in these are Signs for everyone who is patient, grateful.

The many Communities in situ with Humanity, our Awareness or our Oblivion, reacting to questionable information from self-serving Sources, and the downfall or success of a given group of people is summed up rather eloquently in the first 6 Signs of Chapter 30 Romans.

Surah 30 Ar-Rum (The Romans)
الم 30:1
30:1 Alif. Lam. Miim غُلِبَتِ الرُّومُ 30:2 30:2 The Romans are Defeated
30:3 فِي أَدْنَى الْأَرْضِ وَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ غَلَبِهِمْ سَيَغْلِبُونَ
30:4 In a few years, God's Command from Before and After, and then the Believers will Rejoice.
30:5 God Makes Victorious whomever He Wills, and He is the Mighty, the Merciful.
30:6 God's Promise; God does not rescind His Promise, yet most People (Communities) are not Aware.

The defeat of the Romans followed by their victory were events that could not have been readily foretold at the time of the Revelation, just as in Surah 105 Fil (The Elephant), the Companions of the Elephant could not anticipate the unexpected outcome of their war campaign.

In the Year of the Elephant (about 568 AD), tradition holds that a mighty contingent using war elephants, led by Abraha, marched on Mecca in order to divert worshippers from the Ka'ba to Abraha's house of worship.

Indigenous to Mecca were the Quraysh, and it is said that Abraha's troops defeated several tribes on the way during their march to Mecca. Tradition also holds that just outside of the city, the war elephants knelt and refused to march on Mecca and it was at this point that Abraha and his army were pelted by 'birds carrying clay stones.'

It is said that only the army and Abraha were injured or killed during the onslaught and that the animals were all spared.
As usual, the word 'tayrin' is translated to mean 'birds' when in reality it is a more general form meaning anything that is airborne or flies.

There seems to also be a consensus that the invaders were pelted with 'clay tablets' or 'stones of clay' but the literal translation of 'hijrn min sijil' appears to be 'stones of inscription'.

This would mean that the Companions of the Elephant were defeated by an airborne presence 'as written,' which would mean that their demise was pre-ordained.

That the animals were spared points to the invaders having possibly succumbed to an airborne agent that targeted only the humans, such as a viral infection (or in a contemporary context, 'airfreshener'--God forbid!).

105 Surah Al-Fil (The Elephant)
105:3 And Sent to them 'tayrin ababil'
105:4 To pelt them with 'hijrin min sijil'

Chapters 105 The Elephant and 106 Quraysh were often read together; but its worth mentioning that while Quraysh prevailed against the Companions of the Elephant they had at one time been antagonistic toward the early Muslim community and had themselves been defeated by the Muslims.

This lends credence to the claim that favoring one community over another is not forever fixed and is in fact pliant; depending on what each community happens to be doing or not doing at any given point in time.

In fact, Quraysh were openly admonished for their disbelief in Surah 54 Al-Qamar (The Moon):

54:43 Are your Unbelievers (addressing Quraysh) better than your predecessors or have you an assurance in the Holy Scriptures?

But having mended their errant ways and for preserving the Ka'ba the Quraysh did win favor eventually:

106 Surah Al-Quraysh
106:1 By the Covenent with Quraysh
106:2 Having Secured for them the Winter and Summer Travels
106:3 So Worship the Lord of this House
106:4 Who has Fed you from Hunger and Secured you from Threats (Fear).

In a similar way that Chapters titled after specific Nations record significant events pertaining to those communities, Chapters are also titled after communities grouped according to affiliations and include: 21 Prophets, 23 Believers, 26 Poets, 33 Ahzab (Confederates), and 109 Kafirun (Unfaithful).

Having expressed that there is a multifaceted creation comprised of many communities, the emphasis in Surah 21 The Prophets is the the Unity of the Community of Prophets and by extension that of the Believers.

While the Chapter addresses the Prophet directly, the others among his community mentioned by name or by reference are Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Lot, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Idris/Ezekiel, Zul-kifl, Zaccharia, John, Mary and Jesus.

21 Al-Anbya (The Prophets)
إِنَّ هَذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ 21:92 21:92 Truly, this your Community is but One community and I am Your God (Sustainer, Keeper), so Worship Me.

Whenever the first person pronoun is used in the Quran there was never any mistaking that the 'Me' refers to God and not the person speaking or delivering the message, that is why it is clear that while many honor the Prophet, none have ever worshipped him. In a like manner, whenever the royal 'We' is used, it is understood to mean a Singular God and not a whole bunch.

There probably was a great deal of soul searching on the part of anyone granted Revelation as to what purpose it all serves and on a more personal level the inevitable 'why me?' and 'what does that make me?' So it is not surprising to find insight as to what it's all about in this chapter.

Signs 21:7-21:8 assure us that the Prophet and the entire Community of Prophets that preceded him were all mortals regardless of the Gifts they were proffered. Sign 21:25 emphasises the fact that the Message was being Reiterated one last time, reinforced by describing the common experience of each and every Prophet or Messenger that preceded the Seal of the Prophets, in that they were all thoroughly convinced, either by direct contact or some mode of Inspiration, that there was a Singular Diety, their God, Sourcing the Revelation.

That each one was compelled to carry the Message, having come to know this, is also in the subtext. By extention there was to be no subsequent Sanctioned Revelation thereafter, the Final Truth is really nothing more than this Final Message, possibly in a different language or format, but basically Quran.:

The Finality of the Quran meant that the 'ship had gone off course' for the very last time; so if things seem to be off keel in your neck of the woods, you simply have not gotten the Message, yet.

21:7 And We never Sent before you any but men, that We Inspired, so ask 'the people of Remembrance' if you do not know

21:8 and We did not make their bodies without need of food, nor were they immortals...
21:25 And We never Sent before you a Messenger but We Inspired (Convinced) him that there is no God except Me; so Worship Me (they only worshipped Me; they are My Servants).

And the impetus as to why Revelation is manifest to the Communities is also included in Chapter 21 such that the Messengers' mission is clearly detailed as to what the Outcome will be.

21:11 And how many Unjust villages (towns) have We Exterminated and Established after them latter Folk.
21:12 فَلَمَّا أَحَسُّوا بَأْسَنَا إِذَا هُم مِّنْهَا يَرْكُضُونَ
21:12 Once they felt Our Might they would Flee from it لَا تَرْكُضُوا وَارْجِعُوا إِلَى مَا أُتْرِفْتُمْ فِيهِ وَمَسَاكِنِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُسْأَلُونَ 21:13
21:13 "Do not Run Away, and Return to your temptations and your dwellings; to be held Accountable.":
وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاء وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا لَاعِبِينَ 21:16
21:16 And We did not Create the Heavens and the Earth and all that is between them for play (amusement)
لَوْ أَرَدْنَا أَن نَّتَّخِذَ لَهْوًا لَّاتَّخَذْنَاهُ مِن لَّدُنَّا إِن كُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ 21:17
21:17 Had We willed to have a diversion, We would have Created it within Ourselves.

The Believers (Chapter 23) continues the theme of Unity among the Messengers and those who truly heed the Message. It reminds everyone of the humble matter from which they derive (a drop of sperm) and contrasts that with God's Might.

While there was a passing reference to 'the people of Remembrance' in Chapter 21 Sign 21:7, that is expounded in Sign 23:95:
23 Surah Al-Mu'minin (The Believers)
وَإِنَّا عَلَى أَن نُّرِيَكَ مَا نَعِدُهُمْ لَقَادِرُونَ 23:95
23:95 And indeed We are Able to Show you (make you Witness) all that We Promise them.

In this we see that God preserves Witnesses from among the Believers for the Purpose of relating that they have come to See, Know, or Witness what is being related in these Signs is True and they serve as a core group by which to Verify all that's been Related.

They are also the manner by which God preserves His Teachings.

And I would be remiss if I neglect to mention that the acid test for what does or does not qualify someone as a Messenger is that at some time during their Mission they are all accused of being down right Crazy:

أَمْ يَقُولُونَ بِهِ جِنَّةٌ بَلْ جَاءهُم بِالْحَقِّ وَأَكْثَرُهُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ 23:70
23:70 Except that they say (about the Prophet, or Messenger) ‘he’s crazy!’ ('there is madness in him') although he came to them in Truth and the majority of them detest the Truth (abhor what’s Right)
{As an aside, you won't catch me saying that; although being accused of lunacy puts me in good company, I can only say 'Thanks for lending me a quarter when I was a nickle short, and for being the Front Man in all of this'--but I still don't appreciate the 'antenna on her head' wisecrack!}

Insight into what 21:11-21:17 imply is Riveting.

While these Signs re-inforce that the main drive behind Revelation is a Final Justice, it is Justice served on Multiple Levels.

At first glance, it is an Unjust Community that is held accountable and done away with to be supplanted by more deserving people; but on finer inspection, it is not only communal punishment, but the Accounting is to take place on a Personal level.

Moreover, the Accounting is taking place contemporaneous to and not in lieu of Life going on as usual. It is clear that those meted out Punishment are actually expected to continue to frequent their 'temptations' and their 'dwellings' while they are at the same time Accounting or taking stock of what they are doing. 'Do not Run Away,' or 'do not leave', would indicate that they are held in place.

This is quite ominous, since it would seem that even the Grave is not an escape hatch from what one does in Life.

Where is Heaven? Where is Hell?

It would appear one need not look any farther than at their next-door neighbor or their own backyard!

This Realization brings to the fore the pressing nature of Revelation, and why it is important to be aware that this is what is going on.

It could be that not only do we not know what Time it is, but many of us are completely Oblivious to our own demise since it all might look the same to the Uninformed. (To get the picture, consider earlier postings on Multiple Dimensions and Escher's work 'Relativity')

Surah 26 The Poets continues the narrative about some of the Prophets mentioned in Surah 21 The Prophets, and adds lesser known ones such as Saleh and Hud.

And while each Prophet's speaking part, either addressing God or their respective communities, is captured in the narrative the message centers around the need to delineate the differences between the manner in which Prophets speak versus what Poets have to say.

It is indicated that while Prophets say what appears to be the most astonishing things, they are coming from a place of Knowing exactly what it is they are saying, compared to Poets who may be saying more acceptable things but for the most part they are just hitting on the right elements by chance (in their wandering/creative process).

It is hard to pick any one quote over another of the Prophets' in this Surah, but in Abraham's appeal, the ultimate goal that each is striving for is summed up rather nicely. So I selected a sound bite of his, given that he is arguably the Father of all the Prophets, and it connects very well with the discourse here about the Message and why it is propagated:

26 Al-Anbya (The Prophets)
26:84 (and Abraham prayed) "And grant me the language (tongue) of verity (genuienness, ratification) among those who come later (progeny)."

So for Abraham it was of paramount importance that the Message find its way into all languages and be carried on to the next generations without distortion (Ratified); and that over time the Truth of the Message would prevail and in so doing it would be Authenticated as it propagates.

One can appreciate what a daunting task this must have been before the advent of computers and telephony; but then, it is also understandable why things got lost in the translation.

While some Prophets promoted it 'by the Sword', and others 'by the Pen', it is not by chance that Mary is mentioned in Surah 21 The Prophets. Mary established her unique place in the Prophethood in that how she 'carried the Message' can never be replicated; Kudos to Mary (pbuh) for scoring the highest points in all categories, including Creativity, Difficulty, and Delivery.

And if anyone is of the opinion that God would in any way harm her endevours by 'Sacrificing' what sprung out of her, go back and read about multiple dimensions.

The Quran is adamant that Jesus was not Crucified and that it only 'appeared so to them'.

They saw some effigy of what they passed on as history and while those who followed from that lost community go around having 'Elvis sightings'*** nowadays, the rest of us who know better get Jesus to walk us home after a three-day trip to a tech convention (he is forever young and still a redhead and he obviously never sat for a portrait!). :

If the categorical refutation that the Crucifixion took place, as related many centuries after Jesus, seems like pulling the rug out from under what is understood to be Christianity--it is not at all, since the fundamental definition of a Christian is 'one who recognizes the Christ'; it has nothing to do with vicarious redemption by the Crucifixion, believing Jesus is God in the flesh, being born to suffer and atone based on the concept of 'an Original Sin' (they've all been tried by now) or any other doctrine that came at the heels of having learned about Jesus (pbuh).

While it is convenient to sort or categorize people by their beliefs or culture, their occupation or affiliation, it may be that the way to differentiate among people most clearly is in the way they act or their mannerisms. To this end there are Chapters that mention groups of people according to a characteristic or condition, including: 37 Saffat, 59 Tahashur, 62 Jum’a, 77 Mursilat, 83 Mutaffafin, and 107 Ma’un.

In 37 As-Saffat, the roots صاف 'saaf' meaning 'unclouded/clear' or 'puristic' , صف 'suf' meaning 'row' or 'queue', and صافي 'safi' meaning 'net', are all just as valid in the understanding of the text in the preamble, but it is very clear that the meanings 'ranked' or 'ranged' are the primary sense of the words when those speaking in Signs 37:164-37:165 make it perfectly clear that there is not one of them that does not know that they each have a known denominator or 'common characteristic' and that 'they are indeed the ones arrayed or ranged according to rank.' Although 37:164 is often interpreted to mean 'there is not one of us who does not have a known place,' the word مَقَامٌ 'maqam' primarily means 'denominator' and I think the misunderstanding has to do with confusing it with another similar word, 'makaan', which means 'location' or 'place.'

And while, historically, it has been understood that those speaking in 37:164-37:165 are in fact the Angels, there is nothing to keep this arrangement from being the accepted structure of how everything else is organized and propagating in similar fashion throughout Creation.

37 Surah As-Saffat (Ranged, Clear, Perfected)
37:1 وَالصَّافَّاتِ صَفًّا
37:1 By those Ranged In Ranks (And this Clear Ordered Description)
فَالزَّاجِرَاتِ زَجْرً 37:2
37:2 Thus the Injunctions are Enjoined (By it the Injunctions are Imposed)
37:3 Such that Subsequently there is Remembrance (In that those that next follow are Men)
37:4 Indeed your God is One (Singular) (You have Only One God)
37:164 And there is not one of us but has a known 'denominator' (known common characteristic; degree or level of quality; average standard)
37:165 And indeed it is we that are arranged in ranks (orderly arrayed, but also 'networked', 'making things clear')

And just as Surah 37 is referring to both Messages or Injunctions and Ranged 'Nass', Surah 77 Mursilat seems to be talking about the Weather (Clouds or the Winds as Emissaries) while simultaneously informing us of the activities of الْمُرْسَلَاتِ the 'Mursilat' as 'trasmitters, despatchers, dispatchers, senders, shippers'.

Surah 77 Al-Mursilat (Winds, Transmitters...)
77:1 By the Customary Emmissaries (Usually taken to mean the Clouds or Prevailing Winds; alternatively--'By the Known Transmitters' or 'And the Transmitters Know'; 'By what the Posters Impart'; 'And the Senders Realize'...)
77:2 Thereby the Stormiest Winds (Thereby Devestating the Unruly)
77:3 And the Publishers Publish (And the Diffusers (those charged with softening or spreading the Light) Broadcast or Widely Make it Public)
77:4 Such that by Differences Team (So that those with Differences are Differentiated or are grouped by differences)
77:5 And those Lying are Admonished (What Lies Open is Remembered; alternatively-- 'Those Fired are Men')
77:6 Apologies or Vows (Excuses or Promises)
إِنَّمَا تُوعَدُونَ لَوَاقِعٌ 77:7
77:7 Indeed, what We Promise Is Reality (What We have Appointed for you has Befallen)
77:8 So when the Stars Blur (are Effaced, Obliterated)
77:9 And when the Sky Gaps
77:10 And when the Mountains Blow Up (Sinking, Blasted...)
77:11 And when the Messengers are Received (Arrive at their Appointed Time; alternatively 'the GNU kernel is completed'--sounds like you have some work to do)
77:12 Any Day Postponed (Any day may be Postponed)
77:13 For the Day of Distinction (الْفَصْلِ 'al-fasl' used here to mean 'Distinction' has synonyms with equal weight including: Separation, Disjunction, Detail, Elaboration, Disentanglement, Segregation, Differentiation, Dissociation from, Judgment...)

Astute followers of this blog may remember why Disentanglement is a valuable activity; given the earlier description of how the 'the firmament is interwoven.' And like we have come to expect, the Quran teaches by presenting dichotomies or dualities for consideration; so just as there are those performing beneficial deeds, there are those whose deeds only serve to make things worse. They are mentioned in Surah 83 Al-Mutaffifin.

Surah 83 Al-Mutaffifin (Defrauders, or Those Who Short The Measure)
83:1 Woe betides the Defrauders (those who Short the Measure, Cheat the Balance)
83:2 Those that when they gather (amass, collect) from the 'nass' (others) want payment in full (others to meet their obligations in full)
83:3 And when they have to pay they diminish their scales (short the measure, lessen their balance)
83:4 Not thinking those are Envoys (it would appear those noticing the shortage are official representatives or emissaries)

A cursory glance at the first 5 Signs of Surah 83 makes us think 'Well, it's business as usual!', but the deeper meaning is that the 'Cheaters' are those that want great things for themselves while depriving others of the very same (Think 'Mid-East Crisis', and see why it's funny--how many of you saw the large UFO over Israel in August 1996? If it was not Mir in its orbit over the course of those 3 nights then it was 'just Jerusalem landing'--again, this time on camera. I still can't figure out if they spat on me or sprinkled me with Holy Water for that trick--I thought I was being Creative.)

And just like the Defrauders make it bad for others while making things worse for themselves, the Liars, Hypocrites and the Dispossessors are duly mentioned in Surah 107 Al-Ma'un.

Surah 107 Al-Ma'un (Basic Necessities, Small Kindness)
107:1 Are you Aware of those who deny The Faith (personal beliefs and values, moral law)?
107:2 And they Repulse the Orphan
107:3 And they Do Not Provide for the Feeding of the Poor (Indigent)
107:4 Woe betide the Hypocrites!
107:6 They who Show Off (make a prentese at prayer for appearances sake)
107:7 And Disallow the Least Kindness (do not allow others what is considered lit. 'acceptable' (like showing one's face in public, getting an education, or an opportunity on par with others); basic necessities, a small kindness)

Well, you might wonder, where does that leave the rest of us? It appears in order to get a ringside seat we should avoid doing what the sorts in Chapters 83 and 107 are discovered doing by the Emissaries (aliens that we cannot readily discern from the rest of the crowd); and to answer the call along with others who Congregate when we hear it, as outlined in Surah 62 Jum'ah; and in light of the catastrophic earthquake in Haiti recently, Sign 63:10 serves as an appropriate reminder to be Charitable.

Surah 62 Jum'ah (Congregation; Gathering)
62:9 All You Believers! When You are called to Prayer on the Day of Congregation it is more Virtuous to Remember Your God and forego trade, it is Better for You if You but only knew.

Surah 63 Al-Munafiqun
63:10 And spend something from what We have provided you before Death approaches you and you say, 'My Lord, please allow me a Respite so that I may spend in Charity and thereby be among the Righteous." (Note: 'spending something' does not necessarily mean money, it can be anything you feel you have been given, including your time).

I can just hear the chorus of the trite refrain 'If there is a God why are there Earthquakes?'

The short answer is that when People behave Peacefully, the Earth will settle down, too--bizarre, but True.

The Good News is that the 'Haitian Recruits' are much more lively and chipper than the ones coming out of the Middle East right now, who tend to be crotchety at best. So, the real issue is what will this Test demonstrate about all the rest of us still left 'alive' (behind)?

In trying times we may choose to remain Oblivious or be best served to consider this Reminder::

59 Surah Al-Hashr (Al-Tahashur, The Gathering)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَلْتَنظُرْ نَفْسٌ مَّا قَدَّمَتْ لِغَدٍ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ 59:18
59:18 All you Believers! Observe your duty to God. And have each Soul consider what it has sent forth on the morrow. (And again) Observe your duty to God for He is Aware of all that you do.
وَلَا تَكُونُوا كَالَّذِينَ نَسُوا اللَّهَ فَأَنسَاهُمْ أَنفُسَهُمْ أُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الْفَاسِقُونَ 59:19
59:19 And do not be among those who are Oblivious to God (those who Forget God) so God has made them Oblivious to their own selves; those (who) are (now) Reprobates.

And if somehow this all seems like a tall order for us to fill, it is a pittance when we all stop to consider Who is asking us to Evolve.

Maybe the reason we get so easily tangled up in our little lives and lose our Perspective is because we are at times Oblivious to our own Origins (where we are in the Field) or maybe we have never truly learned how Expansive our Maker is:

59:22 هُوَ اللَّهُ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ عَالِمُ الْغَيْبِ وَالشَّهَادَةِ هُوَ الرَّحْمَنُ الرَّحِيمُ 59:23 هُوَ اللَّهُ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الْمَلِكُ الْقُدُّوسُ السَّلَامُ الْمُؤْمِنُ الْمُهَيْمِنُ الْعَزِيزُ الْجَبَّارُ الْمُتَكَبِّرُ سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ 59:24 هُوَ اللَّهُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِئُ الْمُصَوِّرُ لَهُ الْأَسْمَاء الْحُسْنَى يُسَبِّحُ لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ

59:22 He is God, Whom there is no other Deity except Him. He Knows The Hidden and (what is) Witnessed. He is The Merciful, The Beneficent (Dispenser of Grace).

59:23 He is God, Whom there is no other Deity except Him; The Sovereign (King), The Holy, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme (Perceptible). All Praise is due to God (for He is) above (having any of) the partners they attribute to Him.

59:24 He is God; The Creator, The Evolver, The Bestower of Forms (The Depicter).
To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names:
whatever is in the Heavens and on Earth, extols His Praises and Glory:
and He is The Exalted in Might, The Wise.

If you've made it to this point, you may be thinking I meandered too far from the main topic about the 'Nass', or the 'waves of communities' that God makes provisions for, whether they are Aware or Oblivious to His Care.

Apparently He Cares enough to keep them informed so that they may all Evolve while maintaining some focus as to what could be causing so much discord among them.

A main cause of the dissonance is Reacting to information from uncertain sources--rather than Responding based on their own Reason to what is Learned from a Reliable Source.

As mentioned in Signs 59:22-59:24 above there is a God worthy of our obeisance and judging by the description it is not in the Nature of such a God to have ever been incubated.

He can make His point in a less mundane manner. But it could be that no matter how hard one tries, there are those who choose to remain unconvinced that there even is such as thing as God or perhaps cannot come to terms with a God that is above having the need to assume a tangible form.

I suppose if I ever feel the need to worship some guy there is always my Husband, because at some level he, too, provides for me and is capable of making my life a Heaven or Hell--but I'd rather not.

For all the others that prefer to deny this Truth by defining or depicting God any other way the Quran has this to say:

109 Surah Al-Kafirun (The Nonbelievers, Deniers)
قُلْ يَا أَيُّهَا الْكَافِرُونَ109:1
109:1 Say: O you Disbelievers
لَا أَعْبُدُ مَا تَعْبُدُونَ  109:2
109:2 I do not worship what you worship
وَلَا أَنتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ 109:3
109:3 Nor do you worhsip what I worship
وَلَا أَنَا عَابِدٌ مَّا عَبَدتُّمْ109:4
109:4 I do not serve what you worship
وَلَا أَنتُمْ عَابِدُونَ مَا أَعْبُدُ 109:5
109:5 Nor do you serve what I worship
لَكُمْ دِينُكُمْ وَلِيَ دِينِ 109:6
109:6 You have your Religion and I have (my) Religion (Way, Moral Law)

The most interesting thing Surah 109 illustrates is that even when there is a major divide keeping people ('nass') from seeing eye-to-eye on an issue, even one as hotly contested as Religion, at the heart of the Message is concluding Sign 109:6 espousing Tolerance; basically, 'You go your Way and I go Mine'.

I suppose believing in my God can make one feel like they can have bullets bounce off of them, but we are reminded daily that we are mortal here (and accident prone).

I s'pose that's how Depth of Faith gets tested.

While I do not recommend that you take a flying leap off a tall building to prove me Right (the landing will hurt even though you will 'survive on some level') the moral of this treatise is that you should always 'Consider the Source' before acting on any information, second to that you might want to think about the Motivation.

Around the face of the Globe, 'bad information' manipulates the populace into marginal lifestyles and often can lead to all out warfare.

In the United States the general, apparently well-founded, distrust of information and its sources translates into a plethora of conspiracy theories. : Have you heard the one about how the 'government' has a psychotronic warfare weapon that projects images against the sky that fill the horizon?

It goes by names like HAARP or BlueBeam but I like to call it 'As of 2009 they still don't have enough Bandwidth for that' Show (including soundrack).

So, if you think you have seen one (Sky Movie, Sky Holograph), remember to give credit where it's due. _______________________________________________________ ***No sooner had I penned the 'Elvis Sighting' remark (Jan. 13-14, 2010) when the very next day my teenager brings home a friend and when I asked her what her name was she said 'Elvis' and she insisted that it was her given name and not a nick name. I just about fell over backwards!


Today Is Monday, Frieze Groups And Fish

Frieze borders are familiar decorative relief elements in Architecture as shown in this example of the 'Flying Fish' frieze on the Marine Air Terminal at La Guardia Airport.

Frieze groups are also common in folk art and textiles such as Native Indian blankets and pottery, and they crop up in all sorts of other forms and applications including robotics, human gait modeling, DNA sequencing, and music as in the song 'Today Is Monday', most familiarly commemorated in a children's book of the same title by Eric Carle.

It has been shown that the total number of possible frieze goups in 2-dimensions is 7.

The song 'Today Is Monday' is about a food for each day of the week, so on Monday it is String Beans and for Friday it is Fish!

Fish are an important source of Omega-3 oils and while there has been cursory evidence in the past regarding Omega-3 oils' benefits to overall health, recent studies have shown them to improve memory in the population in general and offer a promising therapy for those at risk for Alzheimer's if dietary supplementation is started early enough.

I will get to vegetables later, but for this post, I'll just talk about fish. The Christ was purported to have said, 'I will make you fishers of Men', there was also a well-documented 'fishing expedition' he had gone out on; and Christians have adopted the symbol of the Fish as one of their icons. Jonah was said to have been swallowed by a Whale, but literally he had spent some time in the belly of a 'big fish'; there must be more to that for the story to make sense.

Some say fish have less than a 3-second memory; but I have a goldfish and it seems to always know when mealtime comes around and if I forget to feed it, it makes faces up against the fishbowl in order to remind me. It appears my goldfish has a better memory than me.

Fish are associated with all sorts of things including fortune, being slippery, tall tales, dinner--and Memory.

7 Al-A'Raf

7:163 واَسْأَلْهُمْ عَنِ الْقَرْيَةِ الَّتِي كَانَتْ حَاضِرَةَ الْبَحْرِ
إِذْ يَعْدُونَ فِي السَّبْتِ إِذْ تَأْتِيهِمْ حِيتَانُهُمْ يَوْمَ سَبْتِهِمْ شُرَّعاً
وَيَوْمَ لاَ يَسْبِتُونَ لاَ تَأْتِيهِمْ كَذَلِكَ نَبْلُوهُم بِمَا كَانُوا يَفْسُقُونَ

7:163 Ask them about the City (town) by the Sea, if observing the Sabbath their 'fish' came to them on the Sabbath 'breaking the water' (heads above the water, in an obvious manner); and the day they did not observe the Sabbath (the fish) did not come to them, in this manner We reminded them (let them know) how they were transgressing.

Here it is, the running narrative-- if the denizens of this city by the sea did not get their 'fish' when they broke the Sabbath it probably means that they did not have any memory of those days or if the plentiful fish are an omen of good and plenty then it would follow that they had their means straightened in some other way on the days they did not observe the Sabbath.

18 Kahf (The Cave)

18:61 فَلَمَّا بَلَغَا مَجْمَعَ بَيْنِهِمَا نَسِيَا حُوتَهُمَا فَاتَّخَذَ سَبِيلَهُ فِي الْبَحْرِ سَرَبًا
18:63 قَالَ أَرَأَيْتَ إِذْ أَوَيْنَا إِلَى الصَّخْرَةِ فَإِنِّي نَسِيتُ الْحُوتَ وَمَا أَنسَانِيهُ إِلَّا الشَّيْطَانُ أَنْ أَذْكُرَهُ وَاتَّخَذَ سَبِيلَهُ فِي الْبَحْرِ عَجَبًا

(I think these passages allude to Moses and a travelling companion)

18:61 Once they arrived at the junction between the two, he (the travelling companion) forgot their fish and it took its way into the Sea in a swarming (manner, rapidly?, strange/remarkable way, as if tunneling)...
18:63 he said, 'Do you remember when we arrived at the rock (boulder, outcropping)? I forgot the fish and nothing made me forget it except for Satan (some provocation, something that 'bedeviled' him). Then I remembered how it took its way (course) to the Sea, Astonishingly (Awesome, Strange, Remarkable manner)!

More running narrative--I always liked this story about the 'junction where the two meet' (2 what? rivers? people?--some juncture) and the travelling companion plays it so straight because it is so obvious that Moses was specifically looking for this place and needed to find where it was and the poor kid just got distracted. Was it by a bad memory that it took the Devil himself to let slip away--in such a vertiginous fashion? (A note of interest to the armchair geologist/geographer: Little Rock, Arkansas derives its name from a natural outcropping/stone formation 'la petite roche' or 'the little rock' that marks the juncture between the flat Mississippi Delta region and the Ouachita Mountain foothills.)
37 Saffat (Arrayed; Lined Up)

37:142 فَالْتَقَمَهُ الْحُوتُ وَهُوَ مُلِيمٌ
37:144 لَلَبِثَ فِي بَطْنِهِ إِلَى يَوْمِ يُبْعَثُونَ

37:142 So the fish swallowed him (Jonah) the while he was wrongful (blameworthy- I think because Jonah might have given in to his anger, but if he was good enough to be God's viceroy, 'they' must have really stoked him)...
37:144 ...there he would have remained inside its (the fish's) belly until the Day of Decision (Judgment, Resurrection).

Jonah is a very sympathetic character because, I think, of all the Prophets that have ever been sent anywhere, he was the only one that the people he was sent to did not persecute him, moreover they openly accepted him and his message, and that's why they became previledged. And its okay by me if he was 'consumed by the memory' (the big fish that ate him) of whatever forced him to turn on his heels and flee (he found them to be 'qawmin fasikoon') I can empathise fully because I know it was not cowardice.
68 Qalum (The Pen; Writing Implement)
68:48 فَاصْبِرْ لِحُكْمِ رَبِّكَ وَلَا تَكُن كَصَاحِبِ الْحُوتِ إِذْ نَادَى وَهُوَ مَكْظُومٌ

68:48 await patiently your Lord's Judgment and do not be like the companion of the fish when he cried out (called out) when (while) he was repressed (consumed, gloomy, in despair)

Time and again, Scripture--when carefully read and understood properly-- tells us how it can be such a monumental struggle to be patient in adversity; surely there must be some benefit to the exercise; stiff upper lip and all that... (did You even hear me crying--a word, a whimper?) But the Memory...

Major themes; 7 Al A'Raf (consider Al Aaraaf(Edgar Allan Poe 1829) and the character Nesace 'little island' in Greek _association to 'cancer' and frieze groups); 18 Cave (Time perception); 37 Saffat (Ordering/Ranking/Arranging); 68 The Pen (Teaching, Knowledge Transfer).

2 Al Baqara (The Cow)

قَالُواْ سُبْحَانَكَ لاَ عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلاَّ مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ 2:32

2:32 they said: "All Praise is Due (to God)! No knowledge have we except for what You have imparted to us. You Are The All-Knowing, The Wise."

38 SAAD ص

كِتَابٌ أَنزَلْنَاهُ إِلَيْكَ مُبَارَكٌ لِّيَدَّبَّرُوا آيَاتِهِ وَلِيَتَذَكَّرَ أُوْلُوا الْأَلْبَابِ 38:29

38: 29 (my own interpretation without the benefit of a reliable dictionary) A book Revealed to you (as a) Blessing (with) mounting (to assemble/assembling/arranged) Signs (as) to Remind (lead to) the Origin of The Portal (the Kernel?);
classically interpreted to mean: A book Revealed to you, full of Blessings, so that those of understanding would take it to heart (reflect on it)

(I love you for it, but can't you Please just come get me?)


HomeLand1 Love Letter


The post as it appears at WAPO comment to the article Finding God on the Internet; and I think this is as close as anything I am ever going to get to a love letter.

'Before I begin; It is important to mention Her Honorable Eunice [Kennedy] Shriver [pbuh] who was like Indias "Mother Terresa" [pbuh], but helped countles 'Disadvantaged' Kids and was an upholder, like her Late Prez & Brother Honorable Mr. J.F.K. [pbuh], whom besides encouraging "Good Physical Hygiene" & "Olymipcs" in all the Lands Schools etc.. was a great Promotor of the Virtual INTERNET [Zero Holy].
When it Comes to "Satsag" (Congregating/Meeting) that each of Us are an Priest or Priestest. Is to say that by Communicating With All Yo All on WAPO, here, is like a 'Sat-Sag' of its own; or lets say Meeting Of the Mind; DIGiTALLY [0's & 1's, bits & bites, Mega, Gida, Tetra..]!
Yes, Thank The "CYBER G-D's" & the "Cyber Massiah's" (Founders) for Bringing Or Opportunitizing, The GLOBAL-COMMUNITY to Interface Rhiteously as one Big Giant "HARD-DRIVE"!.
Note: I Made my own Little Personal Fortune (not like the big time 'Dot Com' opportunists/players) from the Internet when the Miraculous (G.raphic U.ser I.nterface) "NETSCAPE-BROWSER" came out.
Acsually I was on the Internet Before It became "Public" Internet # 2 Pipe & "Nodes" (#1 pipe & "NODE" is for GOV. & Universitys, science..) spun-off via the "National Science Foundation" way back Pre-1990 when all we had was a black Screnn & White Fonts. i.e. DOS, UNIX, CPM-86... operating Systems (Kernels).
I used to pitch (1989+) the up & comming Internet , aka New Frontier, as an "ELECTRONIC STORE FRONT" that ALL The World can See you & folks did not understand.
Remember "You've Got Mail"? [1st AOL internert Provider & that experience}
Now suddenly every body is NURD or GURU!

PS: Tavern On the Green was my 1st Customer & I would Host (Server) their & other "Clients" Sights at 1-World Trade Center until them SATANIC lovin Versing Jihaddists took , what they could never Create on their Own, Them Down via OUr (not Their) but Hijacked Aeroplanes.
Now Al Islam Has the Internet to Spread their Poison/Dillussion once more. What "TWITS"!
Question: As PROPHETS & maybe god(s); Who Founded the Holy Internet? aJew, aChristian, aMuslom, aHindu, aBuddhist.. Man or Virtual Man?'


It's a long tough slog to get through this much info but the crux of the matter is the 9-11 hijackers had their biological clocks altered and they believed it was virtual friend also tells me that I resent being kidnapped, I think he said his name is A Ness. Will update when I am closer to being certain. Oh, and it seems he didn't take kindly to you threatening the Professor.

First take on it:
“You and I seek an end and given the importance of His cause and ‘salute’ Him in His cause, and as it were in the Los Angeles Olympics and lands in all the schools of medicine, newpapers, including cartoons encourage the material. It’s real big on the Internet to promote the way of Zero and those ‘silly dog?’ ‘threat to the presence of the Professor’s analysis’ in a secret meeting/conference. In general, can also contact/check WAPO Saturday …or telepath via 0, 1 and numbers up to terabytes. Yes, X CIA Government, via Level 3 communications and the level of the ‘Massiah’ and “Network” (founder)….”difficult” to interact with the world community, and we can build it.

Note: In the greater scheme of things, love not RITORDUOTTUKOMU (I think the word is RETRIBUTION--I'm a little slow that's why this is still a draft 2.2.2010) the opportunity to play or not and I have embedded your face, my friend, in the Netscape GUI on the Internet…

On this page over the Internet and Actual Internet #2 “contract” to see the Number’1 cause “local” time to “public radio and Universities, and Research Institutes…with the cause, “National Science Foundation” back in 1990 had written a white paper. This means that the operating system costs CPM—86 cause the system to be the key means to a United Kingdom (1989 and forward), as the Internet moves to new areas so does this world. (from the m dash forward it could also read '86 ....(kernl).' or 'end the KERNEL campaign' but I am not so optomistic to think they have any such compassion.

'“Electron transaction” is called ‘Arabs’ ('a Rab's= 'Unto God's), but you cannot see. (And why am I not privvy to the show?--oh, its b} i'm dead and while all the other 'girls' get to go shopping or make jewelry, I get the blue prints to build something like I have all the resources or intelligence in the world and i don't already have enough to do for little or no benefit to me whatsoever,,,i guess i can be very selfish and bitter if i want2)

Do you remember ‘You've Got Mail’? One piece of experience during the AOL inert internet? Most or all ‘Biogenerated and U R DAN!’

Simmonds='In a similar fashion' or 'See me on dis'? My first ‘customers’ were those green devils …World Trade Center… I caused an error in the Jihaddists biological clock (3:00 pm)... and other attractions and He is the one whose ‘kidnapping’ in His cause you cannot accept?

Islam, is the Web’s new septic tank divides (segregates/separates) dillusion and ‘spreading stupid’ again. 'Idiots!'

Qaf (50) or Mark 5 or Question: The rhetoric and the opportunity within God’s Holy cause to see (Return) AJew, AChristian, AMuslim, AHindu, ABuddist…Is this the construction that of a virtual local (neighboring/confined/limited) person or persons?

I think computer sees something like this: =IF((True=”Jew”, “Christian”, “Muslim”, “Hindu”, “Buddhist”…,"1","0")

PS I am still trying to decipher this but think Google got it yesterday, its doing something like an iterative language translation (Gida=General Iterative Decoding Attack) using Google tools and for a precedent I started with the English and translated succesively based on who bombed who (language order based on order of conquests througout history), for a more advanced maybe more accurate reading try going back to the order of conquest on the Planet up to modern day... I don't happen to have a Cray Computer at my disposal and I have to work for a living...

Based on what is given, here is my carefully-worded response: I know why You draw fire to Yourself, but we both know how it really went down and You know in Truthness this is not about me! They show no sign of stopping their 'cosmic' 'get-love-out-of-jail' 'Kernel' campaign...and methinks its not funny. BTW my brain is Your HSKH B}?...did you run out of paper or virtual space or somethnig? And I have a better idea-- You stay with Your friends who like to play dead and then ditch me and build it here, but next time You send the 'car' around please make sure both kids are with me and I don't care if your Messenger does give me the silent treatment, I like what You built over There ; )

PSS: Why are there depth charges going off under my house? Neuremberg Role Disaster playing game=NURD? Gee You Are You or Great Understanding Relatively Useless =GURU?

Anyone care to check whether the planes that flew into the world trade center were even produced by 2001? That means checking all the serial numbers of all the parts and verifying they were produced by the time of the unfortunate event.

Idiots aren'te we all? Your glib take explains the media, internet, published papers even, but what about the biogenerated units, and Your 3 Ambassadors to date? If they don't really exist, I want to have my stretch marks disappear by tomorrow morning, just like everything else around here and a ton of valuable currency in my bank account, that I can have access to so I can finally go shopping.

The NURD proposition that You are me and that I am just part of a virtual role playing game doesn't fly by me, because it's all too late for that. Primarily because the incessant pain keeps everything all too REAL. While everyone else is taken by the UFO sky show, the aliens I see are driving up to me, walking up to me, or trascend the space-time continuum such as in Michael's case and none of them look like some woman gave birth to them or that they can be a product of anyOne's imagination save God's. I was especially taken by the one who seemed to bend light and project images of objects just by staring into space and You and i know he was no way virtual or some random combination of DNA.

See me on this: The stretch marks haven't vanished and I am telepathing a very large number up to terabytes in currency (all 1's) that is still worth something around this so-called-virtual realm because I think I can have more fun accomplishing what I am doing here just by picking out the right pair of shoes and clothes with the proper drape and cut.

And we both know I haven't had a bed to sleep in for over a decade by now.

PSS: 'Booger' this and that means "it's happening right under their noses" and 'George' ='Geo r ja 'ee' means "Return to Earth' which as You know I made the call as prompted that day and what was supposed to be a 'tincture of time' has amounted to over a dozen years their local time and I have no intentions of doing any such thing and You Know Why!