
Inscrutable Scruples

Checkered Past Includes Having Been Seen In a Bunny Suit

...On More Than One Occasion.

Okay, Okay. If you haven't guessed it by now I'll just have to admit it.

I am the Alien.

I come from a Planet where Men know how to treat a fine Cuban cigar and Women know better than to insert ignitable objects into their body cavities.


Gushing Glory

“C'est singulier! Moi, je pense jamais, mes idées pensent pour moi.”
(It's Strange! Me, I never think my ideas are for me (my sake)."
--Alphonse de Lamartine (1790-1869), French Poet

'Dis Honorable Discharge' sounds bad to everyone but Rocky Balboa.

(bet You can't guess what this is all about...I'll give you a minute to think about it.

For the impolite clue; it boils down to 'coming and going', and the fact that in this day and age, 2011 CE?, the medical community still doesn't know where women come from. Really, I read recently, even while using MRI studies of copulating couples they can't tell. The debate is first, whether women can 'come' at all, and second, if they do 'where exactly does it issue from?'. Some claim women can't/don't cum at all and that it's just urine--as if they can't do a simple sniff test to find out whether or not it is incontinence...

For a more refined take on this post, suitable for discussion in mixed company, members of the audience that can't stomach bodily functions may prefer to think of this survey in terms of PNP(pissingin) and NPN(notpissingin) bipolar junction transistors.

While I may have recently read the article Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Male and Female Genitals During Coitus and Female Sexual Arousal , it is not a recent article (first published in 1999).

The authors acknowledge "It has been extremely difficult to investigate anatomical changes during the act of coitus and the female sexual response".

The essential message being; "Since the medical establishment can't tell how or where a woman 'comes' from, the mainstream position is that her bladder fills during intercourse so it must be that any discharge resulting from sexual arousal is due to involuntary urination!"This way the woman does not ever believe she can have the equivalent of what we know as male ejaculation and if there is such a phenomenon as 'female ejaculation' the woman is misled into thinking that she is a 'Wets-y Betsie' and, consciously or subconsciously, is forced to suppress any such phenomenon from arising in her for fear of a disgraceful, embarrassing leak...

Triangulating Human Sexuality is not easy for someone that half the time can't locate their own vehicle in a mall parking lot, but here goes...
Surah 86 At-Tariq (الطَّارِقِ)
فَلْيَنظُرِ الْإِنسَانُ مِمَّ خُلِقَ 86:5
خُلِقَ مِن مَّاء دَافِقٍ 86:6
يَخْرُجُ مِن بَيْنِ الصُّلْبِ وَالتَّرَائِبِ 86:7

86:5 So let (such that) the Human Being See (Understands) Of What (they) Are Created
86:6 Created From/Of Watery Effluent (stream, race, influx, afflux, outpouring, inflow/outflow, pouring, pumping, effluence...)
86:7 Coming out (emerging, exiting, surfacing) from/of between the 'al-ssalbi' (n.; steel, Crux, crucifixion, loin, ramrod, cross-cut, betterment. v.; crucify, harden, consolidate, stiffen, temper, call out, sear, castigate. adj.; solid, firm, rigid, tough, stiff, concrete, robust, metallic, adamant, unyielding, inflexible, unkind, stark, horny, stubborn, tenacious, resistant, solidity, cruel, corneous, persistent, callous, stabile, out-and-out) and 'al-'ttaraa'ibi' (Alterae (Altair); var. رأب ra'b, bridge, garage; al-tara ibi (ForeFathers' + White Flyers).
In broad strokes, a woman's ejaculate? is probably tied in with the lymphatic or intersticial fluid and issues due to involuntary smooth muscle contractions during foreplay and/or orgasm. There may be more than one source of the feminine ejaculation, depending on the level of heightened sexual arousal. For example, from the vagina itself, and/or from the feminine physiology that corresponds (is the complementary dual, homologue) to the male phyiscal structures involved in masculine ejaculation.

According to wikipedia (which may not be the last word on the subject, but it does 'come in handy'--to turn a phrase) "The parts of the clitoris hidden inside the body include erectile tissue, glands, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. In both the clitoris and the penis, there are two types of erectile tissue: body of caverns (corpus cavernosum) and spongy body (corpus spongiosum), which fill with blood during sexual response, causing an erection. The clitoral shaft...feels like a hard ridge about one-half to one inch long, and it rises toward the pubic mound for a short distance, then bends sharply and divides, forming two slender legs which are also made of spongy tissue. The legs flare out like the wishbone of a chicken. In both women and men, the urethra is surrounded by a ring of sponge."

The markers being the ''two slender legs' (see the description of the Summer Triangle) of the spongy tissue and 'flare out like the wishbone of a chicken" (the 'As Above...So Below' analogy being Sadr (Gamma Cygni) which lies prominently at the Center of the Northern Cross in the Cygnus Constellation (The Swan); its name comes from an Arabic phrase meaning "the hen's breast." (Anybody care to make a wish? Or do more Homework?)


The Big Idea

What's the Big Idea?!That's 5,6,7,8... too many times I tried to complete this paragraph about curvature and hyperbolic geometry only to have it get wiped out each time I Saved it or Posted it!

Tell You What...You can keep Your Low-Rank-O's Dumdressands and BoppingCrosses, have Your self-appointed and self-annointed MonkeyNutBrains MDsense sit ize their own kith and kin and themselves too while they're at it.

I don't particularly have any trouble distinguishing when I am on the Flat or in the Saddle and if they do---then, good, that's Exactly how it was Designed to Work.

Now quit messing with my Duckie post and wiping out the curvature paragraph pertaining to hyperbolic geometry on the Cosmic Scale...because that's how big the Truth can Get...BeYOnd Hyperbole!QQQ

Go Desensitize This Symptoms of chemical burns depend on the causing agent. However, most of them are characterized by a superficial or profound destruction of the tissue and a sensation of intense heat or pain. Some tissues are more vulnerable than others -- for example, even mildly corrosive substances can cause damage to one's eyes while not causing anything but discomfort on the hands.
If the injury occurs internally, it can also be associated with poisoning, which renders these type of burns more difficult to treat.

And by All Accounts others complaining of much milder symptoms due to the exposure were relocated. But, they all kept me returning to the same location--blithely explaining away any abnormal sign and symptom to me as a 'false positive' or 'false negative,' (All the while thinking, 'We've seen this sort of thing before; we convince our medical specimen it is all in her head and to make amends, somewhere down the line, someone will volunteer to have a pity-party for her (aka marry her) and take care of her because they can never own the mess they've made of Her life or make reparations any other way without letting the proverbial cat out of the bag; like by allowing this kind of criminal activity to actually be adjudicated in a court of law. As if! Never once stopping to think they picked the wrong specimen, believing there were no other 'witnesses,' since they could not see Him. The old we can't see Him, therefore, He must not Exist! Or, that a simple websearch doesn't turn up that this sort of thing has gone down Just As Viciously in the past (similar case in Louisiana 1996)? Yeah, it may have started out as an accident but that 'coctail' they injected her with at Harbor UCLA was malicious and planned--Ugh!)

...and everybody else ... pretended I was the only one complaining of some 'fictitious' sic-building-syndrome... (Science Hertz, but the Grammar Nazi is not supposed to make out worse than Hilter and PolPot combined...Right: Bizarro Comics January 4, 2011)...that's why I don't subscribe to their Morality (Do Unto others until you're done with them) or Your Physics (For every action there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction; in other words, Good deeds yield Bad results).

...That's why I don't want to be a Rock Star or a Wonder Tsar--Reinventing Physics Is Where I R.

If any of this is making me sound like my great grandmother 7 generations back, giving a shout out across the space-time continuum might have attenuated the message, only adding to the confusion.

If there was any French in Her, what She said was, 'Fou toi!' (sounds like fu.twa!)

Non Sequitur August 24, 2012
'The Laws of Physics Shall Be Strictly Enforced'
Not to be mistaken for the similar sounding Advisory Opinion, 'Fatweh!' issued by My Late Father's great grandfather 7 generations back--that would make Him Jed-Jed-Jedi--and what He said was, 'فتوى!'
At any rate, it's a moot point whether He said, 'This is my opinion!' or, She said, 'You crazy!'
Because in the Final Analysis according to forget me, aka منسي sounds like 'mansee', it's "Like saying Peace be upon you!"
('zaii call it salaamu 3alykum!' )
زي قوله سلام عليكم

'A fashionable way to say ;-Peace Be Upon You'!'


Humorism Not Lost On Me

Too rich to believe! Someone actually surfed into this site today (25 Jan 2011) with the following search string:

"What is symmetry in a ewe called? "

By way of the state of nebraska / office of the cio isp.


You mean to tell me that I have to amp up my 'act normal, and pretend I'm clueless' routine even more than I've been doing?

Well, okay, then!

If symmetry in a Starfish is Pentamerism, then symmetry in a Ewe is 'Ewemerism' --(Ewemor me, someone else started this)...

Considering Blake's Auguries of Innocence concludes that God '...does a human form display To those who dwell in realms of day,' I can see why some may be misled into thinking that God does ever assume the guise of a mere Human, walking around like the rest of us, having the need to make an urgent pit stop along Route 66.

But, this misconception may be why so many people fail the acid test when it comes to recognizing what God Is. God Is Creator, Not The Creation.

This is quite a big step away from the Hindu concept of Maya and the Antithesis to Euhemerism, the Greco-Roman concept of Mythic Gods having evolved from 'especially gifted' humans.

While nothing can prevent God from 'presenting as human' chances are He/She/It is disinclined to ever do such a thing. A simple thought excercise illustrates why this would be the case; it would go something like me becoming a goldfish just so I can relate better to my pet Fred, who swims about contentedly in his mucky fishbowl, no matter how often I clean it.

Assuming I was All-Powerful And Could Do It, Would I Ever Want To?

More than likely, the answer is, Most Certainly Not! I can relate very well to my goldfish Fred by feeding him and maintaining his environment to at least where he can see through the mucky water once in a while, because there is no way to keep Fred from mucking about in his fishbowl since Fred has a tendency to doodle where he eats.

And for this reason, more than any other, God May Never Actually Present As Human no matter the circumstance--that's why Angels were Created before Humans, to ensure an Agency Existed by which to Relate to the Creation without Sinking So Low.

While I don't pretend to know the Mind of God, this would be the Better, and more Elegant, Sacrosanct Solution--to Delegate the Dirty Deed rather than to actually Get One's (Proverbial) Hands 'Dirty'. It would also be the More Merciful Method since if God ever has to Step In everything happens Instaneously and what fun is there if we are all Dead In An Instant?

And the flip side to this argument is that while it is in every Human's interest to evolve or aspire to have the Penultimate Qualities and Attributes of The God (Our Maker), we humans can never actually be God because it is never the case that a human can forego having had a beginning and an end. No Human can run for the Office since none of us can ever claim The Fundamental Prerequisite to Being God--Being Eternal, Without Beginning or End.

So, even if we Die = Reach the End, and are Resurrected= a Promise from The One God, it would be rather Arrogant to think, 'Well, now we are God or God in the Flesh.' Or, have any such claim to Godhood, since we can still remember having had a Mother and a Father (some Beginning) and that we had met our End!

See, Eternal means For All Time, not From Some Point Forward.

That's why Jesus was not confused about being anything other than Mariam's Son, (Peace Be Upon Them). And it is so wrong to say Jesus ever laid any claim to being God or God's 'kinsman' or 'son', since God Creates--it is the Creation that Procreates. A little introspection will show that Jesus may have been motivated by less than virtuous Humility from such self aggrandizement as proclaiming himself God In the Flesh, since why would Anyone want to take credit for Having Created This Mess?

Can you imagine Resurrecting in the midst of a community where you are taught so many wrong ideas about God, the Resurrection, Angels, Prophets, Satan, and God Knows whatever else?

It would be confusing to say the least, waking up the next morning, and you may even hear some people standing in line behind you at your local coffee shop asking each other, 'How can she rationalize this?'

I heard that, and while I felt sorry for whoever she was they were talking about, I am eternally grateful that You saw to it the only thing I would feel the need to rationalize under such circumstances would be, 'How did this restaurant get here, and what kind of Chinese restaurant doesn't have chopsticks?!'

Well, Michael? You have some explaining to do! I'm waaittiing...


By The Sea, By The Sea...

A Baby Grand Piano 'surfaced' on a sandbar near Biscayne Bay Florida January 25, 2011, apparently strategically placed there overnight. I wonder if that was in response to You hearing my feeble attempts at playing last night. Overtures are always welcome, but more than likely it was a college prank.

Yet, somehow I think it should be in G...


If It Walks Like A Duck And It Talks Like A Duck, It's A Papaya

"It's not the one thing nor the other that leads to madness, but the space in between."
--Jeanette Winterson, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit

In a nutshell, the cunundrum scrutinized by many-a-sleuth since the Dawn of Civilization has been;
One Duck--But, Which Duck?

Purportedly, the first to pop the question were the Greeks--and it would have sounded something like:
Mia papya amma pya papya?
(Μια πάπια, αλλά ποια πάπια?)...

But, what's any of this to do with Gravity? One might wonder.

In Greek the query whether it is 'One Duck' or 'A Duck' is one and the same. Only interesting as far as 'One' indicates an exact Duck, yet any generic/indefinite duck will do for 'A Duck'.The word for duck in Arabic, by the way is, ' بط' , pronounced 'but' , or more precisely, 'butt'. A closer look at the image of the yellow ducks swimming past the view finder reveals a series of less obvious white ducks gliding by in the opposite direction. They are embedded in the 'negative space' defined by the more apparent yellow ducks.

The white ducks are what we would call a 'ghost' since they have no definite outline. And just like a ghost they trace a faint, weak or greatly reduced appearance, or possibility of something. But, butt, ' بط'...!
...where at first glance it seemed the marksman is about to miss their target, we now see that they are sighting their quarry and are right on target--an interstitial white 'sitting' duck.

In this example, the interstitial space (white ducks) is the gap or 'empty space' between spaces full of structure or matter (yellow ducks). It is what the Japanese call Ma (間) ...roughly translated as "gap", "space", "pause" or as "the space between two structural parts". Now, before you 'O, Ma!' me, or toss another 'grammar nazi' my way (an apparent euphemism for 'childbirth makes women scatterbrained'), You should know the reason I am bringing up the Japanese is not because you have a Japanese girlfriend at present. But, for the more important reason that while this 'interval' or 'negative space' is understood to be experientially 'concrete' in Eastern philosophy, in that its very absence or voidness is considered to lend value to the overall tangible structure or give shape to the whole, there is no equivalent single word for Ma in the English language--a somewhat serious omission.

The buzz words being interstitial and negative space, right? Somehow, that should bring us back down to Earth, so to speak, and the 'matter' under consideration--persnickity Gravity.

For denizens of the Planet Earth, 'Knowing' about Gravity is a little like 'Seeing' a Ghost.

Just like in the Duck example, where the ghostly Ma white ducks were plucked from the negative space or gap between the substantive yellow ducks, Gravity's ghost is traced by the Tide. Oceanic Tides can serve to 'map' Gravity since it has a direct affect on them.

For the example here, a regular ocean tide at the shore gives some insight as to the basic Geometry of Gravitational (wave dual) affects on a particular day at a particular time and particle location.

And just like Flatlanders cannot fully realize what Higher Dimensional objects and forces Really are in Lower Dimensions (Consider Flatlanders, Emily and Bob, projecting a hyper-cube...etc.); the best we can hope for is a reasonable inference of what these 5th, 6th, or higher dimensional things' true nature is based on our limited perspective of what we are afforded by our 3rd or 4th dimensional existence (remember Chicken Little?).

That is to say, we need to look for their traces in the 'empty' spaces.

The sine function, osculating circles, parabolic sand washes and the triangles indicating the carved sand bars were overlayed onto the image by drawing them in, not actually modeling them mathematically. These shapes, while selected intuitively, have geometries that can be explicitly related by arithmetic relationships.

The simplest case is imagining that a cylinder is cut at an oblique angle such that the cross cut is an ellipse. Unwrapping the cylinder reveals a sinusoudal curve. In a similar fashion, the circles, parabolas, and triangles are derived from conic sections and projections (unwrappings/unfoldings). (Implicit formulas for such profiles/projections available at "Unwrapping Curves from Cyliders and Cones," The Mathematical Society of America, 2007 )

Simple inspection of the underlying geometry for this moment in time by the sea shore--the osculating (kissing) circles, parabolic sand washes, the tide's sinuous wave front, and the triangles depicting the carved sand bars-- gives a good lower dimensional representation (affine) of Gravity's extra-dimensionality (interstitial nature) and just what it might Really be all about.

Having spent time mulling over the implications of a mathematically perfect Solar System, as solargeometry eloquently puts it, it would be reasonable to expect infinitely recurring self-similarity throughout the Universe. And, by extension since Gravitation is a part of the Universe, wherever we measure or observe its effects can serve as reasonable isomorphs in our 4-dimensional space-time domain to understanding Gravity's exact nature.

Self-similarity is the flip side of the Duality coin. And just like opposites, or duals, serve to balance each other and teach us something about the Nature of the World by comparing and contrasting these opposites, self-similarity serves as an identity scale from the very big to the very small (You Do It! I simply don't get paid well enough to justify working that hard, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Gaussian_kernel#The_discrete_Gaussian_kernel) to teach us about those things that we cannot access readily due to some limitation. In the case of Gravity, that limitation seems to be that it is extra-dimensional.

{It may very well be the case that self-similars do not only exist for inanimate objects, but People as well, considering the Quran has this much to say about them:
20:104 We know what is involved when the 'likes of them' (those mentioned before, those like them, their representations) say, ‘You went about (were broadcast/remained/stayed/tarried) in this way (method/system/fashion/channel/styling/mode/style/attitude) but a Day'.}

A good place to start looking for self-similars in Gravity's case is by comparing the Curvature of a cylinder to the curl of a Tidal wave.

A cylinder can be given by a flat metric, a 2-D rectangle (planar shape) that is curled (rotated by an angle 'alpha' about its axis) so that the short ends meet. When rotated, its various profiles present as lines, ellipses or circles depending on the viewing angle and axis of rotation.

Curvature characterizes how well Pythagorean’s theorem holds for spatial distances.

A space or space-time with zero curvature is called flat.

If an object/line/field/surface/n-space is ‘flat’ its curvature is zero, then Ω = 1, and Pythagorean’s theorem is valid.

If Ω >1, there is positive curvature (or locally convex), and if Ω <1 then curvature is negative (locally saddle, or hyperbolic--i read it, is it supposed to make me feel any better, or make me launch into a retelling of the story about ذو القرنين ḏū al-qarnayn 'the 2-horned one', as He was already mentioned in earlier posts 'where the 2 (horns?) meet').

In either of these two cases, the Pythagorean Theorem is invalid. The point here being that this type of thing is only detectable on a Cosmic scale (1E26 m); and sometimes that's how big the Truth gets, and they still callin' me a liar! (As an aside, do i get an invitation to the wedding the crew from 'paranoia' were planning at Starbux this morning 02-26-2011 @8:00am? That is to say, the guy on the phone was so loud about it, he should've invited everyone in the joint...I haven't been to one in about 5 years.)

In a plane, curvature is a scalar and in higher dimensions it is described by curvature vectors/tensors.

For a circle, the curvature is equal everywhere, and is defined as the reciprocal of its radius.

For smooth curves, curvature is defined as the curvature of the osculating circle at each point. (Osculating circle based algorithms can also be used to avoid a catastrophe.)

...back to the Sea...

A yellow dot is wrapped onto a cylinder of decreasing radii in the Figure (a)-(f) above.
The edge effect in (f) is reminiscent of waves breaking on the shore.
Pictured here is a yellow dot resting on slack water in an ocean (A), a momentary lull before the tide turns, and something that models a point in a plane (or a Flat field).

In (B) the red arrow indicates an Acceleration field which causes the yellow dot to rise in a trajectory modeled by a geodesic along the surface of a cylinder
(C)--an example of Curvature as the Obstruction to a Flat Field.

 {If You notice how long this post is taking for me to get around to doing it's because I've been sidetracked, thinking I almost made a friend, but that went South quickly when he reminded me that 'human contact is a good thing'. R U kidding?Did you see what happened the last time I came anywhere near them?! So, good try, but no thanks!}

An Observer looking directly down from the Sky  (i.e, a Fixed Point of View, far away) sees the yellow dot translating along a straight line (not following a curved pathsince they cannot observe the rotation, α=0, ie. it would appear 'still' in that respect, no longer arcing), its straight line profile traces a path:

p(t)= t

Which is esentially a line given by:

z = ct

The yellow dot's ordinate as it rolls along the curl of a cylinder that's rotating around its central axis in this manner as a function of the angle of rotation about the cylinder's central axis, α, is given by:

zα = p(t cos α +√(r^2- t^2 )sin α

Which is a curve of the form:

zα = t cos α +√(r^2- t^2 )sin α

On rearrangement, is essentially an ellipse (possibly degenerate) of the form

Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 = 1 given by:

zα^2 − 2zαt cos α + t^2 = r ^2 sin^2 α


p = the profile function
t = projection of the point along the x-axis
r = radius of the cylinder
α = angle of rotation about the cylinder central axis
z = the distance the projected point travels parallel to the y- axis as it follows the curl of the cylinder through angle α
The expression for zα resembles x'= x cos α + y sin α for changing coordinates from the xy- system to the x'y'-system by rotating the axes through an angle α.

The tidal wave develops along the arcing surface of the imagined cylinder whose shape, depending on the symmetry of the acceleration, may be a circle, an ellipse or degenerate ellipse --an example of Tidal Forces as the Obstruction to an Acceleration Field.

This is readily imagined if one were to change the Observer's point of view, such that they are now sighting directly down the cylinder's central axis. One way to do this is to move the Observer's veiwing plane by 90 degrees by actually repositioning the Observer, the other way to do this is to 'tilt' the cylinder itself by α = π/2 to the original viewing plane.

In either case, the profile function is then given by:

zπ/2 = p(√(r^2- t^2 )

Which is essentially a circle given by:

z^2 = r^2 - t^2

Time and Tide are, respectively, bound to Space and Acceleration akin to the manner in which Polar coordinates are related to Cartesian coordinate systems. The relationship is difficult to fathom directly since information is lost (more accurately, 'masked') when moving from one system to the other. And looking at something (information) in one system makes it seem like something entirely different in the other, when in fact it (the information, representation) is essentially the same exact thing.

Words can only take us so far and that's why pictures were invented. And by the fortunate happenstance of a searchable world wide web, wikipedist Kieff (who for whatever reason does not enjoy being Brazillian, or is that getting a Brazillian?) has actually expressed this concept of converting from Cartesian to Polar coordinates pictorially--a similitude for how Curvature of Space-Time is the same as Tidal Forces."

As for seeing me cycle through every mood but Contrition, when have You ever known me not to oblige. If it's contrition You want, here it is: I am genuinely sorry I didn't kill'em all!}

Good things come to those who wait, or as in this case, to those who procrastinate. The delay in getting on with wrapping and unwrapping (unfolding) curves has allowed enough time for this treatise to surface on the web "Unwrapping Curves from Cylinders and Cones," by Tom M. Apostol and Mamikon A. Mnatsakanian, May 1997, The Mathematics Association of America. (reference added March 28, 2011)

Since it seems Gravity can only be encompassed from a Higher Dimension we can only Infer something about its inherent characteristics by its Lower Dimension isomorphic projection on Tides. In this case, Ocean Tides serve as the 4th dimension space-time model of Gravity’s true Higher Dimensional 'Wave' nature.

The Ocean tides give a direct window into the Wave nature of Gravity since modeling tidal behavior can serve as a reasonable affine in Euclidean Space to Gravity’s n-dimensional space affects on them.As we know Tides vary, Gravity, too, may not be as constant as we think, but also instantaneously variable and fluctuating (just like Energy, Light, and other Electro-magnetic radiation, and we have a basic understanding of how Matter interacts/correlates with such Fields).

Gravity's Wave Duality Can Be Inferred From Geometry of Tidal Affects

The pictures can only do so much because they are still rendered in 2-dimensions but a good modeling program should be able to tease out the Unifying Physics of this phenomenon we call 'Gravity' and the finer points pertaining to fractals, duality, and that niggling issue of 'missing mass' (I mean, if we Know it's missing, doesn't that mean it Ain't?--O, Gee :-() that brings us back to 'There ain't no God'!--i kid, i kid, i jest i jest, b( i am soooo depressed)-er).
Some days, when the tide washes up in even more circular fronts, the effect is even more pronounced.

I'm almost certain some bright talent can put all this "As Above, So Below..." to Music just as some time ago William Blake wrote a Poem about it.

'To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour...

Every night and every morn
Some to misery are born,
Every morn and every night
Some are born to sweet delight...

We are led to believe a lie
When we see not thro' the eye,
Which was born in a night to perish in a night,
When the soul slept in beams of light.

God appears, and God is light,
To those poor souls who dwell in night;
But does a human form display
To those who dwell in realms of day.'
--from Auguries of Innocence by William Blake

O, Gee, again! SomeOne already made it down this far in the post and is wondering where is the Quran tie-in. Here it is:
Surah 20 TaHa (طه )

طه 20:1

20:105 وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِالْجِبَا

فَقُلْ يَنسِفُهَا رَبِّي نَسْفًا فَيَذَرُهَا قَاعًا صَفْصَفًا 20:106

20:107 لَا تَرَى فِيهَا عِوَجًا وَلَا أَمْتًا

20:108يَوْمَئِذٍ يَتَّبِعُونَ الدَّاعِيَ لَا عِوَجَ لَهُ وَخَشَعَت الْأَصْوَاتُ لِلرَّحْمَنِ فَلَا تَسْمَعُ إِلَّا هَمْسًا

The first sign in this chapter is one set of the Disconnected Letters found in certain Chapters of the Quran. They are pronounced individually and generally do not comprise words that have any meaning, for that reason they have kept their integrity all these years.
For Sign 20:1 they are the letters Tta ط and Ha ه .

In a previous post there was some discussion as to the mathematics in the Quran, so going by conventional Arabic math notation the ط can mean 'Natural Number' and/or 'pi' and/or gematria value for tta being '9'. And the Ha is Euler's number which is the irrational number denoted by 'e' and has the gematria value '5'.

Now, it doesn't take much to combine pi and e to come up with a natural number. The general case is:

The general solution for which is:

For the special case when taking the Chapter value 20 as the variable and the Sign number 1 as the case to test for True, we get: 


Which happens to be True.

20:105 And they will ask you about the Mountains/Barrows/Highlands; Say, 'My Lord Will blast them (a) demolition (torpedo them (to) sinking)'

20:105 transliteration

Wa ya s a loo n aka AAani al jib ali

fa qu l ya nsifu ha

rabbee nasfan

20:106 Leaving it a level plane (Leaving it bottoming (simply) wasting)
20:106 transliteration
Fa ya فَ يَ

tharuha qaAAan saf safan
 ذَرُهَا (a word for corn/kernel/seed/scatter/sow 'tthura' and here it is understood to mean 'its kernel' since it's take as 'thuruha' (reflexive); but this is by no means the only way it may be understood--just happens to be the most accessible to me.


20:107 You will not see in it any Crookedness (Bend/Curvature) or Ruggedness

20:107 transliteration
La ta ra fee ha
(La=no, then use tau, roh, phi, and Ha==e,
should lead to something meaningful
when 20:107 used for variable/solution)

AAiwajanwala amtan

(and not; d, a? Complex, Imaginary, compile/ until n?)
(more than likely the math is wrong since I have no insight into the physics/math and simply stringing along the Arabithmetic guessing, someone more keen on this can probably recognize it for what it is. the point is the message has to do with learning something new and not necessarily using the Quran to bonk your brother.)

20:108 On a Day they will follow the Caller/Summoner, without Crookedness/Dishonestly/Evasion to Him, and the Voices will be Hushed/Overawed by the Merciful, and you'll not hear anything except murmurs/whispers/soughing sound.

20:108 Transliteration

Ya w ma I thi n
ya ttabiAAoona alddaAAiya
la AAiwaja lahu
wakhashaAAati alaswatu lilrrahmani
fala tasmaAAu illa hamsan

Surah 46 Al-Ahqaf ( الْأَحْقَافِ , Curved Sand Dunes)
وَاذْكُرْ أَخَا عَادٍ إِذْ أَنذَرَ قَوْمَهُ بِالْأَحْقَافِ وَقَدْ خَلَتْالنُّذُرُ مِن بَيْنِ يَدَيْهِ
 وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِ أَلَّا تَعْبُدُوا إِلَّا اللَّهَ
إِنِّي أَخَافُ عَلَيْكُمْ عَذَابَ يَوْمٍ عَظِيمٍ 46:21

46:21 And remember 'Aad's bretheren when He warned his people among the wind-Curved Sand Dunes, and indeed warners came and went before and after him, saying: 'Serve none but God. Truly, I fear for you the suffering of a Momentous/Significant/Great/Extraordinary Day'.

But like I stated earlier, it's taking time to get through this post since I tend to wallow in my own misfortune, knowing this News never makes it Home (with or without outside assistance, given how often the point about hyperbolic curvature has been deleted to date 21/02/2011; the upside is that while so far Gravity is still present I have magically dropped 3 dress sizes while still consuming the same amount of chocolate). {'Grammar Nazi'?! Really? How many more times You gonna say that?}