
The Real Issue...zzzz

During the last segment of the Bill Maher show he pulled out a picture of an Afghan slum, some of it in rubble from what we can only assume was shelling, and he wondered how it is that Muslim countries, some of the richest in the world, can possibly justify having another Muslim nation subsist in such conditions. After all, there must be well over 1 Billion Muslims in the world, surely they can cobble together enough cash as say a handful of 14 Million Jews, or whatever the point was he was trying to make.

He made his point in a very funny way, I would have to watch the program again to make it sound as good, but the point is well taken. (By the way, is Bill Maher's head really as large as it appears on screen? He must have smoked way more than he owns up to in his youth; it's absolutely bulbous--sort of like Helena Bonham Carter's head in the latest Alice in Wonderland movie).

But there really is no need to belabor the reasons as to why there is no visible cooperation between Muslims, just look what happened when the Muslim Turks tried to help out the besieged Palestinians in Gaza recently (who are predominantly Christian). And that's pretty much been the history and the usual consequence of Muslim outreach in modern times.

Yeah, I know, what's one less Muslim, or five or 1 Million--I mean, here I've been gone for over 15 years and my own kids haven't missed me; my computer at work only randomly acknowledges my logging on for each day I am there which makes me wonder if I am really there or not. Still, I get my paychecks each month, less 15% diverted to coffers that have as yet to be accounted for by way of forced 3-day furloughs each month; this despite several State University studies showing that beyond a 1-day furlough per month the State is actually losing more money with more furlough days and 2 Court rulings that such cut backs in workers' wages are in fact illegal. The aforementioned non sequitur and run-on sentence is to show that it is not only Muslims that apparently cannot manage money.

So, the reason for the lack of development among these countries must not really be fiduciary but something else. (Let's eschew the obvious reason, corruption, since that is also a symptom rather than a cause). Since it is Afghanistan that is in the limelight one reason for its lack of growth is in its being the unluckies Muslim nation when it comes to natural resources.***

Let's see--it has mud...and bricks!

A point not wasted on the US Military when they went there to bomb high-value targets and couldn't find any; most of the targets bombed in Kabul (the Capital of Afghanistan) were not worth the price of 1 Bomb we dropped on them (as far as material + labor cost; we continue to ignore the price of 'collateral damage' because the pencil-necks in accounting have not come up with a way to establish that yet).**** Images of the better built Afghan domiciles along a hillside and what an advanced weapon reduces such buildings to appear below.

And Afghanistan has been beleaguered by war in some form or another since the late 1970's, which further stunts its chance at real growth. But war is only a contributing factor and not the only reason for stalled economic development; a problem specific to Afghanistan as to why it has not joined the rest of the world economy but not the big deal of a problem.

The most compelling reason for it failing to do so is also the reason the wealthier Muslim countries have not either. It is the devestating lack of education among the population, but specifically, the female population (recall a recent incident where a significant number of Afghan girls reported strange odors at school prior to falling ill and those affected reported symptoms very much like those involving toxic exposure, yet some wrote this incident off as mere mass hysteria--this should sound familiar if you have by now read Maxie Time). And where there is a pretence at educating women in these other countries, their growth is limited by the fact that the educated women have very limited opportunities for real growth, and so goes that whole society--they have set an upper limit for their own development, they maxed out.

In many of these societies, the women basically can become doctors (but only so they can marry a doctor), lawyers (and teach law), teachers (and be educators), and so on. No one ever tells these women, "Now, get out there and win one for the Gipper!"

That is the cover story. There is also a dark side. Being an educated person I have hob-knobbed with other educated people and one time in the long distant past I met a highly educated person who told me she had won a sizeable contract to go to Malaysia and report on the Muslim-Christian conflict.

This was prior to 1985 and there was not any Muslim-Christian conflict that I was aware of and I read newspapers and listened to the evening news and talked to other professionals in my field who were usually of foreign origins and they brought the news in from their own far-away homelands. Before she mentioned it, none of us had ever heard about it. And when I checked her on this, she abashedly restated that her report would come first then the conflict would ensue. Ohhh (I can be such a Ralph Kramden, or Ed Norton at times). I went straight home and casually mentioned to my significant other we should be more careful how we choose our neighbors in the future because apparently the natives are not friendly. (Husband! Don't you worry, never fear, methinks they Cannot Kill Me Twice, Dear. And, Al, I promise not to let them see me cry--how's the old leg?).

At any rate, Muslims it would appear are not the only demographic that cannot account for why the rich portion does not help out the disadvantaged amongst themselves. Here in the Western Hemisphere the poorest nation has as its popular majority Roman Catholics. Below, we see images of Haitian living conditions prior to the recent big earthquake and after. And we also see the religious leader of the Roman Catholic Church that, should he be inclined to do so, could single-handedly float the Haitian economy for the rest of its existence without having to sacrifice the quality of his robes or shoes.

And as for those really expensive bombs we drop like diamonds from the sky, for good measure, images of the homeless in Los Angeles are also included along with a photo-op of the Mayor of Los Angeles at a red carpet event in the very same hometown. If he did not ask for an assist on their behalf from every celebrity at that fete, he was not doing his job that evening working for the disestablished among his constituency (and nice suit, by the way).

Now that we know the real reason why the US is over there and by some miracle we have not found that elusive Osama, the real question is: When exactly did we first 'discover' these vast stores of Afghan mineral deposits and how much of their own country's wealth do the Afghan's get to keep?
****These newfound riches will also help the pencil-necks in accounting come up with a figure as to how much an Afghan's life, aka 'collateral damage' is worth as well; let's see $908 Billion/29 million population is about 31,310++ USD. Note: How the pencil-neck accountants have figured out exactly how much unmined mineral deposits are worth, but are clueless as the value of one human's life born in Afghanistan.


Tongues And Tails A-Wagging

Surah 49 Al-Hujurat
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا يَسْخَرْ قَومٌ مِّن قَوْمٍ عَسَى أَن يَكُونُوا خَيْرًا مِّنْهُمْ
وَلَا نِسَاء مِّن نِّسَاء عَسَى أَن يَكُنَّ خَيْرًا مِّنْهُنَّ
وَلَا تَلْمِزُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَلَا تَنَابَزُوا بِالْأَلْقَابِ بِئْسَ الاِسْمُ الْفُسُوقُ بَعْدَ الْإِيمَانِ
وَمَن لَّمْ يَتُبْ فَأُوْلَئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ 49:11

49:11 O! All You Believers! No person should belittle another person, it may well be that they (the ones belittled, gossiped about, made fun of) are the better folk; and women should not belittle (gossip about, make fun of) other women, as it may well be that they (the ones being derided) are the better (women); nor mock each other or call each other (unflattering) names ...

I, too, would rather be around wagging tails than wagging tongues.

Someone is disappointed they did not get their 'virgin'; I keep telling You they got the wrong girl, but then, again, when have You ever known me to f&%$ around?

It is interesting that this injunction first addresses all those people who have attained to faith that they should not engage in backbiting and slandering, and then specifically mentions that women should not engage in such behaviour when it comes to other women. It appears that even in this day and age this is applicable since it is true that women are the more active participants in just this type of damaging behaviour.

I don't quite know the impetus for it, but one has only to read the newspages or listen to the news for the relevance of Sign 49:11 to dawn on them and to see how wicked tongues (or twittering fingers) can cause so much grief.

It has been said that while great minds talk about ideas and middling minds talk about events, small minds talk about other people. And while a call to guard against the small minds in all of us may be looked at as a call for a Utopian society, it is really nothing more than a call to maintain a Civilized society.

Overheard in a coffee shop the other day a woman was saying, "She can barely keep herself together, she is so sick! Who are these people?" There is no good way to understand the message behind a sound bite like this, even if it is taken out of context.

But let's just say the speaker had the best intentions behind what she was saying (if she didn't want it overheard she should not have had the conversation at a neighborhood coffee shop). I was thinking just what other kinds of people there might be.

There are the kind of people that do not shoot others in the head, or rape women and children because it "Sooo does not go with what I am wearing!" And they are the very same kind of people who do not disparage the elderly for thinking they have lived long enough to express an opinion in a country that has as one of its guiding principles freedom of speech (yes, poor Helen Thomas) because they are galled by our 'friends' ruthlessly dispatching 5 relief workers execution style since they figure 'Who needs friends like that!' (If a Nazi (or a mafioso) did it to a Jew (or anyone else for that matter) would any of the rest of us stand for it? And if we did, what does that make us?)

As for Helen, while many believe she has outlived her usefulness (and this may show not only a gender bias but an age bias), having her lose her job over a random outburst (the first and last one she has had in her long career) will only give this country more of what it does not need, one stilted special interest (not in the best of the rest of your interest) voice for everyone to thrum by while making all the other reporters sit up and take notice that they, too, are not at liberty to give an 'opinion' (deviate from the kowtow party line) and by extension dare to present a balanced reporting of the news because the 'anti-Semitic' name-calling gets bandied about so readily (a modern take on the French guillotine, use once and it is Off With Their Heads, not as gorey but just as effective).

I don't know about the rest of you, but it would be nice to have a domestic source of balanced news reporting without having to go to the BBC and other non-USA news outlets for less distorted news perspectives. {And no, it is not like asking the Americans to leave the US to the Native Americans, it is more akin to asking the Arizonans to get off the Hopi Reservation (Sovereign Native American Lands) because A Deal Is A Deal and no fair grabbing when no one else is looking--or watching aghast.}

If that doesn't calm down the rhetoric, maybe this will: The same agreement that brought the Jewish State Israel into existence also made for the creation of a Palestinian State (UN Resolution 181). Either it is legal in its entirety or not at all; no such thing as Partial Accord. By this, either Israel exists Legally along with Palestine or its very existence is Illegal altogether (And who am I to say such--just a pencil-neck underpaid government analyst--of the engineering persuasion; that's whose repsonsible for generating the analysis when it needs to be made absolutely crystal clear--then they hand it over to their high-paid pencil-neck attorneys to make it all perfectly vague again who then regurgitate it to the public via mass media outlets featuring political mavens or dunderheads, oftentimes one and the same to keep everyone from focusing on the real issues).

And it is quite amazing that Israel upholds (partially) this one UN Resolution to the Death, but ignores everything else the UN has ever had to say about it or any other subject since. And the view from the top is God does not favor one person due to their Ilk (or Gangsta Colors, or Emblems or whatever else makes them feel so special, like their Moms) over another since He did not make only one kind of Person any more than He made only one kind of Beetle. Judging based on all the evidence presented at every turn, it would seem the Ultimate Reality is in the Variety (Or else what? Yup, it's only yeasty farts all around!).

Are you tricked into believing that anyone here cares enough to comment? The facts are clear, you do not live by God's Laws and it is blatantly demonstrated you do not live by Man's Laws (your own) and that's why the problem was handled in a non-political yet very effective manner. We made sure your children are not going to want the same things you want--no matter how you raise them, what you teach them, whatever you tell them--and for very Selfish Reasons; We are bored with the mindnumbing news coming out of that part of the world for that past 60+ years--How's that for Creative?


If The Trees Are Pens And The Oceans Are Ink

قُل لَّوْ كَانَ الْبَحْرُ مِدَادًا لِّكَلِمَاتِ رَبِّي لَنَفِدَ الْبَحْرُ قَبْلَ أَن تَنفَدَ كَلِمَاتُ رَبِّي وَلَوْ جِئْنَا بِمِثْلِهِ مَدَدًا 18:109

18:109 Say, " If the Oceans were Ink, the Words of Your Sustainer would Run the Oceans Out (Drain) before His Words (run out), Even if they (the Oceans) were Replenished with their like."
The word used for "ink" is "midadan" which is a poetic term, the common word for "ink" is "hiber". And taking poetic license, the word "midadan" can have various meanings including; "outrigger"=midad مداد , "tide"= mida مدا, "stretch/extend/equip/help/outstretch/prolong/protract/dilate..."=mid مد, "expanse/duration/period/term/time/interval"=midat مدة, depending on just which root was intended for this poetic instance.

---Okay, it seems someone has run out of patience, so here is the quick fix; it would be extremely helpful if our First Lady (Mrs. O) would kindly (and tastefully) replace/update all the sinks in the White House at this point. {Job 41:11 Who has a claim against Me that I must pay? Everything under Heaven belongs to Me.--that's for the snide remark, I suppose. And nobody gets off scott free--I had to promise not to turn the Quran into a cookbook.} And since this post seems to be all about sinks and drains, I wager the cross-section depicted above is some type of funnel for just that purpose."

Surah 82 Infitar (Mushrooming.., Breaking/Cleaving, Alternating..)
وَإِذَا الْبِحَارُ فُجِّرَتْ 82:3
وَإِنَّ الْفُجَّارَ لَفِي جَحِيمٍ 82:14
يَصْلَوْنَهَا يَوْمَ الدِّينِ 82:15
وَمَا هُمْ عَنْهَا بِغَائِبِينَ 82:16
يَوْمَ لَا تَمْلِكُ نَفْسٌ لِّنَفْسٍ شَيْئًا وَالْأَمْرُ يَوْمَئِذٍ لِلَّهِ 82:19

82:3 And when the Oceans Blow Up/Explode/Detonate/Blast/Let Flow/Burst/Undermine/Spout/Shot Out/Dynamite (alternatively, Beginning/Dawn)
82:14 And indeed the Burst/Gush/Fulminate/Spurt/Well/Outburst is Hellish (in the scale)
82:15 They Discover it on the Day of Judgment (Reaches Up Coloring their Debt (what is Due) (alternatively, Persuasion)
82:16 And They will not be Absent from it (Oblivious to it)
82:19 A Day No One Owns/Possess/Rule Over Anyone in Anything and the Command is God's Behest (Permission Only by God's Command).

Alternatively, 82:19 has the following meaning;
82:19 If bored___the property/ownership/keep/hold___ to silence/stop breathing/stop blowing/___ the important business/consequence/concern ___ and care/tend/protect and refresh/irrigate the area with fresh water ___ the Source;

And/Or reads:
82:19 ...Mother points out the Humiliation for having ignored God.

I could be wrong, but I think some Souls are still not happy about the condition New Orleans was left in and I have to mention that I do hold a small interest in BP.
I am not a Petroleum Engineer, but the inference here is to bore/drill upstream of the gush and make it stop blowing that way and remedy by irrigation; in the ocean I suppose that would mean pump the water/referesh and recirculate.

Surah 31 Luqman (The Prophet Luqman)

31:1 الم

31:1 Alif.Lam.Mim.



31:27 مَّا نَفِدَتْ كَلِمَاتُ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ

31:27 And should all the trees on Earth become Pens and the Seas with 7 more Seas Supply them (with ink), Gods Words (Power to Create) would still not be Exhausted/Run Out; Indeed, God is Almighty, Wise.

{Why doesn't God clean it up?---Because God is not your Mama! And if your Mama raised you right you would know to clean up your own mess, or not to make a mess in the first place. And the implication is that this 'accident' is somehow related to 'a severe denunciation' and I am guessing it is something related to the Hurricane Katrina disaster, based on proximity and the saying 'rises up coloring their debt', meaning that is makes clear/obvious by 'coloring it in' what they owe or is 'due'.}


A Rainy Day Spider

"The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout,
Down Came the Rain and washed the Spider out."--
Nursery Rhyme (Rondo)

Most spiders belong to the orb weaver Aranidae ("A Rainy Day") spider family. And while it may be common knowledge that an image of a spider appears in the upper right corner on the obverse of the One-Dollar bill, I had not noticed it until someone pointed it out to me a few years ago.

While the web motif is part of the design on the dollar bill, it has been said that the spider is not intentionally part of that design but is rather a vestige of the printing process. What a remarkable synchronicity that it happens to appear nestled in its web, if that is the case. {The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn Comic Panel as it appeared in the June 4, 2010 issue of The Los Angeles Time, 7 days after this post date; synchronicity?}

Since the earlier post had to do with the Fly Fable and flicker fusion frequency, it seems appropriate to follow up with the one about the simile for the spider's convoluted cobweb.

Surah 29 Ankaboet (Spider)
مَثَلُ الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ أَوْلِيَاء
كَمَثَلِ الْعَنكَبُوتِ اتَّخَذَتْ بَيْتًا
وَإِنَّ أَوْهَنَ الْبُيُوتِ لَبَيْتُ الْعَنكَبُوتِ
لَوْ كَانُوا يَعْلَمُونَ 29:41

29:41 The example (Allegory, Simile, Metaphor) of those who take others beside God for protectors is like a spider when she takes her home (for shelter); and indeed the frailest of homes is a spider’s home, if they only knew.

In light of the current economy and the fact that a spider appears to make its home on the $1, it goes without having to elaborate further that the spider has indeed taken a weak domicile at present. The national motto as codified in United States Code Title 13 §302 federal law, "In God We Trust" also appears on the dollar bill, and must be the only thing left holding it up (protecting it).

Okay, so here I am making a sincere effort to do my best to keep going and You keep trying to make me die laughing (somehow, it doesn't surprise me that 41/29=1.41 and just by Magic ('cuz we can't say G-O-D) spider silk can stretch about 140% of its length before snapping (a measure of ductility) and that 29/41 is 0.707. The density of spider silk is 1.3 g/cm^3 (30% greater than the density of water at 39F/4C) and 1.3 x 0.707 =0.919, which happens to be the density of water at 60 F/15.6 C and the same as the density for adipose tissue (besides making people fat also serves important endocrine functions and is the key component necessary for soft tissue reconstruction)--now I totally lost my train of thought... {Cathy by Cathy Guisewite Comic Strip "Nostalgic for Fat" as it appeared in the Los Angeles Times June 4, 2010}

{In an unrelated matter, I heard it through the grapevine that 'they' think there was an overreaction on my part to a 'minor misunderstanding'---what about "yeah, f#%$ her!" did I not understand correctly and overreact to; and this callous affront following their having succeeded in making the Universe collapse in the right side of my brain!?}

Symbolize 'That' or What Takes from the Level Below the Creator 'Parent'
Do/Perform Spider taking Home Page while 'That' decays (41, 29, -1)
Return to Base Your Bot As Long As (Post, Banner, True)

Adapt What Is Taken From Below The Creator/Source (What Is Taken From Transcribed Source) Parent (molecules) Typified by a Spider when it Takes/Makes its Home And the Weakest Spot/Distempered Beta (bond?) Starting Point of the Spider, If they can Locate it.

Moving Too Fast Or Too Slow Depending On Light Conditions

Just how scary is a world where everything around you moves 8% too fast in the dark, and in the light everything moves about 20% too slow, but your comprehension speed is pegged at an average 600 milliseconds?

How much more disquieting if you are just a kid?

Surah 22 Hajj (Pilgrimmage)
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ ضُرِبَ مَثَلٌ
فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ
لَن يَخْلُقُوا ذُبَابًا وَلَوِ اجْتَمَعُوا لَهُ
وَإِن يَسْلُبْهُمُ الذُّبَابُ شَيْئًا لَّا يَسْتَنقِذُوهُ مِنْهُ
ضَعُفَ الطَّالِبُ وَالْمَطْلُوبُ 22:73

22:73 O, All You People! An example is struck (An Allegory, a Simile; The Saying Goes…)-- So, Pay Attention (listen to it, harken)! Indeed, those you call upon other than God cannot create (form) a fly (flutter/flicker) (even) should they (coalesce) come together (to do so); and if the fly (flutter/flicker) rob (deprive/strip) them of anything they cannot regain(recoup/recapture) it from him; feeble are the seekers and the sought.

Quick, what's 73 less 22?

Now that we got the Area 51 matter out of the way, let's take a look at why the Fly Fable is found in the Quran.

The visual acuity of a fly is much keener than that of the average human; a necessary evolutionary bias that enables the fly to resolve visual cues when flying/manuevering at flight speed; a speed that is much faster than required for human bipedal locomotion, otherwise the poor fly would go splat.

It is reported in the literature that the fly's flicker fusion frequency is about 300 Hz vs the human's (on average 24 Hz in low-light conditions and about 60 Hz in bright fields). Higher flicker fusion frequency is always the case for birds and flying insects which enables them to see details while moving at faster speeds than demanded of us, and avoid obstacles in a fraction of the time that a human could (that's why people get into high speed car accidents, but hawks don't run into trees and shrubs when in hot pursuit of their ground prey). To a fly we appear to be moving in slow motion, at least 5 times slower and that's why we can't easily swat it.

While Sign 22:73 alludes to the fly robbing someone of something that they cannot recoup even should they combine forces to get it back, the deeper meaning is that those who suffer from the inability to coalesce or combine their efforts to create the flutter or flicker are unable to form the correct flicker (fusion frequency) even if they come together for that purpose; and that this flicker disparity is stripping them of something that cannot be readily regained (probably their comprehension or some other intangible thing that cannot actually be restored); making them feeble or debilitated.

If it is assumed that the chapter number, in this case 22, is the average low-light flicker fusion frequency for these individuals with this dysfunction. The implication is that it must be a scary, disconcerting experience to be in the dark and have things jump out and around at about 8% faster rate than expected. This group of people may be suffering some form of autism since the word 'dharb' alludes to 'various, trashing, multiple impact' which sometimes manifests as repetitive rocking back-and-forth motion or striking out. And in bright-light conditions the world must be moving about 22% too slow if the verse number 73 is assumed to be the average bright-light flicker fusion frequency for someone suffering from this condition.

It is just an assumption, but having one's perception challenged in this way would undoubtedly affect behaviour, speech, socialization--what have you.



Someone did a search with the following string and landed at telepathy101.blogspot.com :

"what should a girl do when a man is communicating by mental telepathy? "

In an ordinary world, the answer is obvious, you let nature take its course; but under extraordinary circumstances, say, because every cell in your body has been manipulated to oblivion and each of you is married to someone else and you don't look anything like the tail he is chasing around his office and you're not short on cash or company, you do what the Big Voice in the room tells you to do and you "Get Out of The Way-Now!"
Not surprisingly, the Quran offers just this type of tailor-made approach to problems; a fix to suit any occassion.
As an example, let's take Abraham's concern and the way it's handled as recorded in Sign 2:260.
{Ok. Ok. What He, the 'Big Voice' in the room, actually Said (but in the interest of brevity I gave a sound bite); "I Will Not Let you Fall. I Want you to get dressed (not what you all may think-- I was getting a medical exam) and Leave. NOW! You'll not see him again.} (In response; I got dressed, left the examining room, called the elevator, made it to the parking lot, got in the car, started the engine, fastened my seatbelt, exited the building and made it to the street in less than 30 seconds flat! And as I drove off I could 'see' that my departure was lightening quick because it was just then that the doctor was just making his way back to the examining room and rushed to the elevator bank only to find that I was gone without a trace---date of the incident on or about October 5, 1996 at around 6 pm. Who was the doctor speaking to about my medical condition on the phone in his office having established that it was not me, not the Owner of the 'Big Voice' (the Big Voice was kind o' neat, but what clinched it for me was seeing a demonstration of Your 'ability to commandeer the pixels' on my flatscreen tv at home and scroll messages of a personal nature in 30 inch lettering across it while knowing there was no dedicated private feed to our basic cable subscription), and not my spouse who was with me during part of the exam and had just left to to pick up the kids, and later found out it was not my lawyer, and not my other treating doctor, either? That pretty much elimates it being any body else's business. And now that You are all tied up in Nots, The Real Question Remains; More Importantly than What Planet am I on-- What Kind of Game are You Playing?)
And, get this; some time later, maybe years had gone by, I contacted a young lady who gave psychic readings by phone out of her home in New Jersey. Something about her seemed genuine. She did not ask me for anything other than my name and payment information and started her reading. She had never met me before the night of that 15-minute consulation; she couldn't get a bead on who the mysterious caller was, but she did say; whithout any prompting from me whatsoever; 'We All Saw You Leave That Night, We saw you leave him and he went after you as far as the elevator bank.' I asked her who was the caller, who are We that saw all this? She could only say she speaks spontaneously when she gives her readings and does not really know what is the nature of the information or who is providing it.)

Chapter 2 The Calfوَإِذْ قَالَ إِبْرَاهِيمُ رَبِّ أَرِنِي كَيْفَ تُحْيِـي الْمَوْتَى قَالَ أَوَلَمْ تُؤْمِن
قَالَ بَلَى وَلَـكِن لِّيَطْمَئِنَّ قَلْبِي قَالَ فَخُذْ أَرْبَعَةً مِّنَ الطَّيْرِ فَصُرْهُنَّ إِلَيْكَ
ثُمَّ اجْعَلْ عَلَى كُلِّ جَبَلٍ مِّنْهُنَّ جُزْءًا ثُمَّ ادْعُهُنَّ يَأْتِينَكَ سَعْيًا
وَاعْلَمْ أَنَّ اللّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ 2:260

2:260 And when Abraham said, "Lord, show me how you give life to the dead." (God) Said, "Do you not Believe (accept it as True)?" (Abraham) said, "Yes, (of course), but so that I am reassured (with) inner (certainty, in my heart)." (God) Said, "Take 4 birds and train them to obey you, then place a portion of them on each mountain and call them; they will seek you (come to you) at your command (in order); and know/teach that God is Wise, Powerful."

So, Abraham learned by similitude of Falconry how it is that God Resurrects the Dead.

And, word apparently got out about my culinary prowess, so the same Sign 2:260 is a convenient Recipe that I plan to try for tonight's dinner:
2:260 And Abraham (his daughter) said, ”Lord, show me how to adapt (this recipe) and bring life to this dead (chicken)!” He said, “Don’t you believe (it can be done)?” (She) said, “Yes, but to insure the inside (is cooked).” He Said, “Take the thighs/legs of 4 birds and ground them up, then take a portion of that and knead it with a couple of figs (play up to your taste, ie season to your liking) and (grill until) there is a mark over the highest part (of the fire); and invite them to dinner and they will come in an orderly fashion; and know Your God Is Provident (Compos Mentis when it comes to you) and very Powerful (because at any time He could Swat you like a fly).”

{I substituted 1 lb. ground chicken breast for the legs and minced a couple of dried figs for the fresh and formed them into cutlets, seasoned with salt and pepper and a little dry tarragon then grilled them and they turned out moist and lovely; my family complained about the sweetness, but I balanced it with tart heirloom tomatoes for a side and made Panini sandwiches with provolone cheese out of the cutlets; they were quite nice. It turns out I have a bunch of finicky eaters at home and I hope the substitution wasn’t committing sacrilege, but the dark meat may have stood up to the figs' sweetness better, and next time maybe leave out the terragon.}

And You, Dear, get a buggy program out of it (Just what You need, right?)
إِذْ while
قَالَ declare
إِبْرَاneedle /cursor/pointer بْرَ land/ground
هِيمُ main
رَبِّ raise/increase/collect/gather/accumulate
أَرِنِي show me /display/
كَيْفَ how to alter/revise/copy/rework/adapt
تُ to
الْمَوْتَى endless /death/infinity

قَالَ declare
أَوَ Or
لَمْ Round up/gather/collect
تُؤْمِن accept as True; or تُؤْTau مِن from/of

قَالَ declare
بَلَى Yes; or بَ with; لَى twisting/torsion
وَ and
لَـكِن while is
لِّيَ twisting/bending/torsion/contortion/bending/flexion/
طْمَئِنَّ reassure/check
قَلْبِي inner/core decrease; invert/flip/transform B (or the center?)

قَالَ Declare
فَخُذْ take; thigh/leg (of a right triangle)
4أَرْبَعَةً four, tuple-4
مِّنَ of/from
الطَّيْرِ whatever flies around
فَصُرْ grate/cut into small pieces/differentiate
هُنّ from/of
إِلَيْكَ to you; to torsion/flexion/twisting...

ثُمَّ then
اجْعَلْ mark/locate
عَلَى on/to
كُلِّ each
جَبَلٍ maximum
مِّنْهُنَّ among them/key or most important of them (presumable the key vector)
جُزْءًا portion/section/slice/fraction/piece/bit/parcel

ثُمَّ then
ادْعُهُنَّ call them/execute the function

يَأْتِينَكَ come/comes/ (it should yield (this is a guess, any 2 pairs in order))
سَعْيًا in order/sequence
وَاعْلَمْand know/teach
اللّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ God is Wise/Sage/Provident/Separate/Discrete and Powerful/Exponential

My first sloppy take, since I don't know what I'm doing:

Do While (2, 260)
Declare Cursor = 0, **The main pointer/needle set to
ground/ and other values needed for this algorithm**
Display [Value];
//**How to adapt the Area (local neighborhood) from the Infinite** (Big O?)

Declare [A,B]
Or //**Round Up, Collect; ie sum up the vector space
with torsion?**
Direct Sum ΠUT= ATÅBT
Check True? //I don't know

//make sure the Inner/Core is diminished, is this some sort of
topology investigation?//
Declare Tuple-4 (a, b, c, d)//4 of whatever is
flying around//key vector
a=c sin A = c cos B
b=c sin B = c cos A //the
legs of a right triangle//

σaθb {R} //select Key Vector/help!//
d/d(R)//cut them into pieces, discrete values, differentiate
/help!--someone must have already developed this algorithm//
the maxima
//then call /execute

Print [A,B]
Declare //God is
Wise, Powerful//

Laugh if you like, but I am not the programming genius here and You have your work cut out for You...

***As a general observation, your airfoils sure fly slow around here**


A Day At The Beach

Sometime in 2001

Him: Look at you, waving at that helicopter as if they can see you!

Her: They came out of nowhere--I was just letting them know that I can see them.

Him: To them you look like a drop of rain in an Ocean…do you mind if I ask why you are just sitting in your car, why you don’t step out and walk down to the beach. It’s a beautiful day!

Her: Not feeling well.

Him: Why? You don’t look like there is anything wrong with you.

(Protracted silence)

Him: What exactly is wrong with you?

Her: I had a toxic exposure… I have a headache…they say it’s asthma…it feels more like seizures. (With every packet of information she is forced to relay her agitation grows more evident; she had come here to withdraw and not have to deal with people only to find this random passerby with nothing better to do but engage in conversation).

Him: Oh…I see…where was the explosion?

Her: There was no explosion, just a slow chronic buildup of toxins in a tight building where I work…

Him: Yes, but when was the explosion? There is usually an explosion in these cases (he says pensively).

Her: (slowly shaking her head No).

Him: Where do you work?

Her: Government office.

Him: (Nods knowingly) I see--Government! Do you see that building there? I think that it is a government building (he casually points to a lot across the street)

Her: There is no building there…(the irregular knoll didn’t appear to be large enough for a 2-bedroom home let alone a government building and the strictly residential neighborhood was far too opulent).

Him: Sure there is, don’t you see the drive way; the access road around the back?

Her: Excuse me, I am going to open the car door now and step out. He backs up to allow the door clearance.

Her: (Looks at the spot he had pointed to and Wonders what he is talking about, clearly there was no building standing there) No, there is no building there that I can see.

Him: Well, perhaps when you come back in a few years…my name is John, by the way, what’s yours?


Him: AXXX?


Her: (Exasperated by now at having to repeat her name 3 times, and wondering how he can know her older sisters’ names) It’s RXXXX.

Him: Oh! RXXXX! (He says while at the same time shifting the expression on his face and his voice to look and sound just like her late father)

Her: It was nice to meet you, John, I think I’ll go down to the beach and catch a prayer.

Him: (He holds out his hand and they shake hands farewell, then he resumes his initial demeanor) Good-bye…for now. (and he winks impishly, so quickly that she doubts seeing him wink).

As John watches her make her way down to the shore and he realizes exactly how she finally got the help she needed, he laughs his head off!

Zits Comic Strip by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman as it appeared in the June 4, 2010 issue of The Los Angeles Times.

A large building nears final construction on the site in question as of this blog entry date; but somehow I am disinclined to believe the chopper or its occupants had anything to do with my mother.