
Someone Started A Rumor

What is it about Americans that the 2 most often repeated phrases are "I'm sorry," and, "I love you."
Do you know what that sounds like to an alien?
It sounds like this; "I'm sorry I love you!"

And the alien can merely respond by saying, "My condolences, I understand your WIFE is a Muslim."
SomeOne searching 'been let down quotes' and 'you let me down' from unknown.unknown isp, then all traces of it vanished (and, howdie-do to our mangled-wire computer cousins at the US Army Signal Corp).
Not because there is any reason to suspect that being the case, but more than likely because someone started a rumor...that's why?
And it wasn't me. Nope, despite what anyone says I don't think I'm too good for You.
And if the let down has anything to do with my performance to demostrate my range, it was a training exercise-- putting a young-sounding voice to good use; and if my faulty memory serves, it culminated in the biggest bust of a worldwide child trafficking ring a few years later.

The phone records and chatroom snipe are probably still on your desk if not your top file drawer (and it was my cousin, Joey?, pointing me out to You in the middle of that unpartitioned office area, going through my paces on that particular afternoon--so, if I thought there was anything to hide I would not have been doing such a great job in a wide open common work area--with me being the only female in a 'bullpen' shared with 7 other male engineers, that's why it was called the 'bullpen').

And if You want to act like You don't know exactly what it is I am talking about then You deserve a bigger Oscar than the one I should get for my following Your 'I need you to go on sinning and grinning' acting direction from You Know Who?--You!

There really is no reason for me to live under such uncomfortable conditions, but seeing as how I don't even get what I work for and earn, I figure it highly unlikely that I can get what I simply ask for--not because I need any more lessons, but because I know there are more Powers at play than what those around me perceive.

For example, I have known that I am on the federal? payroll in some capacity as a government Annalist/Analyst since at least as far back as 2007 (maybe 2006) but I have yet to see a single penny of it--whatsamatter, having a little trouble making sense of the cumulative time?

See? I warned You--can't afford me?

Times like these I wonder why our family can't have our piano recitals in concert halls, like other families. (I know, it wouldn't be fair when Gabriel has more talent in His left nostril than the entire population that ever was or is or will walk the Earth, combined).

"I sometimes think we must be all mad and that we shall wake to sanity in strait-waistcoats."--BRAM STOKER, Dracula

In an ideal world (Heaven) I should be compensated for exposing my (hare) brain for Your consideration on at least the same par as world class models get for exposing their...their...their wookies (ie., other admirable/bankable hairy parts on earth).

Surah 60 Al.Mumtahhineh (The Examined One, Those Tested)
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا
 إِذَا جَاءكُمُ الْمُؤْمِنَاتُ مُهَاجِرَاتٍ فَامْتَحِنُوهُنَّ 
اللَّهُ أَعْلَمُ بِإِيمَانِهِنَّ فَإِنْ عَلِمْتُمُوهُنَّ مُؤْمِنَاتٍ
 فَلَا تَرْجِعُوهُنَّ إِلَى الْكُفَّارِ لَا هُنَّ حِلٌّ لَّهُمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحِلُّونَ لَهُنَّ
 وَآتُوهُم مَّا أَنفَقُوا وَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ أَن تَنكِحُوهُنَّ إِذَا آتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ
وَلَا تُمْسِكُوا بِعِصَمِ الْكَوَافِرِ وَاسْأَلُوا مَا أَنفَقْتُمْ وَلْيَسْأَلُوا مَا أَنفَقُوا
 ذَلِكُمْ حُكْمُ اللَّهِ يَحْكُمُ بَيْنَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ  (60:10

 60:10 All You Believers (Faithful)! When believing women come to you as fugitives, examine (test) them. God Knows what's between them (among them). Then, if you ascertain them to be  believers (faithful), do not send them back to the disbelievers (infidels). They are no longer lawful to the disbelievers (unfaithful), nor are the disbelievers lawful for them (any longer). And give them whatever they may have spent. And it is not a sin for you to marry such women when you have given them first what they have earned. And do not keep (hold onto) defending disbelieving women; nor ask for (the return of) what you have spent (on them); and let the disbelievers ask for what they have spent (the are entitled to what they have spent). That is God's Judgment. God Judges between you. And God is Aware (Knowing), Wise.

But, fair is fair, and my Father predicted that I won't fall for that little beauty trick either (Really, I overheard Him on my way out the sports club telling someone He has every confidence I can pass that test, too!--I don't recall Him laying any odds on it, though.)

Check it out...Testing, Testing...
Surah 18 The Cave
إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا مَا عَلَى الْأَرْضِ زِينَةً لَّهَا لِنَبْلُوَهُمْ أَيُّهُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا 18:7
18:7 Indeed, We Created everything  of Beauty on Earth to Test people as to which of them is Best in Conduct

( I passed this Test with flying colors, especially the night of Jan 13, 2012, when a drop dead gorgeous blond was openly flirting with me as I worked deligently on a business letter that was to be only 'a couple of paragraphs' and turned out to be 1600 words.
Don't get me wrong, I was flattered to no end--especially since the last time that happened I was 16 years old---now that I'm a semi-centurian, her attentions didn't quite ring so True.
Besides, that's a no-go for me, seeing as how I stated my position about Women earlier and found it to be much in keeping with WC Fields' feelings about Elephants.
Moreover, if they also happen to be anywhere nearly pretty enough for me to sense any kind of familial connection, then nothin' doin' --sis, 'cuz, G-Aunt, hoaxter!--And the real Killer to this non-starter Test is, I've openly stated where my true passions rest.)

Surah 20 Ta-Ha (Can You Hear Me?  'طه')
وَلَا تَمُدَّنَّ عَيْنَيْكَ إِلَى مَا مَتَّعْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجًا مِّنْهُمْ زَهْرَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنيَا لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ وَرِزْقُ رَبِّكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَى 20:131
20:131 And don't strain your eyes in longing for the splendour of the life of this world, things We have given for enjoyment to matched pairs (married couples) of them through which We Test them: but the Provision of your Lord is Better and More Enduring

(Another gimmee---what splendour are we referring to exactly? Hauling his laundry hamper up and down 2 flights of stairs while carrying his baby full term because he's too special to help with it or that he never reciprocated any of the good she's ever done for him or the support she freely gave him because he somehow finds it acceptable to abuse the 'now found to be mentally ill for saying she suffered a chronic toxic exposure from working in a sick building for umpteen frickin years?" and threatening to never let her see her children again if she so much as flinched at the despotism of living under his rule now that he would never allow for a divorce and use emotional blackmail to keep her in check---yeah, if I was God and ran this kind of test on someone, I would ...deleted for seeming contemptuous).

Surah 23 The Believers (Faithful)
وَلَقَدْ أَخَذْنَاهُم بِالْعَذَابِ فَمَا اسْتَكَانُوا لِرَبِّهِمْ وَمَا يَتَضَرَّعُونَ 23:76
23:76 And We Tested them through suffer­ing/trials, but they did not humble themselves before their Lord; nor did they ever pray (entreat/plead with Him)

(For this one, I get a Gold Star. You wanna know why? I actually saw and heard the Witnesses offer to give You a front row seat to see Me Down On My Knees; apparently, I was doing it quite a bit for some number of years that You could catch that show with some regularity--I only stopped when I got the signal that it was pointless beyond a certain threshold, see 15:98-15:99 below.)

Surah 29 The Spider
أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أَن يُتْرَكُوا أَن يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَهُمْ لَا يُفْتَنُونَ (29:2)
وَلَقَدْ فَتَنَّا الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ فَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ اللَّهُ الَّذِينَ صَدَقُوا وَلَيَعْلَمَنَّ الْكَاذِبِينَ (29:3)
29:2 Do people think that they will be left (at ease simply) because they say, 'We believe', and that they will not be Tested with hardships?

(Nope, never thought that for a twinkle, but I Never thought it would drag on forever, either, because beyond the first 5 Earth Years, that, too, became pointless!
I am not doing the waking up in a hospital bed Men In Black thing, and I am not doing the Groundhog's Day thing, and I am not waking up to any walk throughs of any other scenes from any movie that was ever made or screenplay that was so much as even accepted on spec, okay--that's it! I've Had it- I had it when I called Him a RedHead and He corrected me to say that Tawny is in fact the more accurate description of the color (LIKE a LION)).

Surah 44 Smoke
وَآتَيْنَاهُم مِّنَ الْآيَاتِ مَا فِيهِ بَلَاء مُّبِينٌ 44:33
44:33 ..and We gave them such Signs as would clearly presage a Test 

(I got the Signs, all right *alright, to the effect that I started a diary, and a blog to preserve them for all posterity & what could be a Bigger Better Betoken than THE Michael Himself announcing His Presence- that was not a Sign to Presage a Test in 1992, that was like AN ANNOUNCEMENT, but I still wonder, why Me? ---there are definitely prettier, smarter, richer, taller, thinner, more powerful people--and we still have a President to the United States, or do we? And of course, those who drive nicer cars.
What? Did the world run out of virgins?
I'd already had a kid or 2; now I hear I have over 100--not bad for a woman whose own husband hasn't so much as dated her since their 7th anniversary.
Can you even imagine what that can do to a woman's self image? Let alone, anyone's ego---psshhaw, nothing!
I keep pretty busy and I still prefer being a female to being a male; if not for the fact that we don't sweat as much, than for the mere frilly lingerie incentive alone.)

Surah 72 Jinn
وَأَلَّوِ اسْتَقَامُوا عَلَى الطَّرِيقَةِ لَأَسْقَيْنَاهُم مَّاء غَدَقًا  72:16   
لِنَفْتِنَهُمْ فِيهِ وَمَن يُعْرِضْ عَن ذِكْرِ رَبِّهِ يَسْلُكْهُ عَذَابًا صَعَدًا 72:17
72:16 ...had they but tread firmly on the right path, We would have showered them with Abundance
72:17 As a Test to determine which of them would turn away from their Lord; He will thrust such (as turn away) into ever increasing torment.

(This one leaves me in a Quandary.
I tread the path, as right as it could be in the mind of a neophyte.
If we were talking averages, like engineers are wont to do, I'd say better than the average of what I saw going on around me (note, better than average, not better than everything and everyone---averages are more meaningful when we are taking a populatoin of 7 billion, because any 1 Event (Person/Thing) in and of itself may be considered as a statistical OUTLIER!
Yet, y, y, y the increasing torment?--I passed all of the above tests, and not only did I submit/surrender/give up without prompting the first time, but I tried to do it again a few weeks ago--You may remember, I even waited in the cold night air for SOMEone to haul themselves in for me to SUrrender to, and they Flaked, giving me to understand that my Unconditional Surrender is not accepted under any terms---I must have really ticked someOne off.
I now consider that my major life achievement---now, if I could only figure out Who that SomeOne is/was and where they're hiding.)

And if the disappointment stems from my having stopped praying, it's only due to this little love note:
15:98-15:99 ...pray until ....Can You guess how I interpret 'certainty'? ...
What is there left to say?

That this is how much injustice has to be tipped against me in order that they keep breeding and breathing?

... Want another demonstration?
Sasha, tell us what book you're reading at breakfast table and your sister can share her plans for running for office?

الْيَوْمَ نَخْتِمُ عَلَى أَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَتُكَلِّمُنَا أَيْدِيهِمْ وَتَشْهَدُ أَرْجُلُهُمْ بِمَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
This Day We Shall Set a Seal on their mouths
but they will speak to Us with their hands,
 and their feet shall bear witness to whatever they earned in Life.
My hands r not tied, I'm free

It's not that I can't, I won't

I am not poor, just broke(n).

My G-Aunt keeps wanting to chime in with, "You know, Dear, the boys keep saying it's a sin to talk about it; but, just between us girls, headaches are a lot sexier on the Men."

I hear Him Say, 'Some fisherman you turned out to be when your net comes up empty time and again'.

I am more a 'catch and release' kind of fisherman...or some such 'sort' of thing.

And as for opting to pursue some 'weird dream' rather than to open my eyes to what's going on around me, I don't think I am as blind as some would like to believe. My 'weird dreams' manifest in physical space and time.

Take for example the image on the right--not a metaphor, but an event:
Location: ~ 34.07573, -118.38503  (~ 34° 4' 30.965" N     -118° 22' 51.363" W )
Orientation:  SSW? (same as that of the Roman reception desk)
Date: May 17, 1997
Time: 6 - 7 pm

UFO and Related Sightings Surrounding 'the event':

On April 25, 1997, the night more than 30 UFOs were seen over New Brighton, Minnesota, just north of the "Twin Cities" of  Minneapolis and St. Paul a sky watcher observed 3 UFOs in the same binocular field.

Over a course of several months… avid sky watchers have observed extremely high moving objects which traverse the sky in a few minutes…they appear solid, self-illuminated and round. These objects…named 'High Movers'...are moving in a N-to-S or S-to-N direction, with slight east and west variations… not consistent with satellites.

"Now, here is what is interesting,” an observer said, "all but two (of 7 he saw)  were moving to the northwest, towards Minnesota!... one moving to the northwest about 9:45 p.m… just as it was about to drop below the horizon… another moving near it, more to the east.. was amazed to have two in my field of vision at the same time, since viewing through binoculars greatly restricts the field of vision. A third High Mover (UFO) streaked past both of them.. I've never seen three in the sky at once...much less in the same binocular field of view."


On Monday night, May 12, 1997, a Colorado pilot was flying near Walsenburg (population 3,945) when he picked up a strange call on his radio.

"I was flying in clear VUCU sky (VUCU stands for "visibility unlimited, ceiling unlimited") when I picked up a weak communication on VoiceCom 121.5,  the common-use emergency channel… always monitored by commercial and most large private aircraft with more than one communications radio,” the pilot reported.

"As well as I could, I was able to make out someone at Flight Level One-Two-Three-Five Hundred (123,500 feet or 37,424 meters--J.T.) requesting 'immediate traffic in area.' There was obvious anxiousness in his voice, and he was talking to Air Traffic Control," he added, "The only thing I know that can travel at this altitude is the SR-71 Blackbird. Now it is not uncommon to see high-flying aircraft in this (San Luis) valley, but this guy is calling, in what must have surely seemed like some desperation, on the unsecured 121.5 emergency channel."

"I have two wonderings--was the SR-71 on recon? For what? And why was he so concerned with traffic at an altitude that few pilots have ever been at?"

 (Editor's Comment: The pilot might use the civilian emergency channel if the military frequencies were being jammed. Then again, it might be someone playing with a shortwave radio.)

On Wednesday, May 14, 1997, around 4 pm, at the Intersection of Bundy Avenue at Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. (See Journal Entry for May 14, 1997 at 17:00)


On Thursday, May 15, 1997, at 12:07 a.m… a few hundred yards from Interstate Highway 80.

…a black equilateral triangular object about the size of a half-dollar held at arm's length, moving swiftly to the east-northeast about five degrees north of directly overhead..."It had three lights, one at each of the vertices. These were orange-yellow and appeared as bright as fourth magnitude stars. Each light appeared to be divided into two hemispheres along the axis of motion. The object was moving in the direction of one of the vertices at a high rate of speed. The duration of my sighting was about 4 seconds."

… it passed overhead… It produced no noise except perhaps the faint sound of rushing air… the nearness of the (Interstate 80) freeway makes that impression unreliable.

Twenty hours later…at approximately 10:43 p.m…made visual contact with a UFO.

… a group of lights, perhaps eight or nine clustered near the front edge of a black triangular object with angles of about 120 degrees, 35 degrees and 25 degrees." …. "The object was traveling NE at a high speed with the largest angle in the front and the smallest angle to the NW. … it was about as large as a half-dollar held at arm's length..It passed directly overhead and made no noise, … observed this object for about 6-7 seconds. Its lights were also about fourth magnitude and looked like eyes--almond-shaped with a dark center…It should be mentioned (that) the first object was moving along a flight path out of SFO (San Francisco International Airport) used by passenger craft at high altitude.”


On Thursday, May 15, 1997, two hours before a "mysterious explosion" rocked southern Ohio and northern Kentucky, a similar blast was experienced in the city of St. Joseph, Missouri (population 76,691), located 54 miles (87 kilometers) north of Kansas City.

A spokeswoman for Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, said the blast was "probably a sonic boom caused by an aircraft breaking the sound barrier…that the boom might have been caused by an SR-71 flying from Beale Air Force Base in California to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.

Another spokesman for USAF, said "the aircraft would have been in NW Missouri about 2:30 or 3 p.m. on that afternoon.”

On Saturday, May 17, 1997…at 10 p.m… two black helicopters in close formation, no sound, no exhaust, and no flashing lights--just a steady white light flew very close to the ground, from the SE to the NW  (Kings Canyon Road to Herndon Avenue-J.T.).

“ Definitely looked like helicopters--but very Stealth-like…they had a wide fuselage, no visible (tail) rotor, could not see underbelly--no visible landing gear. No noise of any type. No exhaust. Both were in tight formation, with one just in front of the other. The one in the rear seemed to be on the right-hand side of the one in the lead.”

On Tuesday, May 20, 1997…the city's ABC-TV affiliate, aired a 15-minute segment on UFOs…showing "a round glowing object."…(prior to the program airing) city residents had been puzzled by reports of black helicopters on patrol over McKinley, Belmont and Olive Avenues, just north of Chandler Airport.

 (Editor's Comment: From the description, the aircraft resemble the new Eurocopter NH-90. But, according to Aviation Week and Space Technology for May 27, 1997, there are only a few prototypes of the NH-90, and all are in Europe. The first NH-90s not expected to be out of production until 2002.)


On Sunday, May 18, 1997, at about 6:30 p.m., a handful of people …at the intersection of Pennsylvania Route 443 and Appleby Road, near Linglestown, Pennsylvania (Pa.) were startled by the appearance of a "flying triangle."

…the UFO was "to the north directly over Route 81.. was …a triangle UFOappearing to be six inches across.

…as to how high the UFO flew… it "was real low" and "moved slowly W."

… "The triangle flew overhead, moving in a WNW direction. The lights gave the appearance of protruding from the actual craft.

… lost sight of the UFO when it dropped toward forest-covered Second Mountain. The sighting took place in a rural section of Linglestown, about seven miles (11 kilometers) north of Harrisburg, the state capital of Pennsylvania.” -- Copyright 1996 - 2012 UFOINFO Editor: Joseph Trainor


Seeing Doubles

The women pictured above are not any direct relation to me, however, their uncanny resemblence to my birth Mother and my Daughter are more than just a passing interest.

I don't even know how I chanced on the image of Nevada Stoody (Duchess of Oporto), I wasn't searching for her, and I remember thinking it odd that in that particular image she looked alot like my mom, although not so much in other pictures of her.

The image of the Paris Woman, by Dennis Hopper, I had come across when looking into the retrospective of his art exhibit soon after he passed away last year, and it floored me how much His muse looks like my daughter, born 5 years prior to the 1994 date of this particular artwork.

On seeing Nevada's image and my mentioning the likeness to my daughter's grandmother, my daughter said, 'Is that why you're so pretty, Mom?'

And it being a mutual admiration society, I countered, 'That's why You're so pretty, daughter; and then look at Dennis Hopper's muse!'

Then she said, 'Yeah, that one is weird, she does look just like me.'

And then she asks how that could even be possible and answers her own question, 'Maybe it's because there is something to us all coming from just the one pair. Or maybe, it's just some kind of weird dream we are all having.'

She goes on to say, 'Whenever I say things like that to Dad, he says, 'There you go, sounding just like your mother!''

And then she says, 'You mean, I sound like a Scientist?'

And then I think-- more like, sober.

To get to the Science behind these Dopplegangers (convincing doubles, anyway), we need to take a closer look.

Duck Season_Rabbit Season
خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا
 وَأَنزَلَ لَكُم مِّنْ الْأَنْعَامِ ثَمَانِيَةَ أَزْوَاجٍ
 يَخْلُقُكُمْ فِي بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ خَلْقًا مِن بَعْدِ خَلْقٍ فِي ظُلُمَاتٍ ثَلَاثٍ
 ذَلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ لَهُ الْمُلْكُ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا هُوَ فَأَنَّى تُصْرَفُونَ (39:6

39:6 He Created you (all) from One (singular/united) Soul, then Brought forth from Her (that Soul) Her Mate/Spouse/Dual; and He Propagated/Revealed/Sent Down to you (all) of/from Blessings/Affirmations (usually al.'an3am'  الْأَنْعَام     is interpreted as 'Cattle', but does not make sense in this context, so here rendered as secondary meanings having to do with 'affirmation/yes/aye/agreement?') 8 Pairs/duals/mates; He Creates you (all) in your mothers' stomachs (wombs) (one) Creation after another Creation, in a threefold darkness/mystery; This Is Allah, Your Sustainer, To Whom Belongs The Dominion; There is No God Except for Him; How is it that you are (all) so misguided/lost/wasted?

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ اتَّقُواْ رَبَّكُمُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن نَّفْسٍ وَاحِدَةٍ
 وَخَلَقَ مِنْهَا زَوْجَهَا وَبَثَّ مِنْهُمَا رِجَالاً كَثِيرًا وَنِسَاء
 وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ الَّذِي تَسَاءلُونَ بِهِ وَالأَرْحَامَ
 إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَلَيْكُمْ رَقِيبًا4:1
(4:1) Harken! All You People! Pay careful attention to your Sustainer Who Created You (all) from One Soul (singular/united) and Created from Her ('soul' is feminine gender in Arabic) Her Mate/Dual/Spouse and broadcast from them Men in multitudes and Women; and heed God (by whom) you demand mutual rights (from each other) and (respect) the wombs (that bore you); indeed, God Is Ever Watchful over you. (رَقِيبًا  raqib, means Observes/Watchful but also implies a 'sergeancy' (serves a protective duty))

Sign 4:1, from Sura 4, The Women, makes mention of our common ancestry from one 'integrated' soul. The theme of having been created out of one 'living entity' is repeated in Signs 7:189 and 6:98; that the 'living entity' is a 'man+woman' is mentioned in 49:13.

And given that ancestry and heredity are closely linked to chromosomes, it would not be a great stretch to take Sign 4:1 as the Choromosome Number 4: Region 1 (either p or q arm; but since the p arm has only 1 region for the human chromosome 4, I would assume this particular sign is pointing something out in that region that has to do with "tasa' luna bihi" which breaks down to something like "T sa' loena bihi wa al.arhham' , 'T's color is worsened by (it) and the wombs/matrices', or 'its color worsens by it and the wombs/matrices' , variably 'T-C (ar. letter seen--as in cytosin) Termination color..."

A geneticist may have some insight into what the God/controller is in this particular region or chromosome 4 that behaves in such a manner, and it also functions as a protection/something that serves to protect or discharges other duties akin to those of a 'sergeant' and further that it serves as a 'marker' ('marker', 'sergeant', 'watches/observes/control/oversee/proctor//blue-pencil (edits)' all derive from رقيبا /رقيبه  raqiba, raqibah,  and the absolute form raqibat means 'stake-holder'; and, the simple root rqb رقب means 'neck').

Sign 39:6 in Chapter 39, Az_Zumar (The Groups), can be treated the same way as 4:1 paying careful attention to the word الْأَنْعَام      al.an3am, that while it does mean cattle and points to '8- couples/pairs/espoused twosome' ثَمَانِيَةَ أَزْوَاجٍ,  something these 'cattle' have in common/differ is also associated with the secondary meaning of al.an3am's of it having to do with several variants:

  • the root n3m نْعَم  v. to refine/improve/enhance/polish/upgrade/perfect/cultivate/hone
  • نعم the same word without the diacritic marks means 'yes', an affirmative/positive/absolute/agreement
  • نعام  or نْعَام  na3am means 'ostrich'; some genetically remarkable characteristics of which include: 
acute eyesite and hearing; the fastest animal on 2 legs (run over 70 kilometres per hour (43 mph) for up to 30 minutes); have just two toes on each foot ( an adaptation that seems to aid in running, most birds have four),  the nail on the larger, inner toe resembles a hoof (found in cattle/horses/ungulates) and the outer toe has no nail; the largest eyes of any land vertebrate and they are shaded from sunlight falling from above; largest egg of any living bird; female ostrich can pick out their own eggs from communal nests. The word 'ostrich' derives from the Latin word for 'camel'.

  • لْأَنْعَام la.an3am with diacritica لانعام  seems to mean 'to fully' and without the diacritic marks لأنعم ' to softer' which would indicate making something most flexible/pliable or have the most plasticity.
  • and finally, the full word الْأَنْعَامِ   al.an3am(i) primarily meaning 'cattle'
Of which  8-pairs have been proferred to Humanity. 8-pairs that are in agreement (like matching autosomes? that are somehow associated with 'cattle'). Makes one wonder what the 8 types of cattle share chromosome-ally speaking? Cattle, or hoofed animals/ungulates is an order of mammals, of which 6 to 8 survive.

Recent sequencing of bovine genome has determined that cows have 22,000 genes, and 80% of bovine genes are shared with humans--ie., that cows are much more similar to humans than rodents. (Do the 8 pairs (matching/affirmatives) mentioned here add up to that 80%?)

The Human DNA is comprised of 46 chromosomes (22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, half are contributed by the mother and the complementary half by the father).

If counted individually, and taking the maternal chromosomes first, then autosome #39 is the maternal portion of chromosome 20, which happens to be metacentric, (no luck finding a diagram of chromosome 20, so presumably there is a region 6).

The indication being that these shared 8 pairs have characteristics that enhance/refine the human; makes for plasticity/pliability when 'matrixed' or in the womb (?is it what makes infants 'softer' or more completely 'pliant' that they are able to pass through the birth canal in humans?)

But the really interesting synchronicity is the shared human/bovine DNA and that this post is about body doubles/clones and my having read the sci-fi novel The House of the Scorpion by Francis Farmer a few years ago (a great read) in which clones were propagated using cows. I wonder how much of this information was available to the author at the time of her writing the book and how much of it she had contrived only to see the related Truth of it some time later.

The Arabic word for womb and matrix is the same, and according to the online etymology dictionary the word matrix drives from the following:

late 14c., from O.Fr. matrice, from L. matrix (gen. matricis) "pregnant animal," in L.L. "womb," also "source, origin," from mater (gen. matris) "mother." Sense of "place or medium where something is developed" is first recorded 1550s; sense of "embedding or enclosing mass" first recorded 1640s. Logical sense of "array of possible combinations of truth-values" is attested from 1914.
The logical sense is the most captivating here in that the reference in Sign 39:6 to 'affirmations'/agreement' or 'yes' for the word an3am is very closely related to 'truth-values' of which there are 2; either 0=False or 1=True, and is would appear that what was selected is the 'matching' or pairs that agreed, 0 for 0, 1 for 1; and, again, of which there are 8 pairs.

Then, I write as I choke back the tears, guess who's doppleganger this is?
Complete with 3aba' عباءة
(Derives from last name having to do with Cloak)

How'd They Do That?

And here is the maternal contribution to your name:

Starting with the letter '3ayn' ع:
The letter name for which is derived from Proto-Semitic *ʿayn- "eye", and the Phoenician letter had an eye-shape, ultimately derived from the ı͗r hieroglyph.

To this day, 'ayin in Hebrew, Arabic and Maltese means "eye" (‘ayno in Assyrian).

The second syllable is taken as (ab) then it means 'water' in Persian, and it means Father in Arabic, a root that more than likely derives from the ancient word in Egyptian (nb) for Lord + Master. (In combination with the '3ayn' ع, it forms words meaning 'spring' or 'well' and 'Father's /Master's/Lord's Eye'

If the second syllable is taken to be (n.ab) then there is a root in ancient Egyptian  'nb' which means "All". Interesting in that the phoneme N in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs is the 'water ripple' and is also used as a preposition from, in, by, to...

Taken as a whole, it is what's known as Ziziphus zizyphus , a fruiting shade tree, commonly called jujube.  The Arabic name for which sidr, and sadr, appears in the Quran Surah 53 (Najm. Revelation, The Star) and Surah 56 (The Event) as one of the trees the denizens of Paradise will find themselves surrounded by:

 عِندَ سِدْرَةِ الْمُنْتَهَى  (53:14  
عِندَهَا جَنَّةُ الْمَأْوَى (53:15) 
     إِذْ يَغْشَى السِّدْرَةَ مَا يَغْشَى (53:16  

مَا زَاغَ الْبَصَرُ وَمَا طَغَى (53:17)
53:14 (He met Him) by the Lote Tree of the Farthest Limit (Sidrat al-Muntaha)
53:15 Near it is the Garden Haven (Sanctuary, Resting Place, Abode)
53:17 His (The Prophet's) Eye (vision) did not waver/evade/avoid nor dominate/control (it)
Sign 53:14 refers to one point at which The Prophet (pbuh) met Gabriel during one of His descents, at the Sidrat al-Muntahā (Arabic: سدرة المنتهى) -- a Lote tree that marks the end of the seventh heaven, the boundary where no creation can pass (and do You wanna know why no one can pass? Because if You do manage such a feat and find Yourself at God's Doorstep, God Himself acts like no One's ever died before and hijacks Your spaceship and brings You right back down to Earth where You (or at least I) keep wishing this persistent after image would all just go away!--that's why).

 فِي سِدْرٍ مَّخْضُودٍ (56:28  

56:28 fee sadrin mkhdthoudin

56:28 (They will find themselves) among fruit-laden Lote Trees  


Where's The Disconnect?

It appears, "what we've got here is a failure to communicate."--spoken by the character Luke (Paul Newman)in the movie Cool Hand Luke, 1967.

The reason this well-laid plan backfired is because while all the other girls fall over themselves when they see exactly what it is I am looking at and get all trippy for a love story, my particular lexicon makes the same message they are receiving sound like a joke!

Take for example when the women sat around discussing His rather novel 'arrival' in '96 (or was it '97?)

They went gaga over it and went on about the incident like it were the hottest romance novel at the local bookclub meeting.

I got the distinct impression that He 'landed' in the backyard and about the only penetration that took place was His passing through my closed French Doors on His way out, stopping briefly to make sure I am aware of His presence and to intimate, 'Don't touch my face'. ('don't touch my face...don't look at my hands...' makes me wonder is there any part of Him not off limits to me?)

And on the way out He manages to get every appliance and electronic gadget to act up.

The Romantics at the round table discussion get all sad about it, saying things like, 'She thinks He left her...' (Well--yeah, but He finds other means of engagement, check out the expression on the Lost Bunny of the Apocalypse's face; just too precious).

Prickly City Cartoon Panel Dec. 14, 2011
The Lost Bunny of The Apocalypse's Wife Comes Forward

And more cooing from the peanut gallery, "She doesn't know Who He is?" "They don't recognize each other!"

Their hearts are in the right place, those sentimental dears, doesn't everybody get to buy into the fairytale pap ever since they r knee hi to a grasshopper?

That's why the ruse generally works, well it did in every case until now.

The failure due in large part to Miss Interpretation (that would be me, not perfect enuf to get Translated like the rest of ewes, so I have to sit here and Interpret for myself).

Take for example if our protagonist were to say something like, "Me déshabiller!"

All the love struck bunnies would swoon--seeing the perils He withstood to get to Her; or, if shallow like me, at just what a hottie He Is!

But what they understand to mean, "Undress me!" she takes to mean, "I Am This Idiot! ( me dis (a Brooklyn 'this') habeel هبيلc!")

And when she dashes off a message to apprise Him of this Revelation, (if not to Him directly, then to SomeOne she knows will forward it), He writes back, "Don't yell at Me!"
To which she blithely responds (without sending), "WHO INVENTED CAPS LOCK?!!!"
And He volleys with, "...little girls should not use so many exclamation marks!"

Which leaves her speechless and with nothing left To_Do but k-p duty and start peeling onions from Chicago vis-a-vis Calcutta_Kingston (link) in response to His final dig search phrase "you're not supposed to do that" (Dec 6, 2011) so she can get a handle on what exactly she was not supposed to do, while contemplating what page(s) He lands on when He searches "quotes about being let down" because Google Analytics takes more than 8 hours to compile that information?

How's this for a been-let-down quote, and u can quote me, "Krift hayati wa izmikt hayat ad.dunya."
Strangely enough, i still find it easy to remain upbeat, not because i am hopeful things can get better, but in knowing no matter what comes next i've lived through worse.


So Much For Diplomatic Immunity!_%$@_817575

"It seems to me madness to wake up in the morning and do something other than paint, considering that one may not wake up the following morning." --Frank Auerbach

This Morning's Commute...That's Right, Dear, That's A Ka-Boom! on the passenger side of my vehicle...

There was very little traffic and the road was clear of any debris and I didn't see anyone standing around or notice anybody milling about, and no vehicles were immediately flanking me nor did I see anything flying around in my peripheral field of vision, sooo I was surprised to hear what sounded like a loud thunder clap and feel something impacted my vehicle, the impact coming from the passenger side. Since whatever it was didn't interfere with the vehicle's operation, I continued my commute to work and thought to check what it was once I arrived there, thinking it may have been somthing kicked up from the street after all and the worse case scenario is I would need to repair any dents and scratches.

At the first opportunity to inspect for damage I could see a white blast of something centered on the passenger door and feathering out all along the side, there was also some of it on the door handle. Disappointing, considering the car had just been detailed over the weekend and the paint had looked to be nearly as good as new. Taking my fingernail to check for the depth of what looked to be white scratches left in the silver paint I was again surprised to find that the residue fell away like ashes and relieved to see there was no damage whatsoever to the door underneath.
I would have not thought any more of it, other than some prankster standing around paintballing morning communters, but that it was not paint and for the fact that for some inexplicable reason I was in pain over the long weekend, like my legs were blown out from under me. A good reason to stay in and not talk to anybody, a sign that My Secret Admirer took to mean 'your silence means consent,' when they surfed into this site on November 25, 2011 with that search phrase. (With that they landed on a post that had the words 'consent' and 'your' and 'silence', none of which appeared together and the search phrase itself is not on the page 'If The Trees Were Pens...' --how funny, when I don't recall anyone having put any proposals to me for consent, refusal, or further comment.)

My Reaction to This Morning's Commute

Street Art by Uncertain Artist
The street artist eloquently captured my reaction to this entire affair (one where You stand by and watch me get f##ed without having the dubious pleasure of first getting laid); it's a little strange in a non Ha-Ha way how the image even bears my resemblance.

You wanna Know Why I don't talk to You?
It's not because I Think Who I AM, it's because I Know Who You ARE!

(and knowing where You All landed this is a pretty shoddy way to treat Your hostess, I must say)

Besides, isn't this some kind of 'Taming of the Shrew' excercise for You, or simply enjoying the Thrill of the chase?
As in 'don't speak unless first spoken to', 'obey the rules' (that are not for anybody else, just me)?

Not that I ever was so shrewish or in need of taming--I mean, here I go looking like I need a game keeper while weilding my crotchet needle in one hand and a thesaurus in the other! (btw, while everyone has a right to dress down casual in LA, can't you be a little more fashion forward about it?)

They are wondering why I don't go around planting a kiss on Jesus?
It's because we will each resort to this before we even consider incest!

You think I can't remember who I am?

I've had enuf time to think about it and enough kitchen jokes from my Great Aunt--we all call Her 'Auntie Christ' around here, before I give any of them the satisfaction of admitting they actually did this to me or that they can continue with their fu#$#T^Jed up campaign to China!

I pulled the telling symptoms from an earlier post, for propriety's sake and because someOne said to delete it. {That's why we are called 'isma3ilye', it's because when we hear voices, we know we are not crazy, and we listen  ಥ_ಥ}

But here I will say this much and You can Go Figure:

In Humans, the mucous/spongy tissue in the male's genetalia is predominately the urethra and in a generously endowed man the interior surface area approximated by a tube 7mm diameter and 25cm in length, or approx. 55 cm^2.

And let's assume the nerves are just as densely packed along the homologous tissue of the female genitalia which includes the vagina (but also the labia, urethra, clitoris, uterus and other structures that we will ignore to simplify the excercise); in a 30ish-year old woman who stands about 5'4" and weighs around 140 lbs and had delivered 2 children, the conservative estimate for the surface area is approximated by a tube with an average diameter of 4cm (average top to bottom vaginal canal only) and 16cm length (in fact there is no standard shape/size to the vaginal canal the diam range 2.5-8 cm and 15-20 cm long), roughly a surface area of about 180 cm^2.

That translate to at least 133% more pain for her than it ever could be for him (remember we sized him generously and ignored some of her other parts to make the idea--how shall we say--palatable).

And that's what a chemical burn along such tissue translates into and that's why We Don't Give A Fuck!

Especially when those in charge sat around talking about her 'malingering this' and 'hypochondriac that' while making sure everyone else got out safe and suppressed any hint of it in her creatively vetted medical record while pretending NOBODY was returning to that indoor toxic air cocktail where NOTHING is wrong. (Oh, gee, a false negative!). Worse, nearly 20 years have gone by and they have all gone on with their little lives, while she still walks around 'thinking about' this non-issue, because the residual pain refuses to believe it is no longer there having not been there in the first place (just like the stupid magic bruises that come and go).

{Gordon, if I find out that it's really you all these months sitting around without introducing yourself, yet announcing my presence, like anyone around here knows me, over the phone to someOne I don't know from Adam, I  can't tell you how disappointed I would be to find that out--Have Yourself a Happy Holiday, anyway.

This cautionary tale is not only directed at Gordon, but the kids as well; especially when they suspect they have caught sight of me and whisper things to each other like, 'I think that's Her.' or 'Is that Her?' or worse, 'Amazing, The Machine gets it right each time?' (yup, not just 'The Wife', but further dehumanization, as 'The Machine,' really, at least a machine does not expect to have a name, except maybe, 'La Machine!'

Or worse, when there is a silent consent by way of a nod or averted eyes--think! If someOne has to ask to be certain my identity, then maybe there is good reason for them not to know.}


Locke On Conscience

It's imprudent to guess at someone's name, never having met them first, but after last night's little fiasco, I'll guess-- Eric, is it?

No, it was no surprise for me to see You there last night, not that it was prearranged or anything like that, the fact is we don't even know each other, but it may be that our reputations precede us.

And, it was flattering? to see You got there way Ahead of me, and by a lucky chance I got the seat that was both right next to You and, conveniently located next to the electric outlet.

If You've surfed into any part of this Blog, You may think it a bit tongue-in-cheek, in poor taste in some places, or just plain stupid at times, but I'd been forced into an experience so beyond anything in any of the books (and I've read quite of few of them) that I had no other way to assimilate it and somehow still keep going.

That all pales compared to what I am to make of the way You stormed out of the coffee shop and that heavy sigh? that detonated from You and All Your Personality as you made your way out that door--it was a game changer--in fact, it is a game stopper.

I take it You caught me staring at Your Hands one nanosecond longer than deemed appropriate, and in that brief moment You caught me running through the analysis of what I was thinking of You as I glancingly studied your right hand; and by Your demonstrable disapproval in making such an Explosive, Grumpy Exit, I can surmise that You not only could guess at my thoughts, but that You probably could See what I was thinking; and for that, more than anything else, I am sincerely ever so very sorry...sorry...sorry--please forgive me

Oh, gee, look what the Prickly City Comic is on about the following morning .

You probably noticed when I first got up to get my tea, I left my purse, wallet, laptop, iPhone, car key all in plain view and I didn't bother to ask You or anyone nearby to keep an eye on it; in fact, my car had just had a thorough detail and had You wanted to grab the key and drive it around, it would be fine by me, even if You decided to keep it, I'd probably just keep up the payments--it's not like You hadn't driven me around before and it's not like there is anything of mine that You could need or ever want.

While I pride myself at playing pretend to avoid that 'are you off your meds!' barb, I never go so far as to actually fool myself, or get off my meds.

So, my assessment of Your Leonine Hands, and that Mane to match was accurate; and Your Seeing that I would allow myself to think to touch...that Roar out-the-door clinched it. (note to self: on 11212011 @ about 12:25 am, clintched had been changed to cliched, so i changed it back to clinched, earlier on 11202011 around 8 pm, i had changed the original clinched to clintched thinking it was misspelled)

I can't apologize enough--been heartsick about it all day, actually.

Not at all a smooth transition to the topic here, about what it means to be Conscious, or specifically the Human Conscience.

Thomas Hardy was an English poet and author, and his work included characters that were often caught in 'the overpowering, grip of fate,' or unseen, little-understood forces that control the universe. While A Page In The Life keeps focused on the clear-cut observable, quantifiable, manifestations of what we call Reality (Truth), the very fact that each post is sourced from some Scripture makes it an attempt to explain or reconcile what we call the 'supernatural' just as much as Hardy's fictional work assessed fate and other metaphysical forces' control in the universe.

A shaded lamp and a waving blind,
And the beat of a clock from a distant floor:
On this scene enter--winged, horned, and spined -
A longlegs, a moth, and a dumbledore;
While 'mid my page there idly stands
A sleepy fly, that rubs its hands . . .

Thus meet we five, in this still place,
At this point of time, at this point in space.
- My guests parade my new-penned ink,
Or bang at the lamp-glass, whirl, and sink.
"God's humblest, they!" I muse. Yet why?
They know Earth-secrets that know not I.
--from An August Midnight--by Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

Hardy's creative muse led him to write about an imrpomptu assembly between himself and a Daddy Longlegs spider, a moth, a dumbledore (a buzzing flying insect), and a fly; that the 5 of them came to 'meet' at a certain place and point in Time and his 'guests' go about their business of tracking his ink or banging into the lampshade oblivious to his writing. Yet, Hardy infers that these humble creatures may know more about the True Reality (he calls them Earth-secrets) than even he (the Human) is aware of.

Sign 58:7 speaks about a similar Cognitive presence that surrounds us in our daily, mundane goings-on that is Aware of our every action and intention as we live our lives. Hardy's attempt to make us Mindful of just such a Wakeful Presence, One that we rarely stop to consider and for the most part are oblivious to-- either because we are taught to ignore any instinct to the contrary from childhood or are blissfully unaware of It because we were never taught this to be the case. That It just may be as commonplace and innocuous as other things that share our surroundings, like flies and spiders; but, rather than this being an inference as formulated by Hardy in An August Midnight, Sign 58:7 sets down with certitude this being the case and that There Is No Doubt About It.

Surah 58 The Disputation ( Al-Mujadalleh)

أَلَمْ تَرَ أَنَّ اللَّهَ يَعْلَمُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ
مَا يَكُونُ مِن نَّجْوَى ثَلَاثَةٍ إِلَّا هُوَ رَابِعُهُمْ وَلَا خَمْسَةٍ إِلَّا هُوَ سَادِسُهُمْ
وَلَا أَدْنَى مِن ذَلِكَ وَلَا أَكْثَرَ إِلَّا هُوَ مَعَهُمْ أَيْنَ مَا كَانُوا ثُمَّ يُنَبِّئُهُم بِمَا
عَمِلُوا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ بِكُلِّ شَيْءٍ عَلِيمٌ (58:7

58:7 Can You Not See (Are You Not Aware) God Knows Whatsoever Is In Heaven and Whatsoever is On/In Earth; Not three may be gathered but He is the Fourth; and not five (of them meeting/gathered) without Him the Sixth (One/among of them); and no less than that or greater number, except that He is Always with them wherever they may be; such that He may notify them (wake them up to/apprise them) of what they were doing on the Day of Judgment (Resurrection); Indeed, God Is Aware/Knows Everything (Is Omniscient).

This is not to say that God actually has to manifest in a physical form in order to be Omnipresent, (chances are if and when He/She does Denial is the game play; and I'm not suggesting to eradicate all the bugs (as in insects --(the electronic ones are free to go) in order to gain some privacy), the understanding is God is Present Always (All Ways) (and makes sure you know He borrowed my car on Nov. 29, 2011, 'cuz the seats r still warm and the delayed headlights r still on--any tickets, please pay immediately or forward, no need to have to pay late fees), and that we are simply not aware of this Greater Reality--more than likely, a learned trait; like thinking before comes before now or after, or like hitting the Ignore Button, otherwise we may start to think our life is being lived like Jim Carrey's character in The Truman Show.
From personal experience, once we find that out, the general plan is to start searching for the Exit-- that door he walked through at the end of the movie at the top of the stairs that led to we-don't-quite-know where...the Control Room? --or wherever you may find the ;Producer, because you've eliminated any and all possibilities that you are in any way at the helm and have to admit that God (who is not you, because He/She/It Morphs (mutasawir/mussawir) into everyone and everything else But you) has always had control over your so-called-life (now or hereafter).

For instance, I have come to terms with the fact that in my case God is more into His Masculine Side-- how else to explain He can so readily 'sacrifice His Son'--because I certaintly would not, given the investment in global stretchmarks, an episiotomy and the sporadic hemorrhoids of having had one in the first place (all good reasons for God not wanting to Morph into me, too). {It's not that I am none the wiser, but I am fated to keep pretending, because he came home with The News when he was 14--- talk about trying really hard not be let sedition over rule my head, my heart, my other parts.}

But God has always had a profound affect in my Life; how else to account for all the equipment malfunctions whenever I am nearby: the printers that don't work, the faxes that don't go through, the phone calls that get dropped or returned as invalid numbers, the postoffice scales that lose their calibration if I stand too close to the counter, the voice messages that get forwarded 3 days later to my voicemail, the elevators in skyscrapers that suddenly need repair on the rare occassions I ever visit, the cars with new car batteries that won't start, the computers powering down after I stand in the longest line for checkout and it's finally My turn. (Oh, and synchronized watches that schitzo in-n-out of sync--at the realization of which most people demand a re-write! But, not me, I stick to my wife role and let fly the F!bombs, that way it sounds like lovemaking and quite a bit more respectable).

At any rate, if Truman is anything like me, he would avoid going there (the Control Room) unless he wanted to cave in to his rightful instinct to eradicate them for having recklesslessly ruined his life up to that point, so he probably opted for Out--just Out--or what we call the Void (Nirvana, Nothingness) because that would be better than to have to kill them and then get stuck in that Karmic Hell.

His only cross to bear for opting Out is that he would forever have to Remember how they screwed him and he would not allow himself the satisfaction to retaliate, because that would be the final admission that they 'the controllers'/'invisible forces,' were real and why grant them such a rich reward--A Life?

Ahh, Denial is a Powerful Thing--I won't kill them that screwed me because they never really existed! So, I'll just keep them there--at Nothing and Nowhere near me.

This philosophy should work, but the only sticking point is that Truman could walk away because he had no invested emotional baggage--no kids, no spouse, no pets, no family or friends to speak of.

For one such as I, not so much--I love my kids, my husband? (who can't stand me and hates my cooking even though he always has seconds and regularly throws me out of the house and makes me spend some nights in the car, and when it comes to dealing with me on any level generally tends to be the meanest cheapest Prik King is a Thai dish, you know), and would really miss my friends and parents (Dead or Alive).

That's why this Philosophy sucks!

So, I have to Resurrect in order that I may see the ones I Love while still having to abide the presence of those I hold accountable for my early painful demise and allow those same 'invisible/invincible forces' that got me into this mess to get me out. Which at this point in Time has taken an Eternity.

Yes, Michael, I am talking to You! (Because I met You and that was a Precusor to when all the trouble started. I would Ask God, but He's still in Denial, or not Talking to me, or both).

And while I still abide the presence of the dipsticks and nimrods that gloat about my malingering 'in my head' toxic exposure, they can't see me when I am literally passing within their sphere of influence--so, for me, the method seems to work, but not to perfection, because while they can't see me, I still know they are there-- and they're not even sorry, so it seems their being Ignorant is Even More Powerful than my being in Denial.

Yet, since my philosophy works on some level, but on the whole still sucks, I searched the literature for what other more prominent philosophers had to say on the related topic of Good v Evil.

The English physician John Locke, was one such philosopher and is arguably one of the most influential thinkers of the Englightenment Era, his writings having influenced other great philosophers (Voltaire) and thinkers such as those that brought about the Scottish Enlightenment and the American Revolution; his influence stretched across the years to shape later philosophers such as Rousseau, Hume, and Kant.

He postulated that the mind was a blank slate or tabula rasa. Contrary to pre-existing ideas during his time, he maintained that humans are born without innate ideas; that only experience and sense perception form our knowledge base (ideas). To that extent, Locke believed that the mind made the Man and that education made that Man’s mind up.

His philosophy articulated in his words,

"I think I may say that of all the men we meet with, nine parts of ten are what they are, good or evil, useful or not, by their education."--John Locke
Essentially, Locke's philosophy is that education is the key to whether the Man (Human) aligns with what we think or know to be Good versus what we think or know to be Evil.

While I don't find myself agreeing with Locke's idea that wee minds are a blank when we are born, I do not subscribe to the idea that wees are born sinners either, but I do believe that we have some inherent knowledge already assigned to our genetic make-up (innate), some rudimentary, some more developed, in addition to what is already programmed as instinctive.--(O, gee! Some girls get flowers, I get trees--now if You Will kindly move them from my room to the general area of the Amazon Forrest. Thanks, Dear ^ _^).

The Quran has this much to say about the state of mind of newborns:

Surah 16 An.Nahl (The Bee, Bees)

وَاللّهُ أَخْرَجَكُم مِّن بُطُونِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئًا
 وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْسَّمْعَ وَالأَبْصَارَ وَالأَفْئِدَةَ
 لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ 16:78

16:78 And God Brings you forth from your mothers' wombs (stomachs) knowing nothing and He Gives you hearing and sight , and minds, so that you may be grateful.

So, clearly, the position is that while born with faculties to make sense of our existence, we are not born with prior knowledge, and here the understanding is we are born 'without learned knowledge'(ie, an education) which does not preclude that we are in fact born with some other innate information (since there is a reference to being born with a mind, some cognizant/aware/knowing aspect of our being already in place). The expectation is to use our other faculties and our minds to ascertain the learning we need to get to a point where we Know our Maker and Be Grateful.